Chapter 97 Night Hunt

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They landed just outside the village from where the letter had come from.

A young man, the son of a noble whose father resided in the Royal Court, was having trouble with a ghost that regularly haunted his home. The letter explained the problem and gave them precise directions to reach his home, and since it wasn't far, XiChen had sent him a butterfly, telling him that help was on the way.

Lan Zhan transformed back into his immortal form, and a disappointed whine left Wei Ying's mouth. He had enjoyed petting the great beast, and he giggled at Lan Zhan's expression, who had obviously heard his thoughts.

The children began to follow directions and Lan Zhan too, was walking behind them, when Wei Ying remembered something.

"My love!" He whisper shouted, not wanting the kids and Zhitiao to overhear their conversation.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan stops, waiting for him to catch up.

"Well, about the wall?"

"What about it?" Lan Zhan resumes walking, now not wanting the children to get too far ahead.

"So...?" Wei Ying looks at him expectantly.


"Aren't you going to remedy it? We can't leave it like that!" Wei Ying knows he sounds incredulous, but come on!

"No. And yes, we can." Lan Zhan smirks, taking his arm.

"But the Elders are gonna see that!" Wei Ying pokes his side.

"Let them. That wall stands for truth."

Wei Ying is about to poke him again, when Lan Zhan grabs both his wrists, holding them hostage behind his back. He walks Wei Ying backwards to a wall that hides them from the children, who are patiently waiting further ahead.

Wei Ying can't help feeling a little wild at this; the manhandling is a definite turn on, and the dangerous glint in those magnificent golden eyes makes him want to stoke the fire that always seems an underlying condition in his husband, and he supposes it is the balance between them.

One always pushing while the other pulls.

Continuous and all encompassing.

Wei Ying is breathless already as Lan Zhan takes care to push him up roughly in a manner that won't scrape his back, but lets Wei Ying know exactly who is in control right now.

And yet, Wei Ying never knows when he should stop talking...

"Are you gonna ravish me here, my love?" His eyes are laser focused on Lan Zhan's lips, and he feels as if Lan Zhan doesn't touch him immediately, he will burst into giddy, raging flames, out of control.

"My husband is a naughty man." Lan Zhan agrees, his mouth kissing a wet line from Wei Ying's jaw onto his lovely neck where his skin is the softest, and the tantalising scents of lotus flowers and wine exist in the most potent way.

Wei Ying is just beginning to enjoy himself when Lan Zhan clamps down, his teeth biting into that delicate flesh, and the way Wei Ying's self control evaporates? His answering moan is the only sound in the silent night.

Lan Zhan licks it better, and suddenly lets go of him, striding off to join the children, who had begun to discuss the possibility of multiple ghosts, judging by the recent nearby noises...

Wei Ying's eyes had snapped open, and imagine his shock when Lan Zhan was nowhere to be seen?

Annoyed, and frustrated beyond measure, Wei Ying stomped after them, plotting his vengeance with eager enthusiasm.

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