Chapter 35 Sleeping

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Lan Zhan carries Wei Ying to their room.

It is a lovely night in Yunmeng. The moon is full and bright as she shines on the dark waters of the lake that surrounds them. The air is fresh with the scent of fragrant lotus flowers, the perfume heavy and intoxicating.

Night creatures are singing their symphonies; a hooting owl aids the tiny loud frogs as they call out to their mates. Crickets and cicadas add their parts and fireflies dance alongside the little group travelling along the wooden walkways of Lotus Pier.

The children follow, and there is a disciple leading them to the bedrooms.

"This is all new." Wei Ying says, his tongue slurring slightly. "It wasn't like this before." He waves a hand in a completely different direction. "My room was over there...somewhere."

Lan Zhan holds him closer. He doesn't want Wei Ying to think about those days...

There is an adjacent room for the children, and Lan Zhan tells Li XiWang to get herself and Rumi changed; he will be there as soon as he has settled Wei Ying to rest.

The children nod obediently and go into their room.

Lan Zhan lays Wei Ying in their bed, but as he moves away, Wei Ying clings to his robes, his fingers clutching the white silk tightly.

"Don't go." Wei Ying murmurs, his eyes half closes and the words sound like a plea.

"I'll be right back." Lan Zhan promises.

He takes off Wei Ying’s outer robes and smiles at the vivid red of his inner clothes, so vibrant and perfectly suited to this wild, vivacious man. Wei Ying is like the flame of the forest, incandescent and bright...and his.

But before he can rest next to Wei Ying, there are the children to take care of first.

So Lan Zhan goes to the next room.

Li XiWang and her familiars are trying to push the two beds together.

"Rumi doesn't feel safe here." Li XiWang explains.

Rumi is clutching a blanket and holding it close to his chest, sucking his thumb and watching them quietly. Lan Zhan sees the tremors that he's holding in.

He waves everyone aside and effortlessly pulls the heavy bed next to the other one. Li XiWang claps her hands excitedly and gets into bed, her familiars making approving noises as they crowd her.

Lan Zhan kneels next to Rumi and holds his arms open. He kisses the top of his head, rubbing his back.


Rumi shakes his bald head, his purple eyes so huge they're almost all black.

Lan Zhan doesn't know what has him spooked. And he's not sure how to make him feel better either.

"WingAnLaZhan?" Rumi whispers against his neck.

"Yes. We are here. Rumi and Li XiWang are safe." Lan Zhan emphasises. "And it is time to sleep." Rumi hangs on even tighter, shaking his head. His eyes fill with tears.

Lan Zhan now feels uncertain. Rumi never does this, he's the best child.

But something has him worried enough that he won't let go of Lan Zhan’s robes yet.

"Shall I lie down next to you?" Lan Zhan asks.

He knows Wei Ying is waiting for him but it's a shame he cannot be in two places at once, because he feels so torn.

Rumi nods.

Lan Zhan picks him up and arranges him in between Li XiWang and himself, bringing the sheets up to cover all three of them.

DaErduo and Xiao Mao lie next to each other near Li XiWang's feet, curled into circles of fluff. They close their eyes but one ear twitches on both of them.

Lan Zhan begins to hum quietly.

It is always their song.

Made from love, made for his love.

He remembers writing down the notes, the composition of which came to him in an instant, brilliant moment. A few tweaks and it was ready.

As deep and meaningful as their love, this song had brought Wei Ying back to him. It was priceless.

And somehow, it was just as important to their children now.

No matter how often Lan Zhan played it, or heard it, this melody had the same impact every single time. It evoked the memories from days gone by, the richness of their lives when intertwined together.

Thirty days spent in each other's company, when the scent of sandalwood and lotus flowers mingled and became one.

Lan Zhan can see now, how much he was affected by the Jiang Head disciple. Such a person had never come into his life before, one who upset the natural balance of Cloud Recesses like a tornado of action and destruction.

The action happened outside, but the destruction? That was all inside him.

That year was when Lan Zhan began questioning ... everything.

How those bright silver eyes stole his heart like a thief in the night...and Wei Ying hadn't given it back. Lan Zhan thought that was the safest place for it. And it was the same for Wei Ying....trusting Lan Zhan to keep his heart safe too.

If there were any differences between them, it was this: Lan Zhan had in those days, dragged his feet from the pull...but Wei Ying? Wei Ying had run towards him from the moment he knew what it was they shared.

A magnetism that was theirs alone.

And Lan Zhan would not have it any other way.

When he opens his eyes, Lan Zhan sees that both children are fast asleep now. He bends and kisses both of their cheeks, twice because it's unlikely that Wei Ying will be able to come here tonight.

They sink further into their pillows, sighing further into sleep.

Lan Zhan pats both the dessert fox and the little kitten. Both the familiars open one blue eye each and Xiao Mao licks his fingers.

"Look after them." Lan Zhan whispers.

They both nod seriously.

Their eyes might be closed but they are alert.

Lan Zhan blows out the candle and shuts the door behind him.

He turns and looks...but Wei Ying is no longer there.

The bed where he left Wei Ying is empty.

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