Chapter 99 Rest

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Wei Ying passed out.

Lan Zhan had already felt how tired he was from hosting the vicious spirit, its anger and hostility being held back by Wei Ying's spiritual strength alone, otherwise there would have been so many more casualties tonight instead of just one.

If Wei Ying hadn't been so strong in the first place, that Vicious Spirit could have killed the man who had murdered her and then gone after the girl who had persuaded the noble's son to commit the heinous crime in the first place, as an act of final revenge.

And who's to say that the murderous intent would have stopped there?

The possibility of far more deaths was something that many people would overlook.

But not Lan Zhan.

He cradled Wei Ying to his chest and then with one final nod to the five cultivators still there, he teleported to the infirmary at Cloud Recesses.

The healers were all asleep but one glare from Lan Zhan had the night duty trainee running to wake Healer Fei.

Minutes later, the elderly man was beside Lan Zhan, checking Wei Ying for injuries.

"What happened?" His quiet, calm words have the same effect on Lan Zhan and he finally drags in a whole lung full of breath.

He hadn't even been aware of holding it, in his anxiety.

Lan Zhan explained, in short sentences and with a minimum of words, to the point and direct.

"Tell me, was he injured prior to leaving Cloud Recesses tonight?" Healer Fei is in the process of removing Wei Ying's outer robes, and his red second robe, under which is his third, white inner robe, hidden from anyone's sight.

It was for Lan Zhan, that Wei Ying had added to his daily clothes. The white of the Lan Clan uniform lay closest to his skin, a part of Lan Zhan, he had said, right next to his heart.

Lan Zhan, distracted by it, was going to deny it.

Wei Ying wasn't injured before tonight's night hunt...but-

There, against his collarbone is the damning teeth marks, the smallest of wounds, and as Healer Fei recognises the wound, almost healed now, he frowns at Lan Zhan.

"Do I have to remind you about the dangers of blood and open cuts when dealing with Resentment energy? I expected the second Jade to be more responsible."

Shame creeps in the form of hot skin, a reddish tinge on the ears that Wei Ying likes to nibble on often.

Lan Zhan feels terrible.

Healer Fei stares at him for a few more minutes, noting his pained expression, and decides that the lesson is enough. He grumbles under his breath about rookie mistakes and excessive indulgence regarding public displays of affection while he checks the rest of Wei Ying's condition.

"You may take him back now, but make sure he rests. Only rest, mind you." Healer Fei insists. "No other ... activities yet."

Lan Zhan nods, too shocked at himself and his negligible mistake tonight.

He knows only too well how dangerous it was to have exposed cuts on one's body when dealing with different types of energies, much less Resentment energy. It was a stupid mistake, one he should have known better about, and regret is a bitter pill to swallow.

His precious Wei Ying is safe, but only just.


The Jingshi is dark when they enter, and it's only through muscle memory that Lan Zhan makes it to their bed without banging into anything.

He gently places Wei Ying on their mattress, and with a flick of his hand, lights the candles around the room.

Luckily, Li XiWang and Rumi are sleeping in the Hanshi tonight, with little Li Li. Lan Zhan can concentrate on his husband tonight, knowing their children are fine and safe with his brother.

Wei Ying, thankfully, looks peaceful.

His face is free from torment, his skin smooth and no evidence of bad dreams or anything else which could prevent restful sleep is present.

His beautiful, expressive silver eyes, orbs that hold the secrets of the Universe and all its mysteries in the stars above, the galaxies of brilliant specks shining with clarity, are closed now, but still just as lovely. Shadows under his eyes are the only evidence of his struggle, otherwise he is as perfect as ever.

Lan Zhan bends to place a loving kiss on his forehead, and then because he cannot resist, another kiss that leads to more, all over his face. Tears fell from his own eyes, quickly kissed away lest they wake his sleeping husband.

After that, Lan Zhan's movements become expertly efficient, quickly changing into his own sleeping robes and then doing the same for Wei Ying. He prays for a speedy recovery for Wei Ying, just before his own eyes fall shut, tired from the day's activities.


Wei Ying does not wake in the morning.

Lan Zhan is alarmed by that, enough that he risks another telling off when he goes to ask Healer Fei his opinion. However, Healer Fei takes pity on him and holds his tongue in order to reassure Lan Zhan that it is the opposite of concern if Wei Ying is still sleeping.

He actually pats Lan Zhan's back, telling him that Wei Ying should be awake by the evening, and may even respond well to adapted musical scores, should Lan Zhan wish to aid him further.

The children return with their Uncles around midmorning and since the Ducklings had submitted their report earlier regarding the haunting and the true nature of the crime, they are well informed.

SiZhui and Jin Ling insisted on staying until Wei Ying woke up, after XiChen told them how serious a situation it could have been if Wei Ying hadn't intervened for them. But it's Li XiWang and Rumi who sit down next to him when Lan Zhan begins to play Clarity. Li XiWang is not qualified to play it yet, but she pays attention to every note plucked from the guqin.

Rumi goes and curls up next to his father as the melody plays in the Jingshi, for the one still sleeping.



Dear Beautiful Readers,

Just a glimpse into my life: tonight I'm taking a break from writing by ordering a pizza (FINALLY!!!!) after a month of fasting, endless fruit and one meal a day with mashed potatoes occasionally thrown in, thank God it's over!!

I have a chocolate addiction that needs to be addressed stat!

So a little holiday tonight, before tomorrow. I have to confess, I'm torn between writing for this book, a wild little idea for a short series for the Fluffies, or the next one for the Vampires. All are equally tempting and if you guys have any preference, please let me know!

Have a great day!


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