Chapter 18 Half

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More than three quarters of the assorted items had disappeared. When Wei Ying checked, they were put back inside the chest, where they had come from.

"Did we just do that?" Li XiWang asked.

"I think so." Wei Ying examined the leftover items. "It has to be one of these..."

"Can we please take a break for dinner?" She added, when it looked like they were going to carry on working.

"Oh...of course, little rabbit!" Wei Ying stood up immediately. "I tend to forget about stuff like that." He smiled sheepishly. "Shall we all go to the Dining hall together?"

"We'll come back tomorrow." Hui Gai grabbed Zago and they vanished.

Wei Ying picked up Rumi and Li XiWang jumped up to hold Lan Zhan’s hand. XiChen also joined them, looking a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, XiChen-Ge." Wei Ying told him, gently. "We still have four days left. That's plenty of time to find out what it could be. Just now, I spotted lots possible items. We have to work out the connection between Xiannu and what she wants, and we'll know what her price is."

"I...I know, A-Xian." He replied, mustering up a smile. "I am just feeling impatient and I know it's through no fault of yours. I would like this matter resolved as soon as possible...that is all."

"We will be more successful tomorrow." Lan Zhan added, signalling the end of that conversation.

The dining hall was crowded as could be, with students eager to finish eating and take advantage of the longer day by sparring for fun in the training grounds.

Both Lan Zhan and Wei Ying helped their children acquire their food and were led back to the head family table, where XiChen was already sitting with Uncle Qiren.

He looked happy to see them, nodding when they sat down.

"What's going on, Grumple?" Li XiWang asked him.

"No talking at meal times." He reminded her, but under the table, Uncle Qiren took her hand and wrote the characters in her palm slowly so she could understand.

Meanwhile, Lan Zhan was pulling out an extra bottle of chilli oil and pushing it towards Wei Ying, who emptied half of it over his rice immediately. He beamed gratefully at his husband before shovelling it into his mouth.

Rumi ate vegetables and rice but he too, shared Wei Ying’s preferences in terms of food. He could eat the spiciest of dishes, much to his other father's amazement. Li XiWang had tried to eat the same level of hot food and ended up needing three glasses of milk.

Lan Zhan was most sympathetic towards her.

When they finished eating and their dishes returned, Li XiWang turned to her fathers.

"There's going to be a mini tournament on the training grounds tonight...please can we go and see?" She asked, her burgundy eyes shining with excitement.

"Mn. We can go." Lan Zhan gave his permission.

Wei Ying swung Rumi into his arms, his little legs too short to keep up.

"WingAnLaZhan?" He asked, looking interested.

"No, my darling baby!" Wei Ying kissed his bald head sweetly. "We're not going to fight. We're going to watch. It's going to be so much fun. A chance to see how much the little Lans have improved."

He looked disappointed.

"Who's better, out of you both?" Li XiWang wanted to know.

"Your father is better." They both told her, and then Wei Ying laughed at the smile on Lan Zhan’s face.

"When I had my original core...we were evenly matched." Wei Ying said, thinking back to that night, when he was breaking into Cloud Recesses with prohibited jars of Emperor's Smile. He glanced over at Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan wore the softest expression, and Wei Ying knew he was thinking about their rooftop duel.

"No one save Xiongzhang could beat me...except with your was close." Lan Zhan sounded proud of him.

"Okay...but who would win now?" She asked, a cheeky smile on her face.

"Probably your father." Wei Ying quickly said, smiling happily. "I don't get as much practice as he does...and these days, it's not necessary for me to use Suibian."

"We could...see..." Lan Zhan was saying, much to Wei Ying’s surprise.

"You...want to spar?" He asked Lan Zhan.

"Mn. For Fun." Lan Zhan said.

"Fun?" Wei Ying asked again, a bright spark of amusement growing in his silver eyes, as they caught the telltale darkening of pale ears.

"Mn. Fun." Lan Zhan insisted.

He had never thought of sparring with Wei Ying once more until Li XiWang put the idea into his head...and now, Lan Zhan wanted to.

Wei Ying let out a delighted giggle.

"Alright, then. But Lan Zhan...the little ones should get the limelight first, yes? We can wait until they're done." He added, wiping under his eyes.

Lan Zhan had surely changed so much...and it was wonderful to see.

The fifteen year old Lan Zhan would have been dead against having any sort of fun...but his husband was so much more mellow now.

"Mn. We can wait until the their tournament ends." Lan Zhan liked this idea.

They had reached the training grounds now, and the crowds of students parted with a hushed whispering of their names, as not many people expected the Great Hanguang-Jun and Wei WuXian to attend such a small contest.

They were able to make their way right to the front of the circle of spectators.

Luckily, the two fighters in the centre ignored the crowd watching them, intent on winning against each other.

Li XiWang would ask questions now and again, and both parents did their best to quench her thirst for knowledge.

The tournament was divided into three groups by ages and as contestants lost, they were returned to the crowd until only three champions were left. Wei Ying was whistling and cheering with everyone, until one voice stood out among the spectators.

"How great of the Yiling Patriarch to give his approval here, when everyone knows he hasn't wielded a sword in ages? What would he know of fighting techniques when he uses a flute instead?"

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