Chapter 116 Introductions

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Wei Ying could see the devastation on both his husband and XiChen-Ge's faces; the fact that neither of them were prepared for this coming conversation, and even the unpredictability of their maternal Uncle's reaction to what they would surely have to tell him... it was too much.

Wei Ying knew he was going to have to take control here, purely because no one else could, and certainly not in the way that it had to be done.

The increased silence was only adding to the confusion hanging in the air, and the crowd was getting restless, already agitated by the arrival of them as strangers on their home territory.

Wei Ying looked out into the sea of faces and all he saw was a growing hostility.

Hui Gai, he called, through their mental connection.

PengYou...what do you need?

Wei Ying could have wept with the relief he felt. Hui Gai, I'm going to give you the longest, biggest hug as soon as I can! He promises, and hears a chuckle in response. Now is not the time for tears though, at least, not his own.

I need you to contain the crowd. The brothers need to talk with their uncle, and without others present, but if we take away our family, the crowd is going to go mental. Our family will not want anyone getting hurt, no matter what.

It wasn't lost on Hui Gai, that Wei Ying had included him in the 'our' part of their family. For that alone, his heart was even fuller of love for this bright and beautiful man.

Okay, PengYou. But just so you know, I'll be taking that hug as soon as possible.

Wei Ying smiles, forever glad and grateful that he had trusted his instincts when it came to taking a chance on Hui Gai, all those years ago.

Whenever you're ready, PengYou, Hui Gai tells him.

Now, Wei Ying replies, and in that split second, he tells Lan Zhan to grab his brother and their uncle.

And just like that, they are back in the Jingshi.

"Some warning would have been nice," Jiang Cheng grouses, because his own hand had been holding XiChen's, when they teleported so unexpectedly.

XiChen looks around and then he bows to their uncle.

"Perhaps it will be better if we talk here," he turns to Wei Ying. "Thank you for bringing us here, it was quick thinking...and so apt. The original building might have been destroyed, but I have always thought of this place as my mother's home."

Lan Zhan says nothing, but Wei Ying can see the tumultuous waves of his conflicting emotions in his golden eyes, a sandstorm in the dunes of a burning desert.

He reaches for Wei Ying, pulling him closer and keeping his arm around Wei Ying's waist even as they sit down around the small table.

Wei Ying grabs his free hand anyway, needing to touch him. He hadn't been sure whether his unasked for interference would be welcomed or not, but he had never been good at just sitting on one side and not doing anything.

The squeeze on their joined hands is reassuring, though, and so is Lan Zhan's small smile.

That, right there, is what Wei Ying could flatten the earth for, if it came to it. He relaxes enough for Lan Zhan to transfer part of his attention towards the newest member of their family, if he wanted to be.

But first, they have a lot of explaining to do.

Already, their uncle kept looking around, bewildered and panicking, and trying not to be.

"Have you brought me here to see my sister?" He asks, as XiChen pours much needed tea for everyone.

"Please, JiuJiu, we have a lot of news to catch up with you, most of it very difficult." XiChen says, in his most calming tone.

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