Chapter 60 Picnic

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It was another beautiful spring day, when the sunlight was strong, tempered only by the cool breeze. The sky was a deep, deep blue, the snatches of it seen through the canopy of green leaves crowding above them.

The children walk forward in front of them, pointing out different coloured flowers, and the odd shy animal venturing out from the undergrowth. Little birds sing along their path, and as Wei Ying swings their arms playfully, he thinks this is what being happy is all about.

It wasn't something he could grab and label, say without a doubt that this is it, this is happiness. But he felt it in every spring of his step, in the admiration he constantly felt towards flowers and his husband, and the joy when he looked at his children.

It was all around him, he thinks. He just had to open his eyes and look.

So this afternoon, he wasn't going to think about heavy things, or things which required any kind of working out.

No...he was going to simply enjoy this time with his family and leave it at that. There was something he did want to speak with Lan Zhan about...but he was going to wait until the right time for that conversation...soon.

Lan Zhan directs them to a vast clearing near a small lake.

Mindful of Rumi's aversion to water, they sit far from it, but still able to appreciate the view.

Wei Ying makes a big show of delight at his family's hard work and thoughtfulness in choosing what to bring. Everything brings a smile to his face and his child-like wonder as he helps Lan Zhan set out the food. They're sitting on a thick blanket which Lan Zhan has spread out.

Wei Ying wards it against pests and ants and then they dig in.

There are noodles, dumplings, fried Tofu, an assortment of vegetables and fried rice and of course, the moon cakes.

Lan Zhan finds it particularly delightful to hold one against Wei Ying's lips, and look deeply into his beautiful eyes as he takes the first bite. To watch the taste explode on his tongue, and the flare of Wei Ying's satisfaction upon experiencing it, and to know that he was responsible for putting that look on his face.

Once all the food is gone, the children decide to explore and play.

Wei Ying sits back with his legs outstretched, propped up by his arms, and he turns his face up towards the sun.

He reminds Lan Zhan of a sunflower.

Bright and colourful, full of vitality and life.

Ever blooming, ever seeking the light, no matter the struggles of the dark confining soil.

Wei Ying's life was like that, from the very beginning. All the bad things that happened to him, and how he persevered...every struggle, every fight that led up to this moment...

Lan Zhan decides to lie down.

There is one position which will allow him to see this view he lays his head on Wei Ying's lap.

Wei Ying is pleased by this.

Lan Zhan hardly ever asks anything for Wei Ying is all too aware of.

"Good boy." He whispers, bending down to kiss his forehead warmly. "Rest, my love. You have been working too hard, lately. You deserve a break, too." Gently, his fingers stroke Lan Zhan's hair, mindful of his head band.

But Lan Zhan will not close his eyes. Those brilliant amber orbs stare back without blinking.

Wei Ying finds himself drawn to his intensity.

There is no need to speak, to break this fragile silence. The air is heavy between them.

More feelings are expressed and heartfelt than any words that could be said, and this rare peace is so much more meaningful to both of them.

The moments pass and yet neither can look away.

"Look what we found!" The excited shout has them looking towards their daughter.

Li XiWang has a bunch of daisies in her hands.

"Fathers, we're just over there. Don't worry if you can't see us." She tells them, and runs back to Rumi.

Wei Ying instinctively understands that now the time is right.

The interruption of their child had broken the spell of whatever magic was winding between them, tying them together.

Lan Zhan closes his eyes.

Wei Ying covers his hands which are joined and resting upon his chest. This reminds him of the past, and another lifetime, when Lan Zhan had gotten drunk. Both times, when he had put the Jade to sleep off the aftereffects of alcohol, he remembers holding his hands, for the comfort it gave to both of them.

Lan Zhan has always been warm, both in his heart, and physically, something Wei Ying has always been infinitely grateful for.

They stay like that until the sun begins to dip, casting a peach glow over the cerulean sky. Streaks of purple and orange flare across the twilight sky, and Wei Ying returns to his previous thoughts.

"If you could talk to your parents again...would you want to?" And then Wei Ying winces, because he wanted to approach such a sensitive subject with much more finesse than that.

Lan Zhan's eyes snap open, an immediate blaze of gold.

Who said this man didn't feel anything?

Every emotion he felt so deeply was reflected in his beautiful eyes, like a yellow flame, like ages old amber preserved inside rocks, like liquid gold.

Rich and vibrant, scorchingly bright.

"Yes." He says, straight away.

"Right...." Wei Ying says, rather awkwardly, because like with everything he does, he never plans, only jumping in with both feet.

"Not so much my father...well, an adult, I have... questions. But my mother...yes. Most definitely." Lan Zhan sits up now, their knees touching. "Why?"

Lan Zhan knows.

Not exactly what Wei Ying is going to say, but he knows the seriousness of his question.

Their questions.

So Wei Ying decides to just go for it.

After all, there is nothing he wouldn't be able to talk about with Lan Zhan.

"So...earlier today, you know when the owl called me outside...we should really ask him his might be a girl...I don't wanna look though -"

"Wei Ying!"

"Ah...sorry, Lan Zhan. I got distracted." He laughs awkwardly. "So it was trying to draw my attention to the patch of gentian the base of the wisteria tree. I don't know why I never thought of it, never made the connection. There's a spirit there...someone you. I think it's your mother."

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