Chapter 92 Guidance

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Jiang Cheng was nervous.

Why would the person who was technically his mother-in-law want to speak to him? And alone? He racked his brain, thinking hard, and hoping he hadn't mistreated Huan in any way.

And why the hell was Wei WuXian looking okay about this? Wasn't he nervous? And if he wasn't, then why the hell not? He scowled at his brother, and then because he felt so exposed, and frankly alone since Huan had gone back inside, he stared at his hands instead.

His eyes fell on Zidian, and he couldn't help but think about how Huan might have fared talking to his own mother. Of course, that produced a grimace. Jiang Cheng rarely if ever actually looked forward to talking to his own mother, so how could he think about making the man he loved do it instead?

Wei Ying smiled.

He was really looking forward to this chat, the anticipation of it bubbling under his skin like an itch well scratched. So he opted for being as honest as possible.

"Wait." Muqin tells him.

Wei Ying gets the feeling that she's just as eager to talk to him, but there's something she wants to tell Jiang Cheng first.

"Why are you afraid?" She asks him gently.

Jiang Cheng feels a presence around his face, and with a start, he feels like this kind of touch was missing from his life. Madam Yu had never been gentle with him, always lecturing on how to be a good Sect Leader, and neither of them had been just a mother and her son.

How sad was that?

Both of them stuck in roles which they were supposed to identify with, when the truth was, they were much more multifaceted than that single job. But when those identities were taken away, neither knew how to be with each other.

Sixteen years was too short a time to have to grow up and be a Sect Leader, even if his wounds hadn't finished healing, even after all this time.

When he looks up, Wei Ying is staring back with nothing but kindness in those velvet pools of his eyes, as if he knows exactly what Jiang Cheng is thinking about right now.

"I am afraid of your disappointment, your disapproval." His lips talk before his brain has a chance to catch up.

Before he can stop himself.

"My child, do not worry yourself unnecessarily. Those are simply your fears, not mine. I can see how much you make my eldest child happy. And that is all I could wish for, for both of my sons. It is enough!" She reiterates her promise again, as if by repeating herself, the message will get through. "My real question for you is this: are you happy living here? In Cloud Recesses? I am simply curious." Her words, her tone implies just this. There's no inflection suggesting any other meanings.

"My home is wherever Huan is." Jiang Cheng replies, earnestly. He refuses to look at Wei WuXian now, knowing there would be a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Good answer." She sounds as if she's smiling.

Jiang Cheng relaxes just enough to drop his guard.

"I expect you to know this already, but my eldest child has a very soft heart. He's always been this way, and there were times when I wondered how he would cope with living in this Cultivation world. Would it have been better if he had been born elsewhere? Who can say?" Her voice is wistful.

"I can say." Jiang Cheng replies, and this time he's confident of his answers. "There is no one as diplomatic as he is. He can prevent bloodshed just by talking through major problems. All the Sect Leaders, not only of the major Sects, but the minor ones too, they all look up to him. He has made the Lan Clan far more approachable than before, and the daily requests for advice have tripled since he became Sect Leader. He knows what to do, and how to do it well."

"But doesn't he get tired?" She persists.

"That would be true of any job...Muqin."

There's a tinkling laugh.

"Very well, you may go back to him now."

She's still laughing as Jiang Cheng bows and leaves, as fast as his legs can carry him.

"I have a feeling our conversation will be different," she says, finally to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying grins back at her.

"The truth is, I always wondered what you were like." He's never bothered with lying, didn't see the point of it. He's always said what he's said, and thought about the consequences later, if at all.

"Do my children talk about me at all?" She asks this hopefully, but each word is laced in sadness.

"Not when we first met, and Lan XiChen is far more of an open person than Lan Zhan ever was. That's not to say that he doesn't think about you. In fact, I think it's rather the opposite. Lan Zhan feels everything, but he learned how to hide it before. He's getting better every day." Wei Ying giggles with delight, remembering the way he pouts, especially when Lan Zhan doesn't get his way.

"A-Zhan loves with the whole of himself, there are no half measures with him. I do not think he would bother with those." She sounds as if she's thinking about how he is, how intense Lan Zhan can be. "I'm so glad he found you. Someone to remind him that even if the world looks bleak and grey, there's always a ray of sunshine to be found somewhere; one just has to look harder on some days."

"When did you start calling him Xiao Tuzi?" Wei Ying wants to know.

"I'm not sure...he was so little. One day, he scrunched up his nose when I was poking his sweet chubby cheeks. He was always such a serious little man, and the name suddenly fell from my lips, and just for a second, he smiled. He's such a wonderful person."

"I absolutely agree." Wei Ying tells her, feeling quite relaxed in her company.

"I always wanted to know who would catch my baby's eye...always worried about that. But he's done well for himself. I like both of you, Lan Huan's choice, and you. I bet you added quite a few grey hairs to Lan Qiren's head!"

Wei Ying laughed, a flush creeping up his neck to his face.

"Not on purpose," he admits, embarrassed now.

Her laugh is like little bells swinging on the famous Gusu breeze.

"That is alright, child. I'm sure it's good for his heart." She laughs again. "I can feel him getting impatient with us. He's very protective of you." She sounds approving. "I hope you continue to look after each other, like that."

Wei Ying feels a feathery soft kiss upon his forehead.

"Go in, now, my child. Come back tomorrow with my grandchildren."

"Alright. See you tomorrow, Muqin." Wei Ying bows towards her, and turns around to see a pacing shadow in the thin walls of the Jingshi.

Muqin was right; Lan Zhan was anxious...



Dear Wonderful Readers,

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this book. I know I haven't updated it in a while, but I have notes! Which are wonderful! Things!!

Lots of chocolate for you all!!


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