Chapter 20 Fight

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The stranger who had yet to introduce himself, pulled out his sword with a flourish, waving it in front of him like a madman.

In that instance, Wei Ying knew without a doubt, that Suibian would have to remain sheathed...maybe. The skills of this guy were mediocre at best, and dangerous to himself at worst.

Wei Ying estimated at around ten minutes to put an end to this ridiculous contest.

This guy was one of the reasons why his grandmother had disappeared on a mountaintop and refused to get involved with modern day cultivators, because their swords were stuck up their backsides instead of remaining in their hands.

The man lunged suddenly, but Wei Ying was prepared and neatly dodged his attack, blocking him with Suibian still encased in his scabbard. Wei Ying managed to get in a playful poke under his arm where he had left himself open.

"Aren't you going to take out your sword?" The other man yelled.

"No, my husband won't like that! It's for him only!" Wei Ying giggled, twisting away and whirling in mid-air, only to land another blunt jab at the base of the man's spine.

The idiot hadn't understood and brandished his sword dangerously close to his face, almost tripping up over his own feet. At one point, Wei Ying steadied him with the tip of his handle, and only once he stood straight did Wei Ying plant another well aimed hit to his sternum.

The minutes flew by and Wei Ying's challenger was becoming tired, visibly paler than when he first started shouting out his opposition. He was bent over, panting through overexertian and sweat pouring off his forehead. Wei Ying even gave him time to recover before launching his final attack.

One sharp, swift kick to the back of his knees, and he was down.

Wei Ying bowed, not very low, and mostly to the training ground before returning to his husband.

Lan Zhan covered Rumi's eyes and grabbed him to plant a warm victory kiss on his mouth.

" that you do have Suibian...please fathers...can you show us how you fell in love?" Li XiWang asked, her burgundy eyes bright with hope.

They watched as attendants brought over a stretcher to take the failed challenger away.

"I shall be forwarding a strongly worded letter to Sect Leader Yao complaining on the conduct of his disciple. I think a fitting punishment would be to exclude the Yao Sect from Cloud Recesses for at least six months. What do you think, WangJi?" XiChen came and stood next to them.

"Ordinarily, I would agree with Xiongzhang. However, I believe both myself and Wei Ying were insulted. I am worried that my recovery from such a traumatic episode will take least twelve months. Perhaps Sect Leader Yao could take his issues to Lotus the meantime...." Lan Zhan replied smoothly.

XiChen nodded, the amusement twinkling in his honey-coloured eyes.

"Lan about we take a turn on the training grounds? I feel like I could stretch my muscles seeing as that contest was such a disappointment..." Wei Ying winked at his daughter, who squealed and clapped her hands gleefully.

"Only if Wei Ying promises not to hold back?" Lan Zhan replied, his golden eyes lighting up in anticipation.

Wei Ying grabbed his robes and pressed his lips to Lan Zhan's, smiling through the kiss.

"Only if you make the same promise." He said just as eagerly.

There were murmurs through the crowd, a whispering wave of excited thrills over all who were waiting, ready for the show.

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