Chapter 90 Solace

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Warm arms come around his back and Lan Zhan feels an immeasurable comfort.

Wei Ying's presence does more for him than his husband probably knows, and Lan Zhan immediately feels better for it.

"If I could go back and change anything at all, I would take this punishment for you. It's my fault." Wei Ying is crying.

Lan Zhan has never turned around so fast.

His arms wrap around Wei Ying's body in a crushing embrace.

"I cannot articulate myself well," he says, slowly. "But I meant it when I said the sentence was acceptable to me. Please understand that part." He waits for Wei Ying to look up, his silver eyes filled with unshed tears, more falling on his beautiful cheeks.


Lan Zhan wipes his face ever so gently, as always, unable to see grief reflecting back to him.

"When I returned, I knew I would be punished. These are our rules. And I had already accepted it. But during the actual whipping, I began to understand myself better. My uncle was punishing me for defending you and injuring those thirty three elders. He was punishing me for loving you. I meant to do that. Please try to understand why it was a type of payment, one I will never, ever regret. That is why I told Xiongzhang I would do it again. In a way, it has nothing to do with you. I love you. But you are not responsible for my actions. That is all."

Wei Ying nods, shakily.

"But my love, while you should know that you are free to do whatever you want to, the other side of that coin means that if you are hurt in any way, then that same pain will reach me. We are together in more ways than one, my love. I just want you to be safe, forever."

"I am safe, as long as Wei Ying is by my side." Lan Zhan promises.

The fierceness in his amber eyes reflects the same strength in his words.

"Muqin is waiting." Lan Zhan says, after a while.

Wei Ying steps back and wipes his face on his sleeve, nodding again. He cannot tell if Lan Zhan can feel her presence after meeting with her, or he just wants to get this over and done with. Wei Ying can relate to the latter sentiment; these past few days have been utterly draining for Lan Zhan, and probably XiChen too. It's no wonder they would like to move on.

"I think it may be better if we get all the heavy stuff out of the way today, and then hopefully, maybe we can bring all her grandchildren to meet Muqin tomorrow evening. I sent a message to Koi Tower meant for SiZhui and Jin Ling. That's going to give them plenty of time to come home."

While he's been talking, Lan Zhan simply falls deeper in love with this thoughtful man.

"Wei Ying looks after me well," Lan Zhan says, pulling him closer once more.

"It's no more than what Lan Zhan does for me. Sweetheart, I love you so very much." His sincerity shines through all of Wei Ying, as he finally turns to go and fetch their brothers.

The back door opens and Jiang Cheng is leading XiChen out of the Jingshi.

Wei Ying makes everyone sit in a circle, holding hands so the connection between him and them stays strong.

"It's going to be alright." Jiang Cheng says, to no one in particular.

Seconds later, as Wei Ying begins the ritual, Muqin makes herself known.

"Huan!" She says immediately, her voice warm and soft, just how he remembers her.

XiChen feels a soft touch on his face; it feels like how his mother used to comfort him, all those years ago.

"Muqin! It is good to see you," he tells her warmly.

No matter what is to be discussed now, that statement will always be true.

"My beautiful boys!" She sounds so happy to be here with them, so happy to see them. "And who might this be?" She's asking about Jiang Cheng, who bows respectfully.

"Muqin, he is my life partner." XiChen tells her, explaining who he is.

Madam Yu was well known in the Cultivation world, even when their mother was alive. If Muqin is surprised, she doesn't show it, instead happily welcoming Jiang Cheng into the family.

"And where are my beautiful Haizi?" She looks around for her grandchildren.

"Muqin, we thought we could bring them to you tomorrow." Wei Ying explains.

"We must talk with Muqin about the information she entrusted to us." Lan Zhan adds, his tone quite serious.

" you figured it out? I shouldn't be surprised, though. You are my children, and already you proved to me how clever you were as babies." She smiles sadly. "What are you going to do with the letter, now?"

If she's worried, she doesn't show it, neither in her tone nor her expression.

"Nothing. We will separate the comb and the music box as they were. It is enough, Muqin, that we know the truth now." Lan Zhan says all this in that calm way of his, refuting any argument.

"I see." She looks as if she's trembling.

For a few moments, no one says anything.

"Both of you are good children," she tells them, her voice thick with emotion.

"But we were wondering, Muqin, are we able to find our maternal grandparents? The letter that you signed, and the signature hidden inside the music box, and on the comb...are they connected to you?" XiChen asks her, finally finding his voice properly.

"Yes, they are. Mu Jiang Qin is my father's name. My mother passed away some time after I was serving my sentence. I have a brother, too." She looks at them with wonder in her eyes. "Are you going to look for them?"

"Does Muqin not wish us too?" Lan Zhan asked her.

If she said no, then they would respect her wishes.

"I don't suppose it matters anymore," she said, thinking about it. "My brother never developed a golden core and he joined our carpentry business. He's younger than myself. My father might have passed away by now."

"Where is your hometown, Muqin?" Lan Zhan asked her.

"It's more of a village rather than a town," she explained. "Close to the Baling Ouyang Sect, near Yunmeng. Our village lies between Gusu and there. The village is called Piao Xue*(*Wandering Snow)."

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