Chapter 120 Home

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Wei Ying is uncharacteristically silent on the way back to Cloud Recesses. Lan Zhan gave him a choice of going back on Bichen or teleporting, and he chose the former.

"Distract me, my love," he says, after they've taken off. "Tell me how you feel, you know, now that you've found your mother's family."

Lan Zhan's hands tighten around his waist. He's always disliked talking too much for himself, not in Wei Ying's case, for that was a relief. But his happiness that he and Wei Ying could communicate without talking, through a priceless mental connection made him think that this particular gift was tailor made for him.

Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan knows that he has Wei Ying's full attention when he uses this mode of sharing. He can always sense his husband's presence, always in the periphery of his mind and yet never entering unless invited.

Lan Zhan, my love.

I wish you to see my thoughts, it will be better, he explains.

Wei Ying's hand pats his arm in agreement, signalling him to continue. Up here with the wind circling around them like hawks out hunting, holding a normal conversation would have been difficult unless they both shouted.

Still, Wei Ying turns his face so his lips skim Lan Zhan's jaw, silently telling him he's ready.

So Lan Zhan opens his mind.

Wei Ying can see how happy Lan Zhan is, knowing that there is family on the outside of Gusu, outside the restrictions of Cloud Recesses. That he has a whole family waiting to welcome him and XiChen into their folds, whenever they want it. To know that they are not totally alone, that they have family aside from their spouses and Uncle Qiren, and it was only ignorance which had kept them apart until now.

And Lan Zhan showed him how much he was comforted by the knowledge that aside from himself and XiChen, another person held a part of his mother with them, passing it down to his young cousin, and the newest member of their family yet to arrive.

That he feels complete, and is comfortable enough with Wei Ying to show it.

Wei Ying does kiss his cheek then, smiling when Lan Zhan angles his face so their lips meet instead. It's exhilarating, being this high up and at the mercy of the wind and air currents, on a precariously thin blade, distracting Lan Zhan like this.

But sometimes, Wei Ying cannot wait until they're on solid ground to kiss his husband, the pleasure so deep and greatly missed when they're not, and sometimes like now, Lan Zhan feels the same.

They land outside the Jingshi and Wei Ying lets go of him, a little more serious now. Lan Zhan keeps an arm around him because he knows how much this means to his husband.

Wei Ying had never had the real actuality of belonging anywhere, something which Lan Zhan always grieved for him. Lan Zhan always wanted Wei Ying to know that he had a home here, in the Jingshi, and it was not dependent on anything, either. It was his home, just as much as it was Lan Zhan's, and their children's, just as much as it had been for his mother.

And it would never be taken away from him, not like Lotus Pier had been, both verbally and physically.

Lan Zhan would make sure of it.

Silently, they make their way to the back garden, where the moon tree gently sways in greeting, showering them with her pale white flowers and infusing the air with their fragrance.

Wei Ying's hand automatically touches her thick trunk, feeling the thriving life force within and connecting in some way.

He unwraps the tablets, and his fingers caress first the lovely flowers and the winding vines that form the border, and then tenderly, the names written in beautiful calligraphy with such care and love.

"You wrote this."

It's not a question, because Wei Ying would recognise the writing anywhere, but his husband was so considerate and kind as to add additional details. More proof of his love.

"Mn, for Wei Ying. I did not want there to be any confusion, had Wei Ying written their names instead."

A laugh bursts out unexpectedly out of Wei Ying's mouth.

No one ever believed him when he said Lan Zhan was funny.

Lan Zhan often compared Wei Ying's brush strokes to code, unbreakable by anyone except for the two of them, since Lan Zhan had kept everything Wei Ying had ever written, including his punishment of writing out the rules. He had extensively studied Wei Ying's writing to be able to read it effortlessly.

Wei Ying clears out a space among the roots of the tree that had sprung up over the soil. It was as if the tree was making a space for his parents.

Lan Zhan brings out some incense and fruit on a silver dish. Wei Ying smiles his thanks because verbal recognition isn't allowed, and in his head, he promises to smother Lan Zhan with kisses, later.

They light the incense and make their bows, three for many reasons.

Wei Ying takes Lan Zhan's hand and his gaze remains on his parents' tablets.

"Mama, Baba, I want you to meet Lan Zhan, my Zhiji. I know in my heart, I've introduced you both to him many times. I've talked about him so much to you, that you might be sick of me by now."

Lan Zhan makes a disgruntled noise about that.

"Anyway..." Wei Ying laughs awkwardly. "I just want you to know that I'm well looked after here. Lan Zhan takes care of me in the best way, and I love him very much. Look at me, I'm still talking about him."

Lan Zhan wipes under his eyes, something hurting in his chest about Wei Ying and his relationship with his parents. Wei Ying had lost them too early and was struggling now.

So he decides to take over.

"Mother, father, you know your A-Ying is too modest. He will not tell you about his achievements, nor of how much he is respected in the Cultivation World now. How his brilliance and extraordinary mind has created tools that we use every day.

"Mother, father, please do not worry about your A-Ying. I promise you now, I might have made a mistake so many years ago, but my heart has always been his. I will stand by his side as long as he lets me, and I shall protect him with my life." Lan Zhan bows once again.

A lump that could not be dislodged was fixed in his throat as Wei Ying cried openly. A small part of him acknowledged that for someone who disliked speaking aloud, Lan Zhan sure stepped up to task when it was required.

His eyes are shut, and so he can only feel when Lan Zhan lifts him into his lap and holds him close.

He lets Wei Ying cry, letting out all the sadness and regret he had hidden away throughout his life, masking it behind a sunshine smile. To let him know that this was his safe place, where he could be himself, and still be loved for it.

That Lan Zhan is his home, forever.

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