Chapter 21 Yiling Laozu

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It hadn't been that long since everyone had left them alone, and Wei Ying and Lan Zhan easily caught up to XiChen and Snizzy escorting Li XiWang and Rumi home.

Rumi was mostly asleep when Wei Ying held out his arms to hold the little boy, smiling when he snuggled closer with the sweetest smile on his face.

"Baba." He whispered.

Wei Ying nearly dropped him.

For a moment, he thought he had misheard, but Lan Zhan had also caught it. His golden eyes glowed proudly as he came to put an arm around his family. Li XiWang hugged them both.

Wei Ying kissed the top of his head, blinking back tears. Rumi was so quiet most of the time, but here...and that single word...

This beautiful little boy had found them in the market among thousands of strangers, and Wei Ying had never been so grateful as now, that he was well looked after and safe.

"Let's go home." Lan Zhan picked up Li XiWang and they walked back to the Jingshi.

Wei Ying was thinking about Lan Zhan’s mother as he went to put Rumi to bed.

This extension to the Jingshi was built after one of his experiments had gone wrong and the roof had been blown out...but Lan Zhan hadn't batted an eyelid. He had actively participated in rebuilding their home.

And now that Wei Ying was thinking about the previous occupant who had lived here, in the Jingshi...he wondered if Madam Lan would be happy about the changes.

The Jingshi was filled with happiness and sunshine now, as their children grew up. In the beginning it was just Lan Zhan, and then SiZhui had joined him.

In later years, Wei Ying and then Li XiWang...and now Rumi.

"Wherever you are, Lan Furen...I hope you are at peace. Your children are also happy...and I hope that brings you contentment." Wei Ying whispered, closing his eyes and hoping his wishes would reach the beloved mother of Lan WangJi.

Just as he was about to open the door of the children's bedroom, he heard a question that made him pause.

His hearing was superb now, much better than before his slow transition to his new form, and he could hear every word as if he was right there, next to the speakers.

"Father...please may I ask a question? It's about Father Wei...or..well, I'm not sure." Li XiWang was asking.

"Mn. What would you like to know?" Lan Zhan said.

Wei Ying could hear the smile in his voice.

His Jade was only hard on the outside; inside he was as active as a live volcano, full of fiery emotions. His love was fiercer than a hurricane, and now, his concern was as soft as his bunnies, as he listened to his daughter.

Wei Ying loved these beautiful moments between themselves and their children, but specifically when Lan Zhan was bonding with them. He was such a good father, so caring and protective, and yet Wei Ying knew he worried about that, that he wasn't good enough.

Wei Ying knew he had nothing to worry about...but insecurities were part of every parent's life...and only the joy to banish those fears were what they saw and heard from their children.

"Who is the Yiling Laozu?"

Out of all the questions she could have asked, that one...that one made his blood run cold.

Wei Ying was reminded of that first day, in the supervisory offices where Wen Chao had tried to hide with his dog, Wen Zhuliu.

That night...he had met Lan Zhan for the first time after three months of going missing.

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