Chapter Sixty-Two

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Chapter Sixty-Two: A Plan of Attack

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Chapter Sixty-Two: A Plan of Attack

Vhaela Targaryen 

My eyes close as the wind presses against my flushed cheeks. The smell of shit wafting up into my nose as I fly over the small buildings of the inner walls of the city. A reminder that I was no longer at Runestone where the air smelled constantly of the fresh salty sea.

With a heavy sigh my eyes open and look upon the horizon to Visenya's Hill. The Great Sept stands tall overlooking the homes and streets of King's Landing. I watch down below as the shadow of Cannibal overtakes the sun.

The lower we descend the larger his shadow forms becomes. I hear no screams from the crowd below but instead, watch as they go about their business. As they have every time I have flown over the buildings and land.

Cannibal then moves upward toward the sky with great flaps of his wings. He lets out a booming roar as we fly near the outer walls. Which causes my gaze to soar to the tree line near the tourney grounds. And far beyond.

I move my hand away from the hilt of the saddle and run my hand along his black scales. He lets out a grumble and shakes his head from side to side. The horns that spike off from his head and neck shake with each movement.

We move across the kingdom as one soaring through the wind and air. The smell of shit increases as we fly over Flea Bottom. In the distance, I find the Dragonpit which causes Cannibal to stir. He has not been found in the area.

Could probably sense the dragons that lair underneath.

Might be tempted by the eggs I know that lay there.

But he does not falter under my command and moves to follow the outer wall of the city and toward Blackwater Bay. The roaring waves that crash against the white sand fill my ears as we pass over the beach line.

A small reminder of home.

Soon we approach the Red Keep and the empty courtyard that lies below. Cannibal descends without a word from me accustomed to the routine we have made. With a harsh thud and jolt of my body, we land in the courtyard without a soul nearby.

I quickly move down from his saddle and land on the ground. Cannibal's head swivels in my direction which causes a smile to appear on my lips. My hand runs about along the scales of his neck as I stare into his deadly black eyes.

My head moves to fall upon his own as my smile reaches his scales. I hear a short breath release from him which causes a short laugh to escape from me. With my head rested upon him I listen to the heavy breaths he breathes steadily.

I then slowly raise my head as I stare into his eyes and say softly, "Kirimvose." (Thank you)

I watch as smoke fills and rises from his nostrils which only increases my laugh. My hand pats against his scales before I move away and turn and head straight for the castle walls. I hear a small grumble erupt from him before I hear the sound of his wings flapping.

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