Chapter 13 Memories

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At first, Wei Ying was anxious about the similarities between his dream and the strange red fungus corrupting these plants. Feng Li Pao was correct in keeping these affected flowers away from the main crop...however, Wei Ying was concerned with it spreading.

"I have a question." He said, tapping his nose.

"I would be surprised if you didn't." The Head disciple responded with a ghost of a smile.

Wei Ying smirked. "You said spores...and they can travel in the do you propose containing this infection?"

"That part is already taken care of. That walkway? The one we just passed? As we entered, a solution of antibacterial liquid was sprayed over all of us as we walked in. It's such a fine mist that it appears as if your clothes, face and hands are simply damp from the humidity...however, that is not the case. When we go back, we will be sprayed again, ensuring no spores will survive." Feng Li Pao bowed.

"That's amazing. You've really thought about this, haven't you?" Wei Ying couldn’t help admiring his efficiency. "So how long has this been happening?"

"We spotted the first infections a few weeks ago...but as the affliction starts internally, we suspect it would have started a couple of weeks before that." Feng Li Pao had anticipated such questions and it was a testament to his orderly way of keeping on top of things.

"Would it be possible for us to take away a sample of the fungus?" Wei Ying said as they turned back to leave the way they had come.

"For what purpose?" The Head disciple was genuinely curious.

"Two actually. Our Healer Fei is somewhat of an expert when it comes to botany. And there's someone else I would like to show...if that's alright with you?"

"Of course, of course! I was merely expressing my surprise. Whatever help you can offer is dearly appreciated." Feng Li Pao bowed once more and clapped his hands.

Two attendants wearing farming hats to shield them from the sun came in. The Head disciple told them what he wanted.

"Do you mind if we wander around?" Wei Ying asked, when he was free.

"Not at all. This was your home, after all." Feng Li Pao replied. "A lot has changed, would you like for someone to accompany you?" He offered, politely.

Wei Ying shook his head. "No...I think we'll be alright. Thank you though."

Feng Li Pao took them back through the walkway.

"I shall have what you requested by the time you are ready to depart." He bowed again and left them to it.

Wei Ying ran a hand over his damp face, marvelling.

"Look, Lan Zhan! He was right! I hardly thought about this but my face and my robes are damp! Isn't that amazing?" Incredulity coloured his words.

"Mn. I would imagine such a malady would be devastating to their future." Lan Zhan replied, looking back at the closed white door.

Wei Ying linked their arms together.

"What are you thinking, my love?" He whispered, keeping his voice low.

"I am considering the differences between your dream and what we saw in there. Is it possible that the blood you saw was this bacteria? This fungus?" Lan Zhan asked.

Wei Ying considered this, thinking back to that night.

"I suppose so..." He replied, cautiously. "I mean...I'd much prefer if it wasn't real blood...but then, it begs the question: why me? Why did I have that dream?"

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