Chapter 123 Birthday Party

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Lan Zhan pointedly turns around and scans the room. He can already feel Wei Ying's eyes on him, so it's easy to find a person standing in his direct line of sight and pretend to be interested.

"Er...Hanguang-Jun! Hi! So, lovely weather we're having, right?" The man stutters and stumbles over his words, probably fangirling because Lan Zhan has never bothered talking to him before.


That's all he has to say for an arm to snake around his waist, as too familiar lips find his cheek. When Lan Zhan turns to Wei Ying, he sees him red-eyed and glaring at the trembling man in front of them. Wisps of black resentment energy are already curling from his fingertips.

That's okay because Lan Zhan has got what he wanted. He never wants to look at anyone else if Wei Ying is in the room.

"Husband..." Wei Ying pulls him away from the puddle on the floor backing away from them.

"Wei Ying."

Wei Ying shivers at the look in Lan Zhan's beautiful golden eyes.

And realises that he's been played.

So he grins, all traces of his earlier anger dissipating like fog on a sunny day.

"Ah...Husband, you shouldn't leave your guests unattended!" He sneaks in another kiss on the corner of Lan Zhan's mouth, but just as he tries to leave, Lan Zhan shamelessly grabs him and plants the wettest, noisiest kiss on his lips.

"Thank" kiss "you" kiss "for" kiss "my" kiss "birthday" kiss "party".

There's a dangerous glint in his eyes, possessive and hungry.

The thrill of defying him gives Wei Ying an unholy high and he throws back his head to laugh, exposing his long and lovely neck.

Lan Zhan wants to bite him there, and so he does, relishing the long, drawn out moan from his husband.

Wei Ying blushes, frantically looking around in embarrassment because there were children present...

And then he's relieved because suddenly, they're back in the Jingshi.

"Lan Zhan! How scandalous! You left your own birthday party!" Wei Ying lets his twinkling silver eyes roam over Lan Zhan in a slow, sultry perusal of his body. He swings his hips and sashays backwards to their bed.

"Wei Ying knows I hate parties," Lan Zhan replies, already removing his outer robes. His laser gaze remains on his husband without even blinking.

He lets the clothes fall to the ground in a heap, internally delighted at Wei Ying's confused expression upon seeing that.

Lan Zhan has never, ever, left his robes on the floor, let alone not folding them neatly and putting them away.

Wei Ying lets his eyes flutter enticingly, biting his bottom lip as the back of his knees hit their bed and he falls gracefully on the mattress with a low, needy moan.

Lan Zhan is on him in an instant.

Wei Ying doesn't even have time to take in a last minute breath before they're kissing deeply. Lan Zhan dispenses with any sweetness, letting his lips bruise and teeth bite, his blood firing through his veins at every drawn out whimper and moan.

After all, it's his birthday, and Wei Ying makes the best present, he decides.

And since Wei Ying left him alone at that stupid party, anything that follows is a direct karmic result of his own actions.

He's not sure if he loves a fighting-back-because-I-can Wei Ying more, or the one that is now pliant in his arms, kissing him back with everything he's got.

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