Chapter 108 Fear

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Lan Zhan feels a frisson of fear upon hearing those words.

His attention is always on this beautiful man beside him, his heart much too big to hold the amount of kindness, compassion, and love he felt, but right now, it was the matching tension in the tightness of his eyes that had Lan Zhan taking control.

"Just a moment," he says, surprising himself and those around him. Lan Zhan turns to their host. "I have forgotten something at home. May we encroach on your hospitality a little further by your Disciples showing our brothers around, until we get back? My brother has always professed an interest in gardening, and he was looking forward to finding out about the technical differences in growing flowers here in this warmer climate, as opposed to up high in the mountains of Cloud Recesses. He is far too shy to ask so I am taking a liberty by doing so."

Lan Zhan is met with a bubbling enthusiasm from the Sect Leader, who offers to take XiChen and Jiang Cheng on a tour of the boundless grounds himself, while XiChen throws him a baffled but encouraging look, a promise to play along with whatever Lan Zhan wants, because they both know Lan Zhan has just lied through his teeth, and death glares from Jiang Cheng, dutifully following along behind his husband, because he's just as jealously possessive as other spouses when it comes to his husband.

Besides, the Sect Leader has already stolen one hug too many, and Jiang Cheng will gladly enlighten him if he thinks he's going to get any more...

The only one who doesn't seem to know what's going on, is Wei Ying.

They are back in the Jingshi before he blinks.

"What did you forget, my love?" Wei Ying says, looking around and then turning back to him.

"This." Lan Zhan captures his sweet, sweet lips in an urgent kiss, one that seeks to soothe rather than ignite their always dormant passion.

He pours all of his concern into this one connection with his beloved, wanting to show him how much he understands what the following trip will entail, how much of a trauma it is going to be to return to that place, the source of many a contention and simply put, a place filled with bad memories.

Wei Ying makes a hungry sound, wanting to deepen the kiss, and on any other occasion, Lan Zhan would have taken full advantage of the fact, but he knows without a shred of doubt, his husband would rather cut off a limb than talk about his feelings.

So he pulls away first, smiling when he's met with a whine of disappointment and disapproval.

But he keeps a hold of Wei Ying and brings them both to their bed. Sitting down first, he pulls Wei Ying onto his lap, rearranging him so that Wei Ying is facing him.

Whatever Wei Ying sees on his face, it's enough to have him hug Lan Zhan warmly, tucking his face into Lan Zhan's neck. There are small puffs of hot air and silence, because Wei Ying does not want to do this, just as much as Lan Zhan wishes it wasn't necessary.

When he makes no effort to start, Lan Zhan pulls him closer and does it for him.

"You know where we are going ing next?"


"I am worried about you."

Of course, he tries to laugh it off. "No need, no need!" Wei Ying awkwardly laughs, and Lan Zhan realises how much he hates it.

Hates that laugh because Wei Ying is using it to hide behind, using it to cover up how he's feeling, and whether this is because he doesn't want to admit it to himself, or if it's Lan Zhan, he's not sure.

"Wei Ying should always be honest with me, if not himself." Lan Zhan admonishes him lightly, his lips kissing Wei Ying's temple for encouragement.

He knows the moment Wei Ying decides to take this seriously, because he takes a few deep breaths before speaking.

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