Chapter 49 Something

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Baoshan Sanren pursed her lips.

"Let me gather our forces first. Let us be ready. When you land in Lotus Pier with the JingLing, you're saying she'll be able to sense the JingLing with you… at that point, I want us to be there, but invisible to her." She says, her brow already furrowed.

When Wei Ying nods, she vanishes.

"Does Wei Ying have a plan?" Lan Zhan asks him.

"Sort of?" Wei Ying hedges.

He has the bare bones of one, which he hopes will come true, but he's pretty certain Lan Zhan isn't going to like it.

So if he can delay explaining himself to the person who knows him the best now, then he's going to try.

"Don't worry, PengYou. I'll be there too. We can defeat her together." Hui Gai adds his voice.

Wei Ying is exceptionally glad for the timely intervention of his friend, because it distracts Lan Zhan from his thread of thoughts.

"And I will be with Wei Ying this time." This promise is real.

Wei Ying is aware that Lan Zhan is still blaming himself for the turn of events, leading up to the abduction of their children. It was a low blow on the part of the Flower Demon, one that Wei Ying has no intention of forgiving her for.

If she thinks she can do what she wants without consequences, she's got another thing coming.

His eyes flash red suddenly.

Lan Zhan squeezes his hand.

Wei Ying can see unbridled desire burning in his eyes; Lan Zhan looks like he's one second away from throwing him down on the ground and ravishing him.

"Soon, my love. Let me get our kids back, and then I'm yours." He promises.

"Mn." Lan Zhan completely understands.

He's also feeling distracted. He packs away these feelings, determined to bring them out at a more appropriate time.

It is a better idea to bring out Bichen and use the grindstone on its edges instead.

That Flower Demon won't stand a chance….


Li XiWang knew this Flower Demon was a fool if she believed she could control everything.

But she knew better than to make objections to her claims, and she looked away.

Rumi crawled into her lap and she hugged him tightly. His little body trembled, and her heart went out to him; he was still very young and it must be so confusing and distressing for him here.

"WingAnLaZhan?" He whispers close to her ear.

"Hush, Rumi." Li XiWang tells him quietly.

She doesn't want to give the Flower Demon any kind of advantages now. She's simply too dangerous the way she is…and there's still no guarantee that EmoHua will give them back to their parents when she's done.

But Li XiWang hasn't actually found out what she wants.

EmoHua wants the JingLing they have, the cute and happy one, the one that got her father the noodles from Caiyi Town…the same JingLing who got all happy when it thought it had made her Father Wei happy…because it thought he looked sad.

It was too childlike and innocent, with its big, soulful eyes and babyish behaviour.

All of a sudden…Li XiWang doesn't want to let EmoHua anywhere near their JingLing.

"What are you going to do when you get your JingLing back?" She asks.

This seems to be a crucial part of understanding her.

"That's between me and it. I shall simply ask it to grant my wish, and then I'll destroy its memory. Then it won't be able to wreck its special brand of havoc on anyone else." The Flower Demon says this so matter-of-factly that Li XiWang is completely taken aback.

"You can't!" She says, a sudden burst of words leaving her mouth.

"That remains to be seen. And, I think I can." EmoHua stares back at Li XiWang and Rumi with an unrepentant glare.

"No…you don't understand! What I mean is, isn't it terrible of you to ask the JingLing for a wish…and then destroy it? How could you do that?" Just the thought of such a callous action brought tears to her young eyes.

"I do not have a conscience." EmoHua declares, confidently. "And why should I? Was I shown any kindness when I lived my human life? No. So there's no need for me to return it. And I am doing you all a favour…I don't understand why you can't see that. JingLings are dangerous, and I am merely getting rid of the threat. You should be thanking me." She added, rolling her eyes.

"But you…you don't have to be like them. They were so bad, so you killed them…and now you're being exactly like them!" Li XiWang cried out. "Why can't you see that?"

"You do not understand. Maybe you're too young to get it. Anyway, whether you do or not, it doesn't concern me. You are merely pawns in my plan, and soon, I can give you back." EmoHua stares at them coldly. "But how dare you question me? You have never been in my position, and never experienced any of the things that happened to me…how can I expect you to understand me?" She stomped off in a rage.

As soon as she was gone, DaErduo transformed into his Demon form.

"Mistress, do you think we can strike this barrier?" He asks eagerly.

He would never do something against her will but they need to try something, and fast.

The Flower Demon is unstable, and liable to fly into a rage without warning.

DaErduo thinks they should leave as soon as possible, rather than risk her wrath.

Li XiWang nods and holds his hand.

Together, they close their eyes and blast spiritual energy at the transparent iridescent barrier.

But the barrier itself repels their force straight back at them and it's only because of Li XiWang's quick thinking of wrapping a bubble around them, which saves them from harm.

DaErduo vanishes just like that, and Li XiWang prepares herself for the Flower Demon's return.

WangXian Forever Book 9: The Flower DemonWhere stories live. Discover now