Chapter 29 Confusion

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Wei Ying’s face lights up with excitement.

"That's a great idea, XiChen-Ge! Cut out the middle to speak." He says, smiling so brightly that Lan Zhan’s eyes soften immeasurably.

XiChen is happy that he has provided a kind of solution to their problem, since if he knew his Brother-in-Bond well enough, Wei Ying would be torturing himself about one thing or another.

" are we to go about this?" He asks, pouring more tea.

"Well, was kind of unconsciously. Would it be that simple?" Wei Ying turns to Lan Zhan, silently asking for his input.

XiChen loves this about them.

They have a natural way of leaning on each other, a togetherness which just is. It is effortless, as if imbibed in their blood. Somehow one always knew what the other needed and true in reverse.

"We can try." Lan Zhan encourages him.

"Okay...let's try." Wei Ying takes a deep breath. "I wish my brother is cured."

He's looking at the JingLing and it's staring back, its wide blue eyes full of innocent joy. It starts to hum...vibrating with happiness.

XiChen looks over to the purple bird on their bed.

Nothing changes.

Jiang Cheng might even be asleep.

Wei Ying rubs the outer crystal ball once more and again the green smoke puffs out of it. JingLing blinks with its blue eyes, a blankness staring at Wei Ying.

"Maybe it doesn't understand?" Wei Ying repeats himself but nothing happens.

"How about saying his name?" Lan Zhan suggests.

"I wish Jiang Cheng is cured."

The JingLing looks bored and starts to flit about. And it discovers speed.

Now it is zipping across the Hanshi chortling and giggling.

The three cultivators are having to dodge and duck, until Lan Zhan zaps it with an immobility talisman.

Wei Ying is giving him heart eyes.

"Mn? I learn from Wei Ying." Lan Zhan looks smug about that.

XiChen tries very hard not to roll his eyes.

He can understand his husband's reactions a lot better now...

The JingLing starts frowning and there appears to be a little albeit violent storm inside that crystal ball. Little thundery electric strikes on the inside. The bright blue eyes look angry.

"I think it's throwing a tantrum." Wei Ying smiles, because however pissed off it is, it just looks even cuter.

"Maybe we have to treat it like a child. It does seem like one...I wonder why it doesn't remember anything?" Wei Ying says, tapping his nose.

"Do you think it doesn't know what cure means?" XiChen asks. He thinks Wei Ying is onto something.

"Not sure. But I do think we need more information on it. Do you think there are more of its kind? And...what if we're dealing with memory loss?" Wei Ying looks perturbed. "Only because if it is, then how do we cure it?"

"What about the orange and pink plants you brought back? The flowers which restored Master Dashi's memory." XiChen remembers.

"It doesn't exactly have a body...or a mouth." Wei Ying examined the JingLing. "How would we administer the cure? I feel like we're close to the truth though."

"We can ask Xiannu." Lan Zhan says.

"What...her?" Wei Ying considers this.

"We can negotiate. What if we let Xiannu have one wish? It's a take it or leave it deal? Then, if she knows anything at all, it'll help us in two ways: she will have to cure Jiang WanYin and we learn more about the JingLing....because I'm assuming you want to help it too." XiChen smiled kindly at Wei Ying.

Wei Ying beams back.

"I do! And it's a great idea. If Xiannu is desperate, she'll take the deal and it's a win-win for us!" Wei Ying threw himself at XiChen, hugging him tightly, but quickly. He returns to sitting next to his husband and reaching for his hand once more.

Lan Zhan doesn't seem to mind, probably due to the duration of the hug.

"Then shall we go back today?" XiChen asks.

He doesn't mean to be impatient but he feels enough time has passed since he has enjoyed the company of his husband. It will be so nice to have him back.

"Absolutely! We'll get the children ready to go." He pauses suddenly.


" know me...I like to think about the things that can go wrong...just in case. And I thought, what if the JingLing can't give Xiannu what she wants, either? What are we going to do in that scenario?" Wei Ying explains apologetically.

He doesn't want to sound pessimistic, but it's better to be prepared.

It's as if he's popped the bubble of joy over XiChen's head, because the Sect Leader looks downcast.

Just like that, the mood sinks in the room.

"I'm sorry, XiChen-Ge...I don't want to doubt it...but...but what if?" Wei Ying does feel bad now.

"It is better to be prepared." Lan Zhan says, squeezing his hand. He smiles encouragingly. "We can ask. No harm in that."

But they are subdued as they leave to return to the Jingshi.

The children are sitting at the little table. Li XiWang is reading to Rumi, showing him the little pictures drawn by the author. He is nodding along as if he finds it engaging.

"Hello Kiddies!" Wei Ying goes to sit with them and Lan Zhan is feeling happier when they arrange themselves around him. Rumi climbs into his lap and Li XiWang hands him the book.

"Please, you read it, father. You're much better at making him laugh." She says, eagerly.

"Can we read it when we come back?" Wei Ying’s eyes are shining once more, a rejuvenation only possible because of their children.

"Where are we going?" Li XiWang asks excitedly.

"Well..." Wei Ying pretends to think about it. "I seem to remember a certain someone feeling sad about not getting to go to a carnival?"

The moment his words register, there are excited squeals from both the children. Rumi is excited because Li XiWang is, even if he doesn't know where they're going to go. But it doesn't matter, not really.

Lan Zhan is just happy to see them be that way.

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