Chapter 100 Awake

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It was way past hai shi when Lan Zhan felt him stirring. He couldn't sleep and had resigned himself to lying awake next to Wei Ying for the next few hours, until whatever came first: morning or sleep.

But Healer Fei had told him that Wei Ying would definitely wake by this evening, and maybe a part of him was looking forward to that. He missed Wei Ying so much, it wasn't even funny.

Not that it ever was, but at least, after all the changes both of them had undergone, he wasn't so afraid any more, that Wei Ying would be taken away from him, that he would somehow lose him again.

He did feel guilty, though, and now, as he turns towards his husband, it is relief that comes first. He never wants to miss when Wei Ying opens his eyes in the mornings for the first time after sleeping because that's his favourite time of the day.

He enjoys taking care of his Wei Ying.

It is therapeutic to help him prepare for the day, what's left of it, by helping him to bathe, to comb his naturally silky hair, thick and long, into a ponytail. He remembers when Wei Ying lived in the Burial Mounds, how he hardly bothered with a full ponytail, instead he used to wear his hair mostly down, his signature red ribbon tying back the few locks which would otherwise let his hair fall onto his beautiful face and get in his way.

Lan Zhan remembers how stunned he was to see Wei Ying like that for the first time ever, how his heart began to beat even faster. How his mouth had run dry, and no amount of water made it better. How his tongue refused to move, and unfortunately, because he couldn't speak, Wei Ying thought he was upset with him.

That day, Bichen's intricate carvings were embedded into his palm for hours afterwards. He was clutching his sword so tightly.

Lan Zhan had never seen him look so beautiful before, so dashing and heroic as he walked in front of him, his brown robes swishing with every step. And his lovely hair floating in the breeze.

He had wanted to reach out and touch the red ribbon, just to make sure it was real. That Wei Ying was real.

It didn't matter that everything had gone to hell shortly afterwards; Lan Zhan would always be grateful that he had gotten to see Wei Ying like that.

Now, he had the honour and privilege to see Wei Ying waking up every single day.

Those gorgeous silver starlight eyes flicker open, and then Lan Zhan is treated to the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.

"My love..." Wei Ying yawns and stretches, his slim body elongating under the sheets as he rolls towards his husband. "How long was I out?"

"Over forty-eight hours," Lan Zhan says, and the question seems to break something inside him.

Wei Ying becomes blurry after that. As he's blinking to get rid of the extra moisture, he hears Wei Ying gasp. His tears are kissed away immediately, and he would be fine if only they would stop falling. He's vaguely aware of Wei Ying wrapping his arms around him, of being held so tightly that it is a primal comfort.

He can feel himself trembling, and he tells himself to stop being so silly that Wei Ying is fine. He's here and awake at last.

It's not silly, Wei Ying tells him through their mental connection.

It is, Lan Zhan insists, telling him how sorry he is for being the cause of Wei Ying's possession by the angry ghost.

"Who told you that?" Wei Ying scoffs, out loud.

At least his momentary confusion stops his tears.

"Healer Fei." Lan Zhan still sounds miserable, and Wei Ying refuses to allow that.

No one makes his husband upset, not on his watch.

"Silly Healer Fei. Who made him an expert on Resentment energy, huh?" Wei Ying soothes. He's stroking Lan Zhan's back in a circular motion, and it feels so good.

"I... I don't know," Lan Zhan admits.

Why did he think Healer Fei knew more about this than Wei Ying? Who was called the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation? Though that was an ironic name since Wei Ying had never practised the dark arts, not those anyway. His path, the one he had forged by himself and not out of choice but out of a grudging brilliance, was truthfully called the Way of the Ghost Path.

"Sweetheart... please listen to me," Wei Ying waited until he had Lan Zhan's full attention.


"I knew what I was doing. Okay, it wasn't planned, but when it charged at me, I rolled with it because I thought that was the best way to get her to open up by giving her a voice. And it worked because then she was able to tell us what really happened to her. That was good because it allowed her to gain peace and justice for her murder. Did JingYi write down her statement?"

Lan Zhan nodded. "SiZhui promised to take the matter to the village magistrate. But Wei Ying, Healer Fei, said the ghost was only able to possess you because... because I injured you." His pale finger turns Wei Ying's inner robe to the side where the teeth marks are still present at his collarbone.

Lan Zhan presses his lips to the marks, and then he frowns.

Wei Ying climbs on top of him, cradling his face.

"Why did Wei Ying not heal himself? Is it harder to do with this new core?"

The blush that spreads across Wei Ying's beautiful face is a pleasure to see, his silver eyes full of mischief and embarrassment.

"Aiyah, Husband! Do not make me say it out loud!" He embraces his husband and hides his hot face in the crook of Lan Zhan's neck. "I kept it, like I keep every one of your marks on me. I-I like them, okay??" He whines, his voice muffled. "Promise me that you won't ever stop?"

Lan Zhan nods reluctantly.

He would do anything for this brilliant man, whatever he wanted.

"Really?" Wei Ying says, having heard his thoughts.


"Well then," Wei Ying gives him a wolfish grin as he slides his hands into Lan Zhan's robes, delighting in touching that smooth, pale, flawless skin. "I've missed my husband!"

"I missed my Wei Ying," Lan Zhan says ardently, knowing exactly where this is going.

"Really?" Wei Ying looks hopefully back at him, his expression one of hunger.

Lan Zhan nods, caught up in the spell of this magical man. He's at his mercy, and he wouldn't want to be anywhere else tonight.

"Then, prove it!"

This time, it is Wei Ying who pounces first.



Dear Beautiful Readers,

Firstly, I must apologise for my absence in this book. I last updated it on the 20th of April of this year, and to tell you the absolute truth, time ran away with me. So much has happened since then, and I can't believe it's been so long!

But hopefully, I'm back until this book ends. Don't worry, there's quite a bit to go before we're finished with this one.

Lots of chocolate 🍫 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫 to make it up to you!

Have a great day, folks!


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