Chapter 85 Motives

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XiChen took a deep breath upon realising that he should probably read it aloud.

"I, Mu Ling Chang, am making a written record of the events that happened on the night of the full moon, Siyue. A night hunt was organised between our village elder, Hu Wang Zi and Lan Qiang Feng, to battle a fierce Yaogui. In the heat of the battle, I was separated and found myself alone, when Lan Qiang Feng came up behind me. We were on the same side, so I did not expect him to try and overpower me.

"But before he could take advantage of my lesser strength, my cries alerted Qingheng-Jun, who came to my rescue. He immediately saw what was happening and they fought. Lan Qiang Feng died as a result.

"I was in shock, as was Qingheng-Jun. The correct course of action was to return to Cloud Recesses where we were met by Lan Qiren.

"What followed was a discussion of possible outcomes: if the truth came out, my honour was in jeopardy. My clothes were so torn, Qingheng-Jun had given me his outer robe to wear, and we had already been witnessed coming into Cloud Recesses in that state. If it came out that the Sect Leader had killed his teacher, he would be exiled, or worse, killed as a punishment. When all he had done was to save me.

"Lan Qiren proposed another, alternative solution, which would save both of us. If they said I had killed Lan Qiang Feng instead, and if Qingheng-Jun married me to protect my life, then no one could say anything against it. My integrity was in question already, and to have my honour besmirched would have devastated my father, and my family.

"So I agreed to live out the rest of my life in seclusion, as did Qingheng-Jun, separately. I write this account so that if in the future, the death of the Lan Elder is ever questioned, then this is the proof. I wish that it would never be the case.

"What is done, is done. Who can say what direction our lives will take? I have accepted this, and pray for a speedy end."

Silence sits heavily around them.


XiChen stood up and hugged Lan Zhan tightly.

Then he left quickly with Jiang Cheng, leaving the music box on the table.

"My love...are you alright?" Wei Ying whispered, once they were alone.

Deeply grieved golden eyes shone with unshed tears as Lan Zhan looked at him, shaking his head.

"Come, let us lie down." Wei Ying poured him a cup of water first. Then he led Lan Zhan to their bed, untying his outer robes first.

He climbed onto the bed and undid Lan Zhan's guan, releasing the cascading heavy locks of silky hair. His fingers pressed at Lan Zhan's scalp and temple, gently massaging his head. Wei Ying pushed him down and stood to quickly discard his own ribbon and outer robe. Then he got into bed with Lan Zhan, curling next to him, and throwing an arm over his chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Wei Ying whispers, softly.

Lan Zhan shakes his head.

He feels exhausted, like a boat thrown around, caught in the middle of a particularly rough storm, a raging sea of chaos.

He's too tired to think about anything now.

"Then rest, Sweetheart. We can talk about it, whenever you feel ready to." Wei Ying tells him, purposefully breathing slowly and deeply, and it helps.

His rhythm soothes and calms Lan Zhan into mimicking his pattern, and he lets himself be taken by the darkness.


Hours later, Lan Zhan wakes.

It feels unfamiliar because the strong light of day has flooded the Jingshi, when normally Lan Zhan rose in darkness. And Wei Ying is not next to him.

That is more disorientating than anything else.

Lan Zhan can hear his voice though, so he remains lying down, waiting for Wei Ying to return to their bed.

"......isn't awake, yet. I'll let you know, XiChen-Ge. Thank you."

Lan Zhan hears the door close, the subtle hush as it slides along the grooves. Then the sound of something heavy being put down. Soft, light steps of the person he would know anywhere, and in every way.

Wei Ying slides into bed, and Lan Zhan cannot help himself. He pulls Wei Ying into a strong embrace, earning a yelp from an unsuspecting husband. He breathes in the scent of calming, riotous lotus flowers and wine, grounding himself.

Until now, he had felt like a petal on the wind, with no set direction to travel in. Just the unpredictability of the breeze, and whatever whim it wanted to follow.

"XiChen-Ge was just here, delivering our breakfast. Are you hungry, my love?" Wei Ying kisses his cheek warmly.

Lan Zhan shakes his head forlornly.

"Do you feel like talking?" Wei Ying settles himself more comfortably around Lan Zhan's body.

Again, it's a silent no.

"That's alright, too." Wei Ying tells him, encouragingly. "I can talk for both of us, or not at all, if you prefer."

Even now, there are traces of uncertainty in his voice, and Lan Zhan doesn't like that. He hates that he had ever thought of silencing Wei Ying when they were younger, or that he had found his husband annoying in any way. What a cruel lesson to learn, taking sixteen years of an audible drought to teach him how much he loved listening to Wei Ying?

It wasn't even his voice, because Mo XuanYu and Wei WuXian sounded similar.

No, it was the way Wei Ying spoke, with all of himself. He used his mouth like he did with everything; using the whole of himself to articulate his meaning, simultaneously soothing and calming Lan Zhan's mind.

"Please. Talk," he says quickly, realising that the longer he takes in replying isn't helping.

"Okay...okay." Wei Ying gives him one more kiss.

Lan Zhan closes his eyes and just listens.

"The children spent the night with Grumple yesterday. It was late when he sent the butterfly. Do you like butterflies? I thought I did until I accidentally walked into a whole load of them, and let me tell you, Lan Zhan...."

Wei Ying continued to speak, telling him stories of past night hunts and his experiences, whatever he could remember and all of his thoughts.

Today was going to be a processing one for Lan Zhan, and if he needed not to speak, then that was also perfectly fine, as far as Wei Ying was concerned.

So often, Lan Zhan knew what he needed and readily supplied it; so when he needed something, Wei Ying too, was ready to provide whatever it was.

Lan Zhan slipped into a dreamless sleep and he didn't even know when it happened.



Dear Beautiful and Super Patient Readers,

Thanks for your lovely comments, they made my morning!! I'm still smiling and I won't promise no more cliffhangers because we all know what I'm like, haha.

But what did you think of this? I always wondered what a teacher would have to do in order to be killed, because that's all we ever knew about Lan FuRen.

I think it was terribly sad what happened to everyone involved in that situation, more so the two boys who had to grow up without the constant presence of their parents.

I hope I've done justice to their story and at least made it better for everyone.

Happy chapters coming soon, in the meantime, eat a piece of chocolate and be content.

My current favourite is Lindt Double Milk chocolate. What's yours?


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