Chapter 53 Concoctions

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Lan Zhan had explained to Wei Ying earlier, about the vial of milky liquid that Goddess Chang'e had given to them for Li XiWang and how it had helped to restore his health, and counteracted the poison in his system.

Now, Wei Ying turned to his grandmother.

"Grandmother…can you please ask them for help?" He says, his thoughts crashing into one another in their rush to be expressed.

"Who? And with what? And you know, nothing's for free." She barely refrained from scowling up at the sky.

"Well, we've sort of paid it already, haven't we?" Wei Ying grinned at her. "Please may I have that medicine, my love?" Wei Ying held his hand out towards Lan Zhan, who promptly put the vial containing pearlescent liquid in the centre of his palm.

"This is what the Goddess Chang'e gifted us…but we're gonna need a whole lot more. If that's possible…because we got rid of a problem for them, right? So if they can give us more of this, we may be able to fix the problem with the lotus flowers." His enthusiasm was contagious.

"How will this help? Shouldn't we make sure first?" His grandmother caught on quickly and looked around until her gaze found Jiang Cheng.

"Why the fuck am I suddenly the most popular person here?" Jiang Cheng muttered under his breath, uncomfortably squirming now.

He glared at Zago too, situated right by his side, whose foot kept tapping against the wood of the walkway they were currently standing on right now.

"Bring me a large vessel, or a pot." Baoshan Sanren commanded.

"I want the kids to see this." Wei Ying said, adamantly.

"Mn." Lan Zhan squeezed his waist.

They both glanced at Hui Gai and then all three vanished, just as Jiang Cheng barked out orders at Feng Li Pao, who scurried off in a rush to complete his requests.

Inside the necklace, cheers rang out as the children ran towards their parents. While Li XiWang and Rumi ran straight into the arms of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, Klem waddled over to Hui Gai and Jez cooed adorably in Oge's arms.

"My babies!" Wei Ying was covering their sweet, innocent faces with kisses, making them both squeal and giggle.

Hugs were exchanged and kisses given back, the pain of being separated slowly washing away through the parents' affections.

Lan Zhan had picked up Rumi first and after kissing his pudgy cheeks to chants of "WingAnLaZhan!". They swapped children happily indulging in this sweet sea of love.

"Are you both alright? Truly?" Wei Ying asks them, anxiously, looking from one to the other.

In his head, he was figuring out a way to make them some kind of protection charms to prevent this sort of thing from happening ever again. The fact remained: both he himself and Lan Zhan were prominent figures in the Cultivation world, and that made them targets. The risk to their families was always going to be there…but the children, their kids would always be the most vulnerable ones.

Wei Ying was going to make sure that whoever attempted to touch them with malicious intent was going to severely regret it.

"We were scared…but she didn't hurt us. DaErduo came with us!" Li XiWang said brightly, pointing to the Fennec fox with his big ears already up and alert, listening to the conversation.

"I'm glad you thought quickly and went with them." Wei Ying bowed to him.

Lan Zhan joined him.

DaErduo transformed back into his little Demon form.

"No need to bow. I would do anything for Mistress." He bowed back.

"Tell us what happened." Lan Zhan asked their daughter. His big hand kept stroking her back.

Wei Ying knew he still blamed himself for their abduction and his own hand was rubbing Lan Zhan’s back reassuringly.

They swapped stories eagerly, filling each other in on what happened while they were apart.

Wei Ying made noises of approval when he heard how Li XiWang coaxed EmoHua to chat about herself.

Hui Gai was just as proud of them as their parents. He caught Oge's eyes as the children were talking, and she smiled back warmly, listening to them.

Li XiWang was worried when she heard that her Father Wei had been poisoned. She checked his temperature and his pulse immediately, just to make sure he was alright now.

"Actually, Little Rabbit, we've come to fetch you. We're about to conduct a very important experiment and I know you'll be interested. Wanna help us solve a puzzle?" Wei Ying asked her.

She clapped her hands enthusiastically and nodded.

Seconds later, they were back in Lotus Pier with the rest of the family.

Li XiWang hugged her grandmother who kissed both the children on their cheeks. She too, discreetly checked them out, making sure they were okay.

"Little Rabbit, Goddess Chang'e asked us to give this to you, it's more of her healing medicine. But I would like your permission to use it in an experiment where we're using it to get rid of the infection and the red fungus. Can we?" Wei Ying hands it to her.

"I don't mind…but I don't want her to think we aren't grateful for the medicine." She says. "It's helped us so many times."

"That's why we're going to ask for more…if it works." Wei Ying replies. "I thought if we mixed in some of that magical dust that Bai Hua gave us…it might work. Whatever we're going to do, we have to be fast. Look, it's already spreading." Wei Ying pointed to many crops already succumbing to the attack of the red fungus.

"Let's do it, then." Li XiWang says, handing the vial back.

They fill the cauldron with water and add a few pinches of the magical brown dust, the one that allows anything to grow. Then Wei Ying added a few drops of the milky white essence and Baoshan Sanren stirred the pot with a stick.

"Now, let's hope this works." She says.

"Little Rabbit…you do the honours." Wei Ying encourages her. "You can manipulate all the elements…turn this fluid into a fountain to rain down on the most infected parts."

"Okay, Father." Li XiWang nods and then closes her eyes.

"Her cultivation has come a long way." Wei Ying tells both Lan Zhan and his grandmother, when she throws him a questioning look.

Li XiWang began to concentrate.

She made the sign for water with her palms in the air, infusing her actions with her spiritual power, guiding along her energy to do what she had been asked to.

All the cultivators watched as the water rose up in a powerful arc out of the huge cauldron.

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