Chapter 80 Muqin

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Lan Zhan freezes.


He isn't sure he is ready, but he knows he wants this more than anything. He's standing up even before his body registers this, helping Wei Ying up and striding to the back door of the Jingshi. It slides open under his adept fingers, and then they're outside, hand in hand.

"Where is she?"

Wei Ying comes to stand in front of him, and with his thumbs, he wipes under Lan Zhan's eyes.

Lan Zhan wasn't even aware that he was crying, his golden eyes darting here and there, anxiously seeking out the one his heart has constantly thirsted to see once more, ever since he was six years old.

"I will call her to you," Wei Ying promises. "Let's sit down."

Lan Zhan elegantly seats himself under their Moon tree, and Wei Ying sits opposite him, their knees touching. He reaches across and holds both of Lan Zhan's hands in his, their warmth making him shiver.

If there's one thing Wei Ying has been great at doing, it is connecting with the dead.

Within seconds of him closing his eyes, Lan Zhan senses more than sees, a pale blue presence. It a glow at first, and then as Wei Ying concentrates harder, the glow takes shape and becomes brighter.

When Wei Ying opens his eyes, they are as crimson as a blooming rose.

"Muqin..." Lan Zhan breathes out, barely believing this is happening.

She is here.

"My sweet, sweet boy," she says softly, as if only for his ears. "How have you been?"

"I am well." He wants to ask her how she has fared, since...since she passed away. "I didn't know," he says, instead.

Wei Ying knows his face is wet, but it's difficult not to cry when Lan Zhan's beautiful golden eyes are full of grief.

For a few minutes, they simply stare at one another, drinking in the sight of each other.

"It has been so long," she muses, finally breaking the silence. "I was most worried about you. Perhaps that's why I came back, just to see how you are faring. But you're all grown up now," she laughs.

At that moment, Lan Zhan realises why he loves the sound of Wei Ying's laughter. It is not the same, not by any means, and yet the freedom, the quality of the sound is exactly identical.

It is unrestrained, untamed, wild and carefree.

"I will always need you, Muqin," he says softly.

Lan Zhan closes his eyes as her light intensifies, and it's just like before when he was little, and she loved to poke his baby cheeks. This is much the same, but it feels as if she is stroking his face warmly.

"Still so formal, my little man. You have made me so happy, my darling boy. You know I love you so very much." Her voice sounds so emotional, as if were she able to, she would be crying, too.

"You left so suddenly." It's not an accusation. Just a fact.

"I am sorry for that, my beautiful boy. I did not mean to, by any means. The fever came suddenly, and then I was elsewhere. For a long time. I've only been here a few short weeks." She sounds as if she's smiling now. "Won't you introduce us, my dear?" She looks at Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan squeezes their joint hands.

"Yes, Muqin. This is Wei WuXian, Wei Ying. My husband. My Soul Mate. The other half of my heart. Wei Ying, please meet my mother, Lan Fu-Ren." Lan Zhan sounds so proud.

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