Chapter 11 Lotus Pier

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Feng Li Pao was under no illusions that these were very important guests. Not only was one of them the First Jade of Gusu, but that same man was married to his own boss, Jiang WanYin, Sect Leader of the Yunmeng Jiang clan.

Not only that, but the Second Jade of Gusu was here also, with his husband, the former Head disciple of the Jiang Sect.

So not only was he under pressure to make a good impression, he had to also make sure that nobody felt snubbed in any way, and that he was still doing a good job.

All of that was easy...if the Second Jade didn't hate his guts.

Feng Li Pao wasn't completely sure why...because up until now, he had been the most respectful and deferential to them all, including Wei WuXian, because not a single soul alive was unaware of how protective and defensive that same Second Jade was, about his husband.

But Feng Li Pao had not, until now, realised how much vinegar the man could drink.

He had almost lost his nose to Bichen and it was an experience he did not wish to repeat.

The Second Jade was giving him nothing but death glares, and if looks could kill...

The problem was, Lotus Pier had a situation.

And Feng Li Pao was responsible for sorting it out...but he had exhausted every avenue in trying and since Sect Leader Jiang was indisposed, he had no choice but to ask for help. His first thoughts had been towards the First Jade, being partway his responsibility to help look after the Jiang Sect too, plus as Sect Leader Jiang's first choice would be him, Feng Li Pao wanted to involve him.

However, the man had enough on his plate, being the Sect Leader of the Lan Clan and the current situation regarding his husband.

So the next choice was Wei WuXian.

Feng Li Pao was well aware that the man had defected, but he sincerely believed that circumstances had forced difficult choices to be made, but he knew the former Head disciple was a formidable champion of the cultivation world, and the fact that he was willing to help in the first place was a miracle.

And in his heart of hearts, Feng Li Pao knew that Jiang WanYin trusted him too.

He was currently giving his guests a proper tour of Lotus Pier, and hoping no toes were stepped on as he explained about the changes he had brought in, all with Sect Leader Jiang's approval.

Training began in the morning from six to twelve, with meditation thrown in. After lunch, the younger disciples were encouraged to support the community. Feng Li Pao told them that Jiang WanYin had emphasised the importance of a Sect's responsibility towards the people who supported them and in this way, the symbiotic relationship was maintained, thereby proving beneficial to all involved.

And now, he was about to show them a surprise.

He opened the doors to a section partitioned off.

Lotus flowers grew in abundance as far as the eye could see. The flowers were sectioned too with a narrow wooden walkway between rows and rows of crop. Workers paused to wave at the Head disciple and bow towards the guests.

Wei Ying had looked across the sea of pink Lotus flowers and all he could see was his ShiJie. She was the epitome of a Lotus flower.

Stunningly beautiful, kind and soft as a Lotus petal, yet just as sturdy in her strength to grow tall and strong. Rising up from the muddy beginning and yet, nothing could touch her.

Calloused fingertips under his eyes brought Wei Ying back from his thoughts.

"Why is Wei Ying crying?" Lan Zhan had no idea why his husband looked like that...a mix of tenderness and joy...with such a deep sadness.

He wrapped his arms around Wei Ying, holding him tightly.

Wei Ying leaned his forehead against Lan Zhan’s chest, letting himself be comforted. He had made his peace with his ShiJie's passing a long time ago...but every time he visited Lotus Pier, he could still feel her presence.

Her soft, nurturing care was ever visible everywhere he looked.

She was present in the Lotus flowers right in front of him, the mirage of her sitting in a boat with Jiang Cheng and himself as they played in the lakes and rivers.

Wei Ying’s childhood came down to those happy times, times he had stored away in the deeper recesses of his heart. There had been a time when he had not thought himself worthy to look at these memories...but he knew better now.

Love for his sister, a staunch supporter of him, who never failed to look after him...she was right up there with Lan Zhan in his list of favourite people.


That's all he had to say for Lan Zhan to tighten his arms.

Wei Ying hugged him back, knowing he understood.

"It is good to remember those we love."

Wei Ying smiled.

Lan Zhan said "love"... not "loved", past tense.

Lan Zhan knew how much Wei Ying loves his sister...still loved her so much.

Wei Ying took a deep breath and stood straighter.

"You're right. It's just...I'm never ready for how much this place reminds me of her. How much I can see her everywhere I look."

Lan Zhan nodded.

Wei Ying wiped his eyes with his sleeves, still smiling.

"I'm alright now."

He noticed that the others were standing a polite distance away, waiting for them.

And Lan Zhan who believed him, still wrapped an arm around his waist, comforting him.

They walked up to the group of XiChen, Feng Li Pao, Jiang Cheng and Snizzy. Jiang Cheng was staring at him, and Wei Ying knew why. Jiang Cheng was possibly the only person who understood the depth of his pain.

Losing their sister was a joint tragedy that only they knew.

"Can I carry him now?" Wei Ying asked XiChen.

XiChen nodded, passing him the purple bird.

"Here's what I wanted to show you." Feng Li Pao was saying. He gestured towards the plants growing in abundance. "We discovered a way to make silk from the strands of the stalks. All of our robes are made from our own silk now. Every single part of the plant is used in some way, and we have been selling Lotus flowers further and further away."

Wei Ying smiled at him.

"You're doing a great job."

And just like that, vinegar was poured down the throat next to him.

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