Chapter 79 Yearning

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Hui Gai grinned back, with all of his pointy teeth on display. His red eyes gleamed with anticipation, matching his wet lips.

"You know I'm up for anything, PengYou." He says brightly, mischief colouring his words.

"Me, too." Zago says sullenly, side eyeing Jiang Cheng. "It looks like my happiness is taking a back seat," she flexes her fingers meaningfully, "and I just don't know what kind of trouble I can get into without appropriate payment."

That's definitely a threat.

"I haven't had time, okay?" Jiang Cheng scowls.

"A promise is a promise." Hui Gai tells him, enjoying himself.

Jiang Cheng doesn't dare glare at him, but it's close.

Li XiWang wakes up then, and as usual, she doesn't remember anything.

"Grumple! You're back to normal!" She cries out, delighted. She jumps up out of Hui Gai's arms, briefly hugging him, and then going on to hug Uncle Qiren, who is wearing the proud smile of a happy grand-Uncle.

They start up a discussion about a previous lesson and Rumi sidles up to listen closely.

"Huan, wanna help me make lollipops?" Jiang Cheng says reluctantly, looping their arms together.

XiChen looks incredibly happy about that, and they leave, closely shadowed by a too interested Zago.

"I'll be back soon, PengYou." Hui Gai says, smiling. "I only came became I sensed her distress. Just call me when you're ready." He cracked his knuckles and beamed, before disappearing.

Lan Zhan was looking at Wei Ying.

He seemed a little more restless than usual, and Lan Zhan couldn't place why.

"Mn?" If there was something he had learned in between all the tears of loving Wei Ying, it was that if he had a question, he should ask it.

Too many regrets were soaking their past and Lan Zhan was determined to do better, this time around.

"Play something for me, my love?" Wei Ying whispered, already feeling out of sorts.


The children wished to stay with Uncle Qiren, so it was only Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, who returned to the Jingshi.

Lan Zhan took his hand and brought him to the little table where WangJi rested. With a wave of his hand, the cover fell away to reveal well-oiled strings taut over gleaming cherrywood in pristine condition.

They sat comfortably next to each other.

Lan Zhan let his fingers hover the guqin, reacquainting himself with his spiritual instrument, and to Wei Ying, it seemed as if the strings hummed in response, acknowledging their master.

And then the first note rang out.

Wei Ying watched those long, pale fingers pluck each string ever so elegantly, perfectly, while his left thumb and finger pressed down on each string as required.

It was their song.

This melody never failed to make them reconnect to their hearts, belonging to each other as they were. A song of longing, the notes full of yearning for something just out of reach.

Each note rang deep inside his heart, caressing his soul. A combination of deep and high sounds, soothing and bittersweet, and yet there was something so right about it.

Lan Zhan finished playing it once, and when he began again, this time Wei Ying pulled out Chenqing and joined him.

The sweetness of his flute balanced the raw intensity of the guqin, and Wei Ying closed his eyes to savour this experience.

This song was theirs in the same way their love echoed through the music, in each of their pores. The balance between their instruments was natural and complementary, as extensions of themselves.

When the last note rang out, they turned to each other in an instant, lips sweeping across each other's, because anything less than this was unacceptable. Wei Ying climbed into Lan Zhan’s lap, eagerly seeking more.

He could have this.

It was a thrilling realisation, that he could kiss Lan Zhan whenever he wanted, because they were married. He was allowed to have this marvellous feeling, and in return, he could give it back to Lan Zhan, too.

Wei Ying held the back of his head tenderly, while the fingers of his free hand reached behind Lan Zhan to tangle with the white silken ends of his forehead ribbon. He had never understood his own fascination with this most sacred of accessories, the token of love entrusted to him by his husband.

It is yours, Lan Zhan says through their mental connection. It always has been, ever since that night.

Mine, Wei Ying agrees fiercely. As I am yours.

Lan Zhan makes a sound, deepening the kiss into something feverish with his intensity.

When they break apart, Wei Ying rests their foreheads together.

"Now, I believe we are ready," he says, catching his breath.


"To meet your mother."

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