Chapter 58 Better

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Li XiWang hurries off because Wei Ying's astute Grandmother calls her away, and Wei Ying folds his arms across his chest. To his satisfaction, Lan Zhan's ears perfectly show how embarrassed he is.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Wei Ying demands.

"I have no regrets." Lan Zhan insists.

His ears get darker at Wei Ying's incredulous look.

"Lan Zhan!" He shouts.

And then immediately lowers his voice, because several heads have turned to look at them.

"I can't believe we did that! Over There!" He hisses, looking around. His face is aflame, and matches Lan Zhan's ears.

"She told us to get in. We wouldn't have, if she didn't." He continues to try and defend their actions. "Besides, you can't make omelettes without breaking eggs." He adds, proudly.

"What? What are you talking about?" Wei Ying is completely baffled.

Lan Zhan can work with that. He takes Wei Ying's arm and begins to walk back along the now deserted walkway and starts to explain his reasoning.

"There was a lot of...fluid there."

Wei Ying waits for him to continue. But, there's nothing more.

"And?" He demands.

"So, in terms of percentages, what we produced is less than one percent of the entire mass. Wei Ying is worrying about nothing. And," he adds, rather smugly, "anything that comes from Wei Ying is holy." He marches forward as if this conversation is in any way normal.

Wei Ying grumbles all the way to Swords Hall where Jiang Cheng is sitting, with XiChen by his side.

The children are sitting and playing with Hui Gai, their usual game of Jacks and it appears that Hui Gai is losing. His red eyes are gleaming with pride and shrewd approval.

Zago is glaring at Jiang Cheng while she paces behind the lotus shaped throne, and he's making a concentrated effort to carry on ignoring her.

There is a tense silence when Wei Ying walks in, accompanied by Lan Zhan.

"I'm sorry...for bringing up the past." Jiang Cheng mumbles, looking down.

And then his face goes red as he tries to say more, and suddenly can't.

Both XiChen and Wei Ying stare curiously at him before the penny drops, and both of them stare at Lan Zhan, who isn't making eye contact. From XiChen, it's more of a glare, and he reaches over to hold Jiang Cheng's hand to comfort him.

It wears off twenty impatient minutes later, and Jiang Cheng glares back at the Second Jade. He's certainly going to be a little bit more careful on what he has to say now.

"Anyway, the thing is, if we've cleared away the fungus and everyone is alright, then we're just going to go home." Wei Ying glances at Lan Zhan for confirmation.

The Second Jade nods once, a small smile on his lips.

"You don't want to stay?" Jiang Cheng offers.

"I'd rather go home." Wei Ying says it without thinking, and only when he glimpses the flash of hurt on Jiang Cheng's face, does he realise what he said.

But since it's the truth, he's not going to apologise for his words.

"A person can have more than one home." Jiang Cheng replies.

"True." Wei Ying doesn't really want to have this conversation, and definitely not now. So he doesn't elaborate, merely tilts his head politely.

Jiang Cheng will always want something from him, and Wei Ying is no longer sure if he wants to give it.

He feels tired.

It is most certainly time to go home for some rest and relaxation.

"We're going to stay here for a few days." XiChen says, giving Jiang Cheng's hand another squeeze. "It will be good for everyone, especially the members. Excellent for morale."

"Xiongzhang doesn't need to worry, we will look after duties in Cloud Recesses." Lan Zhan bows.

Wei Ying does the same.

"Thank you, Didi, A-Xian. We are fortunate to have brothers like you." XiChen smiles back.

Lan Zhan notices that XiChen also looks tired; and perhaps all the drama with his husband's condition has contributed to his mental tiredness. So it's no chore to keep an eye on things in Gusu.

Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes and tries to speak, and once again, everyone realises that a certain somebody is responsible for it.

Wei Ying quickly grabs the children and they teleport out of there, before Lan Zhan is held accountable.

Zago is rubbing her hands with glee.

"So...are you on holiday?" She asks.

Jiang Cheng cannot answer and before he can stop XiChen, his husband answers, because he doesn't think anyone would be asking out of malicious intent. XiChen is too innocent like that...

"Absolutely. It's time to pamper this hardworking gentleman." He even leans forward and kisses Jiang Cheng's temple.

Zago makes gagging noises.

"Why do you ask?" XiChen asks, having thought about it.

"Well, the thing is, if he's on holiday, then that means he's got time to make good on his promise." Zago looks delighted at this.

Jiang Cheng still has the Lan silencing charm on him, and is red-faced trying to protest, but he can't open his mouth.

Zago slaps her arm around his horrified shoulders and leans in, with her face right up close next to Jiang Cheng's.

"Get used to this, Pal, because you and me? We're gonna be like this:" She crosses her fingers to demonstrate.

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