Chapter 114 Piao Xue

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The Baby Lans were sad to leave Lotus Pier, mostly because Jiang Cheng had told them that the same rules applied to everyone: if all the rules in Cloud Recesses had to be observed no matter which clan or Sect a person was from while they visited Cloud Recesses, then while visiting Lotus Pier, the Lan Babies had to observe the one rule, which was that, apart from safety first, the Disciples were allowed to do pretty much anything they liked, as long as they trained diligently every morning.

So predictably, the Baby Lans cried when it came to actually leaving.

But they were excited about making one more stop before they had to go home, presumably because too much rule-breaking was understandably overwhelming for their formative minds.

Wei Ying was concerned about both the Lan brothers, even though they had expressed an interest about visiting what was surely their maternal family home, until Jiang Cheng scowled at him.

He seizes his chance to have a private word with Wei Ying when both XiChen and Lan Zhan were preoccupied with answering lots of questions from excited Babies wanting to know what their next destination was like.

"Why do you look like that?" He grouses, shoving Wei Ying's shoulder.

"It's just that family, and especially for them, can be complicated. I don't want them to be hurt, is all." Wei Ying explains. His eyes are already drifting towards his husband and his whole face softens considerably.

"They're big boys," Jiang Cheng replies, a little too casually. "They can handle it."

Lan Zhan chooses that exact moment to look up and find him, his golden eyes immeasurably kind.

Wei Ying has always known his husband to love children, no matter who they are, or what they're like, and yet there's something so wholesome about being able to watch him interact with a group of them, all clearly big fans of the Great Hanguang-Jun (™), and very obviously crushing on him.

They hang on his every word and promise him to be on their best behaviour while visiting a new place, and they endeavour to bring praise upon the Lan Clan in lieu of their actions and comport while they are there.

He strides back to Wei Ying, satisfied that the Lan Babies will do their best, and concerned because his usually playful husband is looking far too serious. Also, he doesn't like it when Jiang Cheng looks like that either, because it means they were probably talking about something unsavoury, or it could be that Jiang Cheng looks like that all the time, and Lan Zhan can't tell anymore.

It must be hard returning to human behaviour, he surmises, when one has had the opportunity to experience other animals, and especially when one has too much in common with being an ape.

Wei Ying clutches his stomach and laughs at that; the only clue Lan Zhan has is that he must have said that out loud, but then again, it's worth it seeing the helpless tears leak from Wei Ying's eyes.

Of course he's going to be smug about it.

Jiang Cheng stomps off with a face matching the deepest colours of his robes.

"Are you really okay about going to Piao Xue?" Wei Ying asks when they're alone, hanging onto his arm as XiChen becomes a children shepherd, gathering all the children together to hold hands so they can teleport to the next place.

"I am... a little nervous," Lan Zhan admits, after thinking about it. "I do not know what to expect, nor can we predict what kind of reception we will receive. We might not even be welcome."

"But my love, that's totally understandable. And I need you to know that's really okay, alright?" Wei Ying rubs his arm sympathetically. "The good thing here is, neither XiChen-Ge or you are alone, you both have each other, and you have us. That's the difference. Whatever we find at Piao Xue, we can face it together."

"Mn. Together." It has always been his safe word, and Lan Zhan feels marginally better.

Somehow, Wei Ying always seems to know how he's feeling, and not only that, how to make him better able to cope with whatever situation he found himself in, and therefore able to deal with it in a positive way.

When this is all over, he wants to do something extra special for his husband, other than the other thing he has to do in Caiyi Town, after this.

They are all ready and it's time to go.

XiChen, Jiang Cheng, Lan Zhan and himself, plus all the Lan Babies and Hui Gai and Zago arrive on the outskirts of Piao Xue.

From their first glimpse upon the little village, it appears to be a thriving place, if not quite as big as a town. All the buildings were constructed from different types of wood, and brick, making it appear quaint and dosed with the natural charm these types of habitats usually evoked.

The scent of freshly chopped wood, and sawdust fills the air, a wholesome and pleasant fragrance. The sounds of sawing, polishing and hammering echo in the village, a symphony of undulating sounds that grew in harmony.

People called out friendly greetings to one another, stopping to chat and pass on information, the general hubbub of a community that shared in the ebb and flow of a life lived together.

As they entered, they felt more than saw more than a few curious glances, though nobody stopped them or halted what they were doing. They made their way into the centre thoroughfare of the village, and Lan Zhan pushed his brother forward.

Lan XiChen was a naturally friendly man, his warm smile and accommodating personality that was used to having people gravitate towards him. Now, he was looking for a senior citizen who could point them in the right direction as to where the Mu family resided, or even if they had a trading place, or a workshop.

An elderly man with many wrinkles came towards them with a question in his twinkling eyes. He obviously wanted to know more about them, and so, before he could ask, XiChen spoke to him.

"Greetings, grandfather. We are new to this place and wondered if you could help? We are looking for the Mu residence." He bowed, and the rest of them followed his example.

"Hmm. And what business would you be having with the Mu family?" The elderly man asked, stroking his beard.

"It is a family issue. We mean no harm," XiChen added, just in case that was why he was reluctant to tell them anything.

"Well, that's alright for you to say, however, you have brought powerful cultivators here, more than one. It's a bit difficult to believe that you have just come for tea." He raises a brow.

More people gather behind him, and they begin to murmur, words that become louder with each passing second.

"These rich cultivators, never around when we need them. But if THEY want something, then it's a different story, isn't it?"

"Don't they look like that Mountain Sect?"

"What about the purple one? He looks like he's better suited to climbing trees!"

Wei Ying had to laugh at that last one, and the sound of it seemed to dispel the tension.

Jiang Cheng threw him a murderous look.

"Now, now, let's not scare our guests," a voice rang out, silencing everyone.

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