Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen: The Quest

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Chapter Fourteen: The Quest

Vhaela Targaryen

I slowly walk through the heavy-flowered gardens. The garden walls were silent besides the low chirp that the insects make in sync. Instead of admiring the flowers, my face is scrunched up in a hard scowl. Since the tourney a few moons ago I have been in an awful mood.

After the talk with my aunt, she has really started to make me doubt my father. I absolutely hated how she got into my head. At one point there was without a doubt I knew that my father would return. But her comments really started to question what I believed.

With each step that I take another set of footsteps follows behind me. Dawsin has been following me more closely ever since my mood change. As if he was afraid to leave me alone in my own thoughts. It had been really starting to get on my nerves.

I stop in my tracks which causes him to stop closely behind me. I swing around to face him with a heavy glare peering at him.

"Have you heard anything from my father?" I firmly ask.

Dawsin stiffens at my question and looks down before he shakes his head. This makes my jaw slightly clench because I knew that if anyone would receive letters from my father it would be him. I knew that he would send a letter to him before me.

I knew that now.

So, I then ask a question that is sure to make him stiffen more "Why did my father get banished?"

It indeed does make him stiffen and his eyes slightly widen before he asks, "Who told you he was banished?"

"Answer my question," I say with a stern tone.

Dawsin shifts on his feet under my glare. He looks down at me with a sad smile and in an instant, I know I would not like his answer. He then squats down to my level and tries to reach out to me, but I flinch away from him.

He looks away from me at that and then says "The king did not give him permission to marry his new wife. So, your father ran off with her and married her anyway."

My hard glare at him is quickly wiped away. Everything on my face relaxes as I try to understand what he said. The king had banished him because he did not approve of his choice of a new wife. It was because of the king.

I make my way over to a nearby bench and sit down on it. Dawsin follows me to the bench but does not sit down next to me. He hovers over me and places a hand on my shoulder which I don't flinch away this time.

I look back up at him and softly ask "Could I be alone?"

He gives me a very soft smile and a nod of his head. Dawsin then walks away from me with his gold cloak swaying behind him and heads out of the garden. I hang my head down and stare at the ground as a heavy sigh releases from me. The only thing stopping me from seeing my father is the king.

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