Chapter 40 Grandmother

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Chang'e disappears, and Lan Zhan decides to take matters into his own hands. Wei Ying is here, at least, and he looks better now, but just in case, Lan Zhan wants a second opinion.

"Xiongzhang, we are going to Baoshan Sanren. She will be able to help us." His tone allows for no argument, and Lan Zhan is in no mood to discuss anything.

"I'll come with you." Hui Gai says.

He cannot believe what is happening, either. In such a short time, both children have been taken by somebody with a death wish, and his friend has been poisoned. It's hard for him not to blame himself in some way; the rational part of his brain knows it's not his fault, but he wishes he had been there to prevent... something.

Lan Zhan carefully picks up Wei Ying, cradling his body against himself and holding him so close that no space remains. This is his precious love, someone dearer to him than his own life.

Lan Zhan closes his eyes and thinks about Baoshan Sanren, her mountain retreat, and suddenly, he's there. It is a natural gift for all immortals to be able to teleport anywhere they like, and Lan Zhan has never been so grateful for it until now.

He opens his eyes and sees Wei Ying's grandmother striding towards them.

Hui Gai steps back, so he's behind Lan Zhan.

He's not scared of many things, but one of them is coming towards him, and Hui Gai isn't stupid.

"What's wrong with him?" Baoshan Sanren barks, gesturing to Lan Zhan, for him to follow her into her special cave.

"Goddess Chang'e said Wei Ying has been poisoned. She has administered a cure." Lan Zhan places Wei Ying on the ledge that juts out in the second, inner cave.

Then he pulls out the vial that the Goddess Chang'e had given him, with the milky white substance.

She glances at it before taking Wei Ying's wrist and measuring his pulse. She starts transmitting her spiritual energy into him, nourishing his golden core.

"Tell me what happened."

Lan Zhan tells her about the Flower Demon and the decaying crops of lotus flowers in Yunmeng. When he tells her about Li XiWang and Rumi going missing, her facade cracks just a tiny bit.

"It is unfortunate that you got caught up in this mess. The Flower Demon is a formidable enemy... certainly one we would not wish to cross. There's said to be only two known cures to her poison." Baoshan Sanren confirms what the Goddess Chang'e had told them.

"How do you know of her?" Lan Zhan asks.

"You know I belong to the Celestial Warriors, right?" She continues when Lan Zhan nods. "We have been tasked by the Jade Emperor to capture her alive. But she has proven to be a very elusive criminal. Every time we get close, we are a hair's breadth away from catching her, and she always manages to escape our snares. Now, though, it seems we have no choice but to find a way." Baoshan Sanren looks concerned and does not even waste time blinking, so focused she is on her grandson.

"What do you know of the Keeper of Heavenly Treasures? Did you know Wei Ying made a deal with them?" Lan Zhan says, trying not to sound accusatory, but he can't help it.

Today was the first he found out about many things, and he doesn't like being kept in the dark. Plus, whatever promises Wei Ying has made... they are going to affect many more people than just himself. And given what Wei Ying is normally like... Lan Zhan doesn't want to think about what he would have promised.

"I'm sorry. I have only heard of the Keeper, and trust me, if I'd known my idiot of a grandson was going around putting himself in danger, I'd have already stopped him." The Grandmaster said, frowning. "One does not go around making deals willy nilly with Heavenly officials just like that. Sometimes, the price they extract is just far too much." She murmured.

Perhaps that was a story for another day.

Lan Zhan is just about to ask her what she means when Wei Ying stirs.

His closed lids flutter open and shut as if that very action is too taxing on his energies and his beautiful lips part.

"Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan leans down to face him, his hand cupping that beloved face.

Wei Ying is trying very hard to fight against the lethargy that his poisoning has left behind.

"You need to rest, child!" Baoshan Sanren insists. Her hand pushes his shoulder down.

"Grandmother....the children..." That's all he has to say for her to stop speaking.

Lan Zhan sees the flash of pain reflected in her purple eyes before she hides of evidence of her vulnerability. Li XiWang was her charge before the Little Rabbit came to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan to be adopted by them.... of course, she was going to be affected.

"Let's get you fixed first and then worry about them." Her voice was a lot softer, though.

A lone tear falls out of the corner of Wei Ying's eye.

"Does anything hurt?" Lan Zhan asks him.

He's been poisoned before through a few night hunts gone wrong, but nothing that the expert healers of Gusu couldn't handle.

This, though.... an affliction with only two possible cures.

"I want my kids back." Wei Ying whispers.

Baoshan Sanren glances at Lan Zhan; her expression is an apology, and at first, Lan Zhan doesn't get it. But when she knocks Wei Ying out with just a wave of her spiritual wand, he understands.

"He's too's harmful to his health, especially in this vulnerable state." She tells him.

"How long?" Lan Zhan murmurs.

"The poison should clear his body by far as I can tell." Baoshan Sanren says. "Rest is the best cure for him."

Lan Zhan knows that she's right... but it's so hard to just sit back and do nothing.

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