Chapter 14 Home

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They collected XiChen with Snizzy and Jiang Cheng about an hour later. Feng Li Pao came to give them two carefully sealed boxes with the samples of the fungus.

XiChen was also just a shadow of his cheerful self, and Wei Ying was filled urgency to find the thing that Xiannu said they would know....though part of him was sarcastically adding, way to expedite things...

Wasn't it just easier for Xiannu to tell them?

Still, they were outside the Hanshi now and were just saying bye to XiChen when Wei Ying heard a familiar, outraged oinking.

"Ke-ai! Where did you come from?" Wei Ying crouched down as the little piggy fell out of XiChen's sleeve.

"He came and found me when I was sleeping on WanYin's bed." XiChen explained.

"That's truly remarkable..." especially for a pig, Wei Ying thought.

They waved bye and walked towards the infirmary.

"To answer Wei Ying." Lan Zhan said. "Why Wei Ying to experience that dream...could it be that Wei Ying is particularly sensitive to external stimulation?"

"What, you think it's because I'm "special"?" Wei Ying made speech marks with his fingers. He shook his head.

"It is a possibility." Lan Zhan insisted.

"One of many." Wei Ying replied. He didn't want to think about them, that was one thing, but his worry was: if the dream and what was happening connected, then that meant someone was targeting him...or the Jiangs in some way.

He had never wished he was wrong more than now. But giving his fears a voice would only make Lan Zhan worry more and Wei Ying didn’t want to do that.

Not if he could help it.

"Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. You Lans love evidence, right? Let's go get some, then," he said, lightly.

They were outside the infirmary now.

Lan Zhan pushed open the door and they entered.

Healer Fei was washing his hands when they saw him.

He immediately narrowed his gaze.

Wei Ying laughed, delighted.

Lan Zhan smiled at that.

"May I ask why you have chosen to visit today?" Healer Fei asked.

"It's an interesting puzzle." Wei Ying insisted, handing one of the boxes over.

They explained what was inside and the fact that it was highly contagious and fast spreading.

"Where did it come from?" He asked, changing into his clinical mode.

"Lotus Pier...but they don't know how it started. We're hoping you can find out. And it's urgent." Wei Ying added.

"And when isn't it?" The cantankerous older man scowled at that.

"Aww! You love us really!" Wei Ying winked at him and they left quickly. "He didn't deny it, and that's a win in my book." Wei Ying said adamantly, grinning at his husband.

Lan Zhan teleported them outside Wen Ning's home.

Wen Ning still lived in the little cottage a way from the white pillars of Cloud Recesses. He came out immediately as soon as he felt the presence of his best friend.

"Wei Gonzei!" He hugged Wei Ying deeply.

"Wen Ning! How are you doing?" Wei Ying asked, hugging him too.

Qing-Er and Li Hua also came outside then, having heard them greeting each other.

Wei Ying picked up the little boy and tossed him in the air, earning squeals of laughter.

For Lan Zhan, it was a truly joyous moment. Children had the natural ability to heal situations that they were not aware of, and anything that could make his Wei Ying feel better was a win for him too. He and Wen Ning watched as Wei Ying chased the baby who finally went and hid behind his mother.

Wen Ning was smiling at him.

"Actually...Wen Ning...we've come to ask you about something." Wei Ying said, sitting down on the bench.

"Anything." Wen Ning replied, bowing to both of them.

Li Hua took the child inside, much to Wei Ying’s relief.

He took the box from Lan Zhan gratefully and handed it to Wen Ning.

"I thought of you because you're so great with plants and because of your medical background." Wei Ying told him after explaining about the dangers of what the box contained. "And I know I don’t need to tell you this, but please be careful with this." He stared pointedly at the beautiful flowers flourishing in Wen Ning's garden.

"I will be careful, Wei-Gongzei. Thank you for trusting me with this." He said, earnestly.

His innocent nature never failed to bring Wei Ying to tears. He blinked them back quickly but not fast enough. A white handkerchief was offered, and Wei Ying smiled with embarrassment, taking it.

They sat for a few minutes more after Wen Ning had secured the sample away where his child could not reach.

Wei Ying would always feel comfortable with his family...Lan Zhan knew. In many ways, Wen Ning was the younger brother that Wei Ying never had. And a much healthier option than the one that was supposed to be.

But, Lan Zhan speculated, it was true that you couldn't pick your family, not the one that was given to you...however, you could find people in the oddest of places and have a real connection, deeper than the supposed family.

These people were more important because they mattered. They were there...when he had not been able to be...

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying bounced up to him. "Ready to go home?"

"Mn." They took their leave from Wen Ning and teleported back into the Jingshi.

Lan Zhan set the hot water to boil for tea and planted Wei Ying in his lap. He wasn't ever going to get tired of this feeling, as if everything important to him was condensed into this perfect man, right here.

He hugged Wei Ying tightly, just breathing in his lovely, soothing Lotus flower fragrance.

"Are you alright, my love?" Wei Ying asked him, after he couldn’t let go. He laughed softly, stroking Lan Zhan’s thick, luxurious hair.

Lan Zhan realised that watching Wei Ying relive his traumas, hearing about them, seeing the places of the past where they had been had worn him down too. He needed to feel Wei Ying in his arms, know that he was safe and happy...and right here.

It was a balm to his heart.

To see Wei Ying smile, to see him hear it for himself.


"We have to open Wei Ying’s prize first. Before work." Lan Zhan insisted.

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