Chapter 6 Companions

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Lan Zhan supposed Wei Ying was right: the Hanshi had become somewhat of a zoo.

The smallest, petty part of him wondered if this was the Universe getting his brother back on Lan Zhan's behalf, since Xiongzhang had smiled in a knowing way when he had asked Lan Zhan about his at the time, two bunnies, and where they had come from...reminding him again that pets were not allowed in Cloud Recesses.

As if Lan Zhan, of all people, needed to be reminded.

That conversation seemed so long ago, as if it was part of another life.

And maybe it was.

Lan Zhan was clinging on to every piece of his life that included, or reminded him of, Wei Ying's presence in it.

And every piece was precious.

Right now, as they knocked on the door of the Hanshi and heard a miffed hiss, the annoyed oinking of a clearly distressed piglet, and the irate honking of an unusual bird, complete with calls of, "Just coming!" From the only human inside, Lan Zhan couldn't help but smirk.

The Universe could be particularly petty at times.

An uncharacteristically dishevelled XiChen opened the door, looking harried.

Around his neck, Snizzy had wrapped herself against the warm skin, pressing soft kisses on his cheek with her snout, her soft forked tongue tasting the air around him. XiChen looked like he didn't mind that, either.

Ke-ai was trying to climb up his robes, though whether that was because he wanted to pry the snake off his beloved or because he too wanted to kiss XiChen somewhere, Lan Zhan couldn't tell.

Either way, it was free entertainment.

"Where's Jiang Cheng?" Wei Ying asked, amusement in his voice.

"Come in!" XiChen exclaimed in surprise. "Didi, A-Xian! And he's on the bed."

They were welcomed in.

The Hanshi was...a mess.

Lan Zhan had never seen it quite like this.

There was a pile of straw (?) in one corner, which he assumed was for the four-legged creature, a pile of blankets in the furthest space away from the straw, again another assumption that it was for SniZiDian.

There was bits of chewed out parchment, possibly regurgitated, on the floor and scattered around the Hanshi.

And there was an...odour.

A musty smell that usually accompanied animals generally.

Lan Zhan tried his best to maintain a calm, even expression.

And then there was Wei Ying.

Who made absolutely no effort.

"Wow! XiChen-Ge! I bet things get interesting at night, huh?" Wei Ying grinned, barely concealing his laughter.

"Everyone wants to sleep with us." XiChen explained, sounding tired.

Wei Ying's smile only got bigger.

"Aww! That's only because they all love you!" He exclaimed, affectionately.

They all looked at the poor, abused bed.

Jiang Cheng lifted his long neck to glance mournfully at them, before rolling his eyes at Wei Ying and honking.

It was not unlike geese.

Wei Ying went over to sit next to him on the bed. He patted the large purple body softly, fondly.

"It must be...a bit squashed." He looked over to XiChen, who was nodding.

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