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General POV
It had been a month since Riley's first day of school, which had been going well, Flash had mostly left her alone. Only bothering her on few occasions. Mainly when he was around people who saw him as someone else. Steve, Bucky and Riley were the happiest they had ever been, especially Steve and Bucky. They would try to do things they knew dads do. They would take Riley out for dinner, talk about her day. They almost took her out to a bar, Tony had suggested it, then the couple had spoken to Nat and realised Riley was only 16, well 17 in a few months. Tonys reason was 'she only has a few years anyway, she's basically 21' this earned him a lecture.

Wanda and Riley spent lots of time together, but had a few days where they would be so busy and just not manage to catch one another. They were so happy with their relationship. Peter and MJ were still going strong. Riley and Kate had agreed they were a 'power couple' in their words. Even Tony couldn't deny it, he actually liked the two of them together, especially after getting to know MJ.

Riley, Pietro and Kate had caused lots of chaos, with the occasional help from Loki and Clint, even though the latter would never admit it. Loki wasn't ashamed and when something was brought up a smirk made its way onto his face, letting everyone know he had some part in the mischief.

Sam had brought Riley, Steve and Bucky to visit his family. Since he announces being an uncle Riley had pestered him slightly, she really wanted to meet his family and his sister, Sarah. Riley had thoroughly enjoyed visiting Sam's family. Sarah had brought up Riley, Sam's previous wingman, who had been killed in action. Riley was astounded Sam hadn't mentioned it before and felt guilty to have gone all this time potentially unconsciously upsetting her friend. Sam had reassured her it was fine, but Riley had given him the biggest hug and her condolences. Along with the best and most reassuring smile she could muster. She had also spoken out on how offended she was 'I cannot believe you lied to me about this, this is absolutely unbelievable Mr Sam Wilson, you backstabbing liar!' She had done this sarcastically of course. Sam had chuckled, glad that Riley wasn't mopey, and actually offended.

Riley was currently in her room talking with Peter, MJ and Wanda. They were all planning the double date Peter had mentioned earlier. Peter was absolutely buzzing with pure joy and excitement. He didn't exactly know how a double date worked but was exited non the less.

"So, we need to do some research. Google to the resource" Riley had said, quickly googling the definition of a double date, hoping to gain more information "an activity (such as going to the movies or going out to eat) that two couples do together" Riley had read from her phone.

"Wow, thank you so much for enlightening me Riley, I did not know that" Peter said, sarcasm dripping from his tongue. Wanda chuckled at this. Riley turned to her offended.

"That was rude" she said, pointing at both Wanda and Peter "MJ here is my only friend" sighing MJ nodded

"Sadly, I might add" Mj spoke.

"You know what, we can watch a movie, is there anything good coming out this year?" Wanda stated.

"I have heard of this movie called top gun, it seems to be the talk of the school at the moment, abbé we can watch that" Peter suggested excitedly.

"Talk of the school, Pete, I have heard only two people mention the name of the movie, and they were both talking to each other having the same conversation. My lord" Riley said, MJ laughed at her statement knowing how true it was.

"Too late, I booked it. Tomorrow evening" Peter announces, Riley sighed and shrugged.

"At least i get food" she said, smiling brightly.

The group walked into the main room, Peter began to excitedly speak to Tony about what he had planned. Natasha walked over to Wanda, Riley and MJ.

"What movie are you seeing?" She asked

"Top Gun, I think. Peter booked it within second of mentioning it. Lets hope its good" Riley sighed. Natasha's just chuckled. "Tasha don't laugh at me, not you too Wanda" she added

"It's funny, besides, as you said before. Food" Wanda reasoned.

"That is an excellent point. We need money too" Riley said. Steve and Bucky walked over to the four girls.

"What's this I hear about a double date" as Steve said this, Peter had gently took MJ's hand and whisked her away to the table, rambling about having nice apples in the compound, and how the apples were usually not nice.

"We are going to the Cinema to watch Top Gun apparently" Wanda announced. "From how exited Peter is, It must be good" Wanda grinned, she was more exited to go our with Riley than watch the actually movie, but no one needed to know that.

"Oooo, I have heard of that, it sounded good. Me and Steve can tag along, triple date?" Bucky offered, mocking slightly. Riley didn't seem to notice this.

"I am not, ever, going on a triple date with my dads!" She exclaimed, the words spewing out before she thought them through. As her brain process what had just slipped out of her mouth so naturally, her eyes went wide. A mix of an 'oh shit, fuck, god damn it' and 'did i really just say that, dig my grave now, and I'll jump in' expression painted itself upon her face.

Natasha and Wanda began quietly laughing, the room had seemingly gone silent. A grin broke on both Bucky and Steve's face. And they brought their daughter in for a hug.

"We were only joking bug, but that was adorable" Bucky spoke gently.

"I told you not to call me that" Riley mumbled. The two had began calling her 'bug' on accident once, but the nickname had stuck. And slipped off Steve and Bucky's tongues so easily. So much so it would take effort to not call her that. It became natural.

"Now that was sickened adorable" Tony spoke, Natasha and Wanda were still chuckling at Riley face when she had thought she was in trouble.

"Dinner is ready" Clint spoke. He had become a better cook over time, with the help of Wanda and Laura, who wanted him not poison their children.

"I think it is incredibly adorable that the super soldiers, or should I say your dads call you bug" Natasha spoke, teasing Riley. Wanda nodded, agreeing.

"You guys are so mean" Riley pouted. even though she also secretly adored the nickname, it really made her feel at home, even something so simple made her feel so happy. She worked hard to hide a smile. She loved her family.

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