Chapter 112 Sleek

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For a few seconds, Lan Zhan is mesmerised by the sinewy writhing body of his husband, a dark shadow sluicing through the underwater currents with only the red parts of his dragon form giving him away, and that, only when he nears the surface of the previously calm lake.

He forgets himself, lost in the wonder of being able to witness such perfection, such a unique collaboration with nature so as to make it look as if Wei Ying had been doing this for years instead of it being the first time.

Wei Ying's long body and his beautiful black and red scales are haunting in their mysterious swimming, and Lan Zhan's hungry eyes are tracking his every move. He's startled when Wei Ying disappears, momentarily vanishes between the underwater reeds and fishes. Lan Zhan makes the mistake of bending over the side of the boat and attempting to get a better look, when his husband shoots a mouthful of water right in his face!

Silver eyes holding the light of his Universe shine back at him, as Lan Zhan drips into their boat.

I thought you were following me in! Wei Ying tells him with a pout in his words, through their mental connection.

Is that so? Lan Zhan replies, and in a flash of unbelievable speed, he transforms into his magnificent white dragon, the glimmering blue scales shining with an iridescent beauty when the moonlight hits the water.

Now it is Wei Ying who is wowed, watching with excited bubbles leaving his snout as they join together to swim in a dancing ritual under the lake. Entwined and slippery, each one wants to capture the other, and they evade, and come together time and time again.

But it is when Wei Ying comes a little too close and they rub up against each other instinctively, that Lan Zhan catches on with what is happening to both of them, and he grabs Wei Ying carefully, showing him what he has discovered.

And just like that, they learn what it is like to Papapa under the water currents...


Stars greet them in the night sky when they are done having a good time. They change back into their human forms, holding hands like a couple of otters as they float contentedly in a comfortable silence.

The light of the silver moon is especially enchanting as the fragrance of the bobbing lotus flowers perfumes the air around them. Other than the odd splash of frogs jumping back into the water, and their mating calls, cicadas singing their evening song, this time is peaceful and happy.

"I don't regret coming back," Wei Ying murmurs quietly.

It might have been an extension of his internal voice, his thoughts echoing on the soft rippling waters and reaching Lan Zhan's ears. He remains silent, ever eager to have whatever Wei Ying wants to share with him.

And sometimes, it is not necessary to speak, when only listening is required. It is important to know the difference there.

"I remember Huaisang getting on my nerves one day, and he referred to his part in that mess so casually, as if he hadn't shaken the Cultivation World on its head. And to get back at him, I told him that if I had a choice, I wouldn't have come back. But that's not true. Or maybe, it goes back to who I was at the time.

"When I first passed, I even know now that I had a lot of regrets, then. This place... it never fails to remind me of my ShiJie. I... that time..." Wei Ying shudders, sending ripples of grief in a circular motion around him.

It takes him a few moments to regain his composure.

"It is alright to remember those we loved," Lan Zhan says, in that quiet and calming way of his.

Wei Ying smiles.

When Lan Zhan says anything, anything at all, he means exactly and only that. The most straightforward person Wei Ying has ever known, and the light of his life.

"Do you know why I said that, about not having any regrets about coming back?" Wei Ying pulls Lan Zhan closer.

"I'm sure Wei Ying will tell me," Lan Zhan says, arranging Wei Ying's body so that he's mostly lying on top of Lan Zhan's chest.

Wei Ying smiles even more broadly, planting soft kisses on his bare skin and delighting in the shivers that occur as a result.

He yawns in quick succession.

Lan Zhan lets the first one go, but by the third one, he has stood up as elegantly as only he can, and pulled their boat along with them. He only needs one arm around Wei Ying's waist, while the other is handling their boat with their dry clothes in it. Plus, it wasn't good form to leave boats discarded in the waters and make it somebody else's problem.

They dress quickly, hidden by the long grasses along the banks of the river and the wild flowers that have grown long and tall from the riverbed.

As soon as Wei Ying finishes dressing, Lan Zhan picks him up into his arms, smiling when Wei Ying doesn't even bother with fake protesting. He snuggles closer instead, nuzzling at Lan Zhan's neck and smiling when he gets a whiff of Sandalwood. Truly, Lan Zhan smells the best.

His arms wind around Lan Zhan in a bid to get even closer, and that's how he falls fast asleep.

A disciple on night duty guides them to Wei Ying's room, when they return to the compound. Lan Zhan has to tell himself off for thinking like that; because it's not just Wei Ying's room now.

It is theirs.

That thought fills Lan Zhan with warmth, a lingering feeling that spreads from his chest as he undresses Wei Ying and prepares him for bed. He's tired too, and does the same, and then they are reunited under the covers, asleep together at last.



Thank you dear Readers, for your kind messages of support when my eye was hurting. You'll be glad to know that it's no longer the pirate One-Eyed Charlie, but two eyes which thankfully don't hurt at all now.

I was testing it out, my tolerance to looking at a screen, and I'm preparing a surprise for you all, after I saw a fascinating TikTok and another story was born, hehe.

It's not quite ready yet, but hopefully soon.

I have a busy weekend coming up with family commitments, and I've promised myself that I will wholeheartedly throw myself into the event, but even as I'm saying that, I just got another idea...

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend everyone, and don't forget a piece of chocolate 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫 makes everything so much better!


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