Chapter 83 Vault

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It is Jiang Cheng who opens the door.

He lets them in with a raised brow, but Wei Ying doesn't want to say anything yet. This is between the two brothers, and no one else should interfere.

He looks around instead.

It's certainly cleaner than before, and less like a stable than a living area for humans, though that could probably be explained away by Snizzy not being here. Only Ke-ai, the little piglet, is on the bed fast asleep. XiChen is already at the little table, and he sets his book down, smiling up at them as they bow in greeting.

"Please sit." He pours fresh jasmine tea in four cups and looks at his brother expectantly.

Now that the moment has come, Lan Zhan finds that his tongue won't move. Not even having Wei Ying sitting so close, it's just a fraction away from actually being in his lap. His hand is squeezed for encouragement and while Lan Zhan appreciates this, it's not helping him overcome the real hurdle of talking to his brother.

He looks into honey-coloured eyes filled with nothing but kindness and love, and wonders how to ask what is weighing on his mind.

"We should probably tell you something important, first." Wei Ying starts off, to help this along. He picked up his cup and downed the contents in one go, burning his tongue and earning questioning looks towards himself, but he ploughed on because he only just realised something.

XiChen didn't know who they had been talking to.

It seems Lan Zhan has only just figured this out, too, because he puts a warm palm on Wei Ying's knee, a sign that he's ready to take over.

Jiang Cheng had been sharpening his sword until then, and he has also twigged that this isn't just another social visit. He puts the grinding stone down and lays down Sandu.

"Xiongzhang." Lan Zhan sits up straighter, shoulders back. "A few days ago, Wei Ying noticed a spirit lurking around the gentian flowers behind the Jingshi. We were able to speak with her tonight."

"Her?" XiChen becomes alert.


XiChen is already standing up, ready to go to the Jingshi. Lan Zhan stands in his way, forcing him to stop.

"Doesn't she want to see me?" He's suddenly crying.

Jiang Cheng gets up to stand next to XiChen, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"XiChen-Ge! Please, hear us out. That's not what she said!" Wei Ying says quickly.

When it came to their mother, these Lans didn't hold back. And Wei Ying thought that while Lan Zhan had been younger and therefore, his trauma was far more severe at losing his mother, and obviously a turning point in his life, the sad event would have affected XiChen in a similar way, no doubt. Not all scars showed, after all. He catches Jiang Cheng's eye, and nods in approval when the Jiang Sect Leader leads his husband back to sit down gently.

"I am sorry. I could not think of another reason why you would stop me, Didi." There's a bite to his tone.

A silent question.

"Muqin mentioned a music box. She said it is broken. Do you have it?" Lan Zhan didn't sit down, feeling an agitation that was foreign to him.

"A music box? Yes." XiChen still looks puzzled and he takes a deep breath to steady himself. "After Muqin passed away, Shufu asked the disciples to clean out the Jingshi. It is common practice after...after a death. So the spirit will move on with nothing to tie them to the mortal realm." He sighs. "Mother left a note on a music box, with my name on it. The comb, the Ivory one wrapped in her white handkerchief, had a similar note with your name on it. I think our mother knew. That her days were coming to an end."

Lan Zhan finally sits down.

"Do you think she was glad to go?"

The silence is heavy between them, and because of this, XiChen's gasp is all the more louder.

"No! I believe she wouldn't have wanted to leave us, no matter what happened to her. If we had been older..."

Jiang Cheng reaches over to hold his hand, squeezing them gently.

"It doesn't matter now. We should try to remember only the good times."

Wei Ying nods.

"She asked us to look at the music box, if you have it." Wei Ying says softly.

"Why? If it is broken?" XiChen accepts the cup of tea Jiang Cheng gives him.

"There's a puzzle and well, your mother doesn't want us to solve it. She says it will still affect people who are involved." Wei Ying explains, glancing between the brothers.

Lan Zhan hasn't looked away once from his brother's face.

Not even blinking.

"Then why are you doing this?" XiChen also sits straighter.

"I asked Muqin to tell us why she was imprisoned in the Jingshi. She told us that the answer lay in the broken music box." Lan Zhan states facts as if he is not affected at all.

But XiChen and Wei Ying know him the best, perhaps Wei Ying knows him even better now.

"I would like to speak with Muqin." XiChen says quietly.

His face is full of longing.

"Muqin said she will stay until we find the Music box. If we have any questions, she will answer them." Lan Zhan adds.

"It is a tough decision." XiChen says finally. "I would want to make Muqin happy."

Lan Zhan looks thoroughly disappointed.

"But I would be lying if I said I didn't want to know why her fate was so wrought with pain and suffering."

Lan Zhan's head snaps up at that.

"The music box is in the vault. Let's go and get it. Then we can see what to do." XiChen finishes, standing up.

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