Chapter 30 Disclosure

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XiChen carries Jiang Cheng in bird form to the courtyard in front of the Jingshi, where the Great Magnolia tree grows, spreading its fertile boughs in all directions. Around his neck, Snizzy tries to comfort him, but XiChen knows only one thing can comfort him now.

While he waits for the rest of his family to join him, he looks around, thinking about his mother.

He was older than Lan Zhan when she passed away.

This used to be her home, and the gentian flowers planted outside her windows were there as a gift from their father to her; when asked for a marriage gift, she had chosen them herself.

They were her favourite flowers, he remembers.

She had remained in seclusion in this house, more a prisoner than a newly married bride come to live in her marital home.

As a child, not much was explained to him about her situation yet XiChen was a sensitive child, observant and intuitive. He used to watch her micro expressions, and perhaps at the time his young mind didn't understand how she was feeling, but in later years, XiChen would recall the fleeting flashes of wanting to go outside, in her beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

They always seemed so sad to him.

He was glad to see that this building had changed from being only that, to a home where laughter rang out and the new inhabitants were thriving and joyful.

Lan Zhan opens the door and Wei Ying comes out carrying Rumi.

Li XiWang follows closely behind, taking Lan Zhan's hand and smiling with excitement.

"Ready?" XiChen asks. There is an anticipation in his voice that he doesn't bother to hide.

They are so close now, to returning Jiang Cheng to how he should be.

Wei Ying puts Rumi down so he can be the middle link between himself and Lan Zhan, who carries Li XiWang in his spare arm. Wei Ying holds XiChen's hand and just like that, they land in Lotus Pier.

Just outside Swords Hall.

Feng Li Pao waits for them, having been informed already that they are coming.

They all bow to each other and then the Jiang Head disciple asks a question that seems to be burning in his eyes as well.

"Do you have Xiannu's price?" Feng Li Pao asks curiously.

Wei Ying smiles at him, just as two swords land carrying Jin Ling and SiZhui.

Greetings and hugs are exchanged enthusiastically.

"Actually...I was thinking...that...the Shaman's caravan is really no place to bring children." Wei Ying says, thoughtfully,

"Are you going to leave us here, father?" Li XiWang picks up on this immediately. "We can stay, if you prefer."

She is not upset, just a little disappointed and just wants a confirmation of her guess.

"Not for long." Wei Ying explains, nodding. "And it's just a safety precaution. We aren't sure how Xiannu will react to us changing the really depends on how desperate she is. But I would rather not expose you both to someone who may take advantage of our relationship. I'm just being cautious, that's all."

"Then we should listen." Lan Zhan tells her.

Li XiWang nods, looking wiser than her eleven years.

Lan Zhan is still watching Wei Ying, simply because he wants to know if there is anything serious to worry about, where they are going other than the obvious problem.

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