76|Absence Of Chaos

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Riley's POV
Me, Wanda, Peter and MJ walked out of the compound ready for the date. We were going to see 'Top Gun: Maverick' on Peters request. According to him the movie looked good and I do trust Peter, its just sometimes he can be questionable. So he doesn't have my complete and full trust on this matter, but on other things he does have my complete trust. MJ had offered if we walked there instead of having someone drive us. all of us can legally drive but we are all so busy and kinda broke that we haven't got round to trying to do the test or get lessons. Everyone had agreed with MJ's suggestion liking the idea of a walk, me included. With my spider senses I can hear the birds feet gently tapping on whatever they land on if I focus hard enough.

I zone out slightly, listening to the background noises. The gentle trickling of water from the pipe towards my left. The birds landing on nearby buildings or wires. Dogs growling at one another, while their owners try to pull them away from one another, struggling. I can hear the strain on the dog leads from the pressure, the tiny microfibres ripping, creating tiny tears, invisible to the human eye. The gentle sound of the footers on the damp ground, and the splashes from anyone who steps in the shallow puddles that have formed on the ground due to the earlier drizzle of rain.

Wanda's voice brings be back to the conversation, blocking out all the background noise I begin to pay attention to what the group is talking about.

"We defiantly brought food didn't we?" Peter asks curiously.

"Peter, I just answered this, we didn't bring food but we brought Tony's money" Wanda states while MJ just laughs at him. Wanda seems to have noticed that my attention had returned to what they were saying, so she leans towards my ear and gently whispers "are you okay, you zoned out for a while?" I smile at her kindness.

"Yeah, I was just listening to other things and my ears kinda drifted to the background noise. Does that make sense?" I ask chuckling gently. She nods understanding what I was trying to say.

Eventually we arrive at the building. Walking inside my eyes wonder to the sweets. I love sweets, Peter seems to do the same. "Wanda, I think they love the sweets more than us, we have been replaces" MJ jokes, grinning. Peter jokingly and gently slaps her on the arm while she laughs at him.

After buying some drinks, popcorn and sweets we enter the movie theatre room. We all sit down, ready for the movie to start. Wanda rests her head on my shoulder. Offering a quick admiring glance towards her I avert my gaze back to the movie, knowing I would get too distracted staring at her and miss the start of the film. I just know Wanda is smirking, knowing I also have a light blush on my cheeks.

The lights dim as the films starts. Wanda continues to lean on my shoulder. "Are you planning on staying there for the whole movie, I don't mind" I say smiling, trying to whisper as quietly as possible

"Yeah, you're comfy" she replies, smiling. I shrug, somehow forgetting Wanda was there, causing her head to move and almost fall.

"Sorry" I say, feeling like an idiot, Wanda just laughs and resumes to watch the film, so I do the same, trying to save myself any more embarrassment.

Eventually the movie ends. All anyone can talk about is the beach scene. "Why are you not talking about it Riley" Wanda asks, seemingly forgetting how gay I am.

"Wanda, I am so gay, like so gay. They were men, there was only one woman who had like one second of screen time on that part" I explain.

"Okay, I get it" Wanda offers chuckling.

"Riley, on a scale from 1 - 10 how was the movie, cause I know you had doubts" Peter asks.

"Right, see, I think it was total justifiable that I had doubts. its a solid 6 or 7. You made it seem so much better than it was. And you hadn't even watched it!" I exclaims. I think my judging was a fair and honest. I will always doubt Peter in times where he is doubtable.

"Tony said we could use his card to go to some fancy restaurant. Do we want to do that?" Peter asked.

"Personally I would just prefer a McDonalds" MJ says "but fancy restaurant is chill" she adds not wanting to offend her boyfriend.

"I can agree with MJ's first statement" I offer. "What bout you Wanda?" I ask

"McDonald's all the way, I don't really fancy the wait at a restaurant. McDonald's is faster" She says, smiling

"Thank goodness. McDonalds it is guys. Fancy restaurant can be so overrated at times" Peter says, grinning from ear to ear at the suggestion.

After eating out McDonald's pretty quietly, with some general conversation we begin head back to the compound. Only to get slightly distracted by the posh looking ice cream shop. We ended up impulsively buying ourselves some ice cream. which is absolutely delicious, the shop wasn't posh for no reason.

"I love ice cream. They such a good invention" MJ says, smiling widely enjoying her ice cream. Peter nods enthusiastically.

"You are going to give yourself whiplash Peter" Wanda says, laughing at him. I chuckle at her statement, smiling widely.

"Too late, I think I already did" he mumbles, holding the back of his neck slightly.

"Your own fault. You were warned. Such an idiot" Mj says, peter pouts at her so Mj gives him a peck on the lips. Blood rushes to his cheeks as a deep blush sets on his face. Me and Wanda just laughs at him.

MJ and Peter are so good together. It's adorable.

After a slow walk, due to munching on our ice cream, we arrive at the compound.

Nat does a thumbs up, thumbs in the middle? And a thumbs down "how was it" we all do a double thumbs up in response to her question. I thought our wide smiles would answer any question about how it went. It went well. It was so peaceful, and just calm. The absence of chaos.

Hello readers, I haven't watched top gun, so please don't be mad at me if I just botched up how movie actually is I only know about the beach scene after seeing it all over TikTok. And my friend watched it and told me it was good so :)

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