Chapter Seventy

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Chapter Seventy: The Fiery Scheme

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Chapter Seventy: The Fiery Scheme

Vhaela Targaryen 

With a blank scroll in hand, I stride down the castle hallways looking for Ser Willam. My head darts from side to side as I enter the courtyard filled with men. It is a mix of silver and bronze amour that I am met with as I try to weave my way through the lot.

Even with the heavy loss that we took from the battle a moon ago, our size was still extremely large. To my best guess, we were currently sitting with around eight thousand men. Which was promising to say the least.

If we were able to meet up with Daeron's group of soldiers, we would become unstoppable. Our forces would dominate on the ground but in the skies was another issue. We were severely outnumbered as much as Aemond seemed to deny it.

They had the upper hand.

The dragonseeds although new to riding could still very well harm us. Especially in a large group. All it would take is one miscalculation and we would be dead. Which was why it was vital we had to stick together.

I heave out a sigh of relief as I spot Ser Willam in the distance speaking with a group of soldiers and Lord Rylon. His back was turned to me which promoted Lord Rylon to notice my presence first. He quickly moves down into a bow before addressing me.

I give him a faint smile as Ser Willam turns to do the same.

I wasted no time before requesting. "Ser Willam I need to speak with you in private."

"Of course, my lady." He responds before gesturing his hand in a direction away from the busy courtyard.

He leads us away from the lively men and towards a corridor that was hidden away. With each step, the scroll in my hand crinkles slightly from the soft breeze that moves through here. My head swivels looking around for any wandering servants or guards.

When I find none, I return my gaze to a man who has once killed for me without a second thought. A quick command and he had taken the head of a knight for my honor. The pounding in my heart increases my nerves but I know in my gut that choosing him was the right decision.

There was no one else better suited.

So, I take a deep breath and let out softly, "I have a dangerous task to ask of you. One that could very well mean a long and slow death if caught."

At my words, Ser Willam immediately furrows his brows into confusion. His gaze then frantically looks down upon me analyzing every inch of me. His behavior only confuses me more and before I can say anything he takes a step forward.

"Is the Prince hurting you?" He grounds out in a whisper.

My eyes widen and I quickly let out, "No! Gods, no he would never!"

Ser Willam tips his head downward and gives me a pointed stare as if he was worried, I was lying. My shoulders heave down as a sigh slips from my lips. As much as I appreciated his concern it was wrongly placed. Aemond would have been burnt to a crisp by now if he ever dared to lay a hand on me.

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