Chapter 87 Justice

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When Lan Zhan next opens his eyes, he still feels tired and it seems as if he hasn't slept for long at all. He feels disorientated, disconnected from everything that had happened to his parents.

What a tragedy to befall two innocent souls!

Their lives were sacrificed in such a way that neither could live as they wished. Lan Zhan understood that now. And why his mother said that nothing would come from his learning of the truth.

Wei Ying is still sleeping next to him, and Lan Zhan doesn't want to wake him yet.

By the position of the sun, he can tell that most of the day has passed. And yesterday, after finding out how the music box worked, all of that had happened in the did that mean he had slept for a full twenty-four hours?

That was shocking to him. Lan Zhan never slept for so long unless he was ill with some malady.

Wei Ying stirs, yawning loudly. His beautiful silver eyes blink open, and then he sits up once he realises that Lan Zhan is awake now.

"How are you feeling today, my love?" He whispers it, wanting to hold onto the peacefulness of the morning a little while longer.

"Heartbroken for them." Lan Zhan replies, unable to meet his eyes.

Wei Ying leans down upon him, his lips lingering on his forehead. He doesn't say anything, willing to simply listen to Lan Zhan if he wishes to talk about whatever is on his mind.

"Muqin was right."

"About what?"

"Her plight will change nothing. Her name and her reputation are still embedded in the mud of false rumours, and I cannot make Shifu apologise...because he knew what they did. He supported their decision." Lan Zhan sighs, really sighs, so deeply as if releasing years worth of pain and uncertainty.

"But Lan Zhan, don't you see? You finding out about their past, about what really happened, it may not change anything for them, but it definitely changes everything for you and for XiChen-Ge." Wei Ying hugs him tightly. "I think Muqin is happier that both her sons know she is innocent. That's enough for her. So you were able to make her happy and put her at ease, anyway. That's what you wanted in the beginning, right?"


"And about blaming Shifu...I think his solution helped to keep them alive. It was the best idea at the time, otherwise innocent people would have been killed."

This makes Lan Zhan feel so much better.

"Wei Ying is right. Muqin is content with us knowing the reason for her punishment, and that she was innocent. It is enough."

"That's right."

Wei Ying is looking down on him with such hopefulness on his face, that Lan Zhan feels his mood elevate into something much lighter.

"I am glad that Wei Ying was able to meet Muqin. What do you think of her?" Lan Zhan is a little nervous about what Wei Ying is going to say.

Aside from his children, there were only three people that Lan Zhan loved; one resided in the Hanshi, one had passed away, and the other was right here.

"Well, before meeting her, I only had whatever you told me about her to go on. I already thought she was kind and sweet," Wei Ying begins, thoughtfully. "But now, I think she was extraordinarily brave. When I see her, I can tell exactly where my good husband got his superior traits from."

Lan Zhan looks happy at that. Happy and relieved.

"Good! Now, let's eat and then we can tell her. Plus, I have something to tell both you and XiChen-Ge." Wei Ying goes to rise, but the pout on Lan Zhan's face makes him pause. "What is it, my love?" He's already melting.

"Wei Ying has not greeted his husband in an acceptable manner."

"Oh, my!" Wei Ying wants to laugh so badly, because who can resist such a cute, pouting Jade full of petulant annoyance? "That is terribly remiss of me!" He swoops down and captures Lan Zhan's lips in a heated kiss, and they both tremble from need.

Anytime, anywhere, Wei Ying feels like dry tinder, ready to burst into flames with a single scorching look from his most beautiful man. It is always a burning need to sink into his arms, to revel in the knowledge that Lan Zhan is his!

To have this feeling on tap, to know that someone, no, to have the very best person in the world be here for is a giddy thought.

So Wei Ying pours all of his love into this kiss. He wants to show Lan Zhan that he's never going to take anything for granted ever, not when it comes to them. They've been through so much, both together and separately, that every moment spent together like this feels like a blessing come true.

Lan Zhan had wanted to wait, to not respond back when Wei Ying began to kiss him, because morning kisses were too important to forget, and to teach Wei Ying a valuable lesson. But this was his Wei Ying.

His life and soul.

And resistance was pitifully absent as his own love for this great man came to the surface and showered him with his true feelings. The novelty of having Wei Ying in his arms, in his bed, in his never went away.

It was a hard earned gift and Lan Zhan appreciated him every single day.

This feeling of absolute love was all-encompassing, spreading through his pores to reach Wei Ying, and once more, his vision is filled with the brightest light.

When they drift apart, Wei Ying hugs him again.

These precious moments are as priceless as the rarest gems in their lives.

There will always be something to do, someone to save, and through it all, they will be together forever.

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