Chapter 55 Memories

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The familiarity of Cloud Recesses was like a warm comforting blanket, and as the family entered the Jingshi, Lan Zhan realises that it might not just be his husband who will need relief from his traumas.

But he senses that tonight will be a difficult one for Wei Ying, and he does not want to make the children more worried than they already are.

When Jiang Cheng brought up the past, and continued referring to it, Lan Zhan was ready to silence him. Not only because Rumi was growling at him, and Li XiWang, while remaining silent, was looking between her parents in a state of shock. All of that, while Wei Ying was so distressed, that he was openly crying.

So when they put the children to bed, he makes sure to let them know that the door connecting their rooms will be left open, and if they call out, Lan Zhan will definitely come to them.

They're already yawning by the time clothes are changed and tonight, they get a short story.

Wei Ying isn't into it, but he really tries to make an effort.

Tonight's story is about the snake that lies to a bunch of frogs about a mysterious, fictitious river, in a time of drought. The snake's treachery is found out and some of the frogs are saved, and the moral of the story is not to trust everything you are told in favour of finding out the truth for yourself.

But just as they are about to leave, Li XiWang throws herself into Wei Ying's arms, hugging him tightly.

No words are necessary, because Wei Ying knows this is to comfort him. His children do not like him being upset, and this in itself, is another kind of comfort.

"I'm alright, Little Rabbit." He reassures her and Rumi, who is looking at the exchange in alarm and wondering what's going on.

"WingAnLaZhan?" He says, cautiously.

Lan Zhan kisses the top of his head and tells them not to worry; he is with them.

They are tired too, and it only takes seconds after they settle down, for the children to fall asleep.

True to his word, Lan Zhan leaves the connecting door slightly ajar so his sharper ears can hear if he is called for.

Now he turns to Wei Ying, who is removing his red ribbon. He holds it in his hands, staring at it but not seeing it.

Lan Zhan takes it from his hands almost reverently, and places it on their table. He takes Wei Ying by the shoulders and looks into his eyes.

Wei Ying looks tired. There are dark patches under his eyes, and because he looks paler than normal, these stand out more than usual.

"Bath?" Lan Zhan asks him.

He's hoping to relax Wei Ying enough that he falls into a deeper sleep; then he might be able to sleep through the night.

Wei Ying nods slowly, melancholy making his moves sluggish.

Lan Zhan guides him to the tub perpetually filled behind the screen, and he activates the heating talismans on the sides. Robes are shed and soon, both of them are in the soothing water.

Lan Zhan pours a substantial amount of sandalwood oil into the bathwater, and Wei Ying takes an appreciative whiff, scrunching up his nose in the cutest way. Lan Zhan kisses the top of his head and begins to massage his shoulders.

Slowly, the water and his touch do their magic and Wei Ying begins to melt into his body. His eyes are half closed when Lan Zhan carries him out of the tub and brings him into their room. Wei Ying is carefully dried and dressed as quickly as possible.

It seems as if he was just waiting to be told he could sleep; because as soon as Lan Zhan gets in beside him, Wei Ying snuggles into his side and falls asleep.

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