Chapter 119 Memories

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Wei Ying wakes up slowly, feeling that something is different, and not necessarily wrong, but not the same as when he usually wakes up in Cloud Recesses.

Warm lips kiss at his temple, and as his eyes open gradually, he discovers that he's sprawled all over his husband, who doesn't seem to mind at all.

Lan Zhan is staring back at him with the fondest look, and the same intensity.

Wei Ying beams at him, as sleep leaves him fully.

Bright sunshine makes dust notes dance in the rays filtering in through the open window, and the breeze is already cooling with the last days of summer. It's nice being home, or as close to home as they can be without being there.

Caiyi Town is the closest to Cloud Recesses, and the first port of call for supplies when anyone comes down from the mountain.

Wei Ying shivers, and Lan Zhan pulls the blanket over his shoulders, tightening his arms.

He smiles when Wei Ying kisses his chest and snuggles closer, relishing this time spent together. These moments are as golden and cherished as every sunrise Lan Zhan gets to see with his beloved.

That thought makes him smile because those are fewer than one would think, seeing as Wei Ying is barely able to rise before midday.

"What are you thinking about?" Wei Ying murmurs.

His breathing is relaxed, already levelling out before sleep takes him captive once more.

"How lucky I am. How lucky we are." Lan Zhan tells him in his deep voice.

The sound rumbles up through his chest, making Wei Ying smile.

"For sure, we are," he says confidently, and promptly falls asleep.

Lan Zhan tenderly strokes his long, beautiful hair, feeling all kinds of satisfaction and contentment.


"What time is it?" Wei Ying yawns, woken by the rumbling in his stomach. "Time for breakfast?"

"Lunch." Lan Zhan corrects him, carrying him to their bathtub.

They both smile when they see it is the one reserved for them alone, when they come to stay here. It's made from copper as opposed to wood, and therefore, far more durable.

They take their time bathing, drying their hair and getting themselves ready.

The urgency of living in Cloud Recesses has left them for now, and they are both much more relaxed.

Breakfast lunch is a mild soup with vegetable dumplings for Lan Zhan, and spicy noodles for Wei Ying, charging him up for the rest of the day. Two cups of Emperor's Smile, and he's ready for anything.

They link arms and leave the Inn, with Wei Ying ever so curious about why they're here, and what could be the reason why Lan Zhan is being so mysterious.

Strolling through the town is always fun, with Wei Ying waving to faces that recognise him and vice versa, and they aren't in any hurry.

In fact, Wei Ying begins to walk faster than Lan Zhan's pace, the latter almost reluctantly dragging his feet.

They stop outside a blacksmith's forge.

The air around this hive of activity is heavier, carrying the scent of burning wood and metal, the sounds of tools hammering away at unyielding materials ringing around them. The yard is empty for now, so Wei Ying thinks they might be taking a break.

It's a good chance for him to ask Lan Zhan what they've come here for, because he has been less than forthcoming, so far.

Indeed, Wei Ying can see regret lurking in those beautiful golden orbs, and he steps forward with a question on his lips as he wraps his arms around his husband.

"Lan Zhan, what is it? Why are we here?"

He waits patiently, letting Lan Zhan gather his thoughts.

Now that they're actually here, Lan Zhan is second guessing himself, wondering what and how Wei Ying's reaction is going to be. But this action is long overdue, and he sincerely wishes for it to be welcome.

"That day, when Shifu was occupied by his hair, and Wei Ying left me alone with him?" Lan Zhan reminds him, needing to start somewhere and deciding on the beginning.

"Yeah...?" Wei Ying leans back to look into his eyes.

"Uncle said it was a shame that Wei Ying had nowhere to remember his parents. And he expressed regret that he hadn't rectified this earlier, when Wei Ying first came to live in Gusu with me. So he asked me to arrange for tablets to be forged in Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze's names. I thought perhaps Wei Ying might like to have them placed under his moon tree, behind the Jingshi."

It's easy to lose himself in those lovely sunset eyes, so full of concern and love, so worried about him.

Wei Ying is determined not to cry, and it's with no small effort that he blinks back his tears.

"Shifu said that?" He whispers it, even as footsteps interrupt them.

Lan Zhan nods as Wei Ying steps out of his embrace, but hangs onto his arm.

The Blacksmith, a stocky, muscular man, recognises Lan Zhan and correctly assumes why they're there. He brings out a rectangular package wrapped in calico and hands it to Lan Zhan, who gives him two pouches of silver.

Wei Ying feels kind of numb, as if he's not really there. He can see this happening as if he's standing on the outside of it all, watching them from above.

"You may view the items here," the Blacksmith tells them kindly, leading them to a tree stump that has been fashioned into a table.


Lan Zhan waits until he moves away, before setting the package on it.

Wei Ying startles as he realises that Lan Zhan is waiting for him to open it. His fingers tremble as they pull on the hessian string used to tie the calico down.

When the fabric falls away, it reveals two wooden tablets that have a top plate of brass, with Wei Ying's parents' names on each one, with cherry blossoms bordering them around the edges.

They are beautiful.

Wei Ying has never had a place where he could mourn his parents, or offer up incense in their memory.

Madam Yu would never have allowed it in Lotus Pier, especially not in the Jiang family ancestral Hall, seeing it as the epitome of disrespect towards herself, and Wei Ying might have thought about it whenever special festivals came along and he saw others making offerings to their ancestors.

But he'd never thought he could simply ask for it.

He doesn't even register that he's crying until warm hands wipe under his eyes.

"They're beautiful," he tells Lan Zhan.

"Mn," Lan Zhan replies, relief evident on his face.

"Let's take them home."

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