Chapter 59 Rest

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Back in the Jingshi, Wei Ying feels tired. It's not the kind of tiredness associated with his body, and not at all like the exhaustion he felt before their transformation into dragons. He goes straight towards their bed to lie down.

"Children, would you like to stay here, or come with me?" Lan Zhan asks them.

He cannot sense anything wrong with Wei Ying, and maybe he just needs a nap to feel better.

Li XiWang glances at Rumi and they seem to make a decision together.

"Stay." Rumi says, and goes to curl up next to his father.

"I'll come with you, father." She says enthusiastically.

"Very well." Lan Zhan covers both his husband and child on the bed with a soft blanket. He bends and kisses the top of their heads, promising to return shortly.

Wei Ying nods and as he lies there with little Rumi, he decides to turn into his dragon form. No real reason to, but he feels that whatever is ailing him, will burn away through that form in a much better way. Plus then, there's more warmth for Rumi.

His baby smiles approvingly and cuddles closer.

They both fall asleep quickly.


Lan Zhan and Li XiWang walk over to XiChen's office.

They take a look at what is pending, and make piles marked urgent, and not so urgent. Li XiWang is a fast learner, and together with Lan Zhan, they make quick work of their duties.

Lan Zhan is grateful for the company and it's a nice feeling to have a companion by his side. He patiently explains how to do things, and Li XiWang laps it all up like ice cream.

Then they go and report to Uncle Qiren.

He likes to know what is going on, and these chats over tea are a bonding experience.

Uncle Qiren pulls out a familiar (to Li XiWang) jar, and they share cookies.

When Lan Zhan thinks sufficient time has passed here, they take their leave and just outside, Li XiWang runs towards the Moon Tree. She wraps her arms around its trunk and even though they don't even reach half way around, the tree shudders in welcome.

One single branch comes down and strokes her cheek.

It's too early for blossoms but this connection is nice.

Lan Zhan looks at her and thinks about how fast she's growing up. Children should always be this carefree and joyful…

And then they walk on.

Li XiWang expects them to return home, but Lan Zhan veers off that path and makes for the kitchens.

"Oh, father, are we going to make moon cakes for Father again?" Li XiWang asks him excitedly.

"Not a bad idea. Do you wish to?" He considers it.

"Yes please. Father will be so pleased." She smiles brightly, but then it dims noticeably.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan squeezes her hand.

"Well, it's just that since we got back from Lotus Pier, Father seemed … different. Is he just tired?" She asked, worrying about Wei Ying in her own way.

"Mn. I think so. There are many types of fatigue. One of them can definitely be brought on by having to endure family." Lan Zhan says, matter-of-factly.

Li XiWang giggles.

"Uncle Cheng always seems to be grouchy. Has he always been like that?"

"Mn. His and your father's relationship is…complicated." Lan Zhan refuses to elaborate.

If he said anything more, it would just be his opinion, and he does not wish to alienate their daughter from her other uncle, however justified he might feel.

He would not want Wei Ying to be upset with him.

But he can sense a change in Wei Ying's perception of his brother. It's almost as if Wei Ying is looking at the strings which tied him to the Jiang Clan differently, and perhaps not liking what he sees.

Whatever it is, Lan Zhan has thought of something to lift all of their collective spirits. And visiting the kitchens is part of his masterplan.

Once inside, he finds the cook who had helped them the last time they came here to learn how to make moon cakes. She seems to be used to them now, and readily agrees to help.

This time, they settled on a different recipe.

It doesn't take them long at all to complete all the different parts of these mooncakes, and in no time at all, Lan Zhan is packing them in a wicker basket.

The cook gets excited when he explains what he would like to do; then Li XiWang joins her as they begin to fill up the basket with all the things Wei Ying might like to eat.

Rumi isn't a fussy eater either, and both Li XiWang and her father Zhan share the same taste in terms of bland food. There is plenty for everyone.

The cook stops them, just as they are about to leave.

"Here, I made some peach tea. And this is lemon tea. Both will go well with the moon cakes as a dessert."

They bow in thanks and head to the Jingshi.

Li XiWang gasps upon entering; no matter how many times she sees Wei Ying’s dragon form, it is always awesome. She goes to sit by his side, and her hand strokes the place in between his brows. It's soft and covered with short black fur, tinged with red.

His snout sniffs and he hums awake. One bright silver eye opens to take in the room. And then in a split second, he's transformed back into his human form.

He stretches and yawns…and then attacks. He grabs his daughter, tickling her until she is breathlessly laughing and with little shrieks leaving her lips. Wei Ying kisses both her red cheeks and wipes away the tears of her laughter.

Rumi wakes up too, and Wei Ying gives him the same treatment.

"Let's go and freshen up." Li XiWang takes him by the hand and they go to their bedroom.

Never one to miss an opportunity, Wei Ying bounces into Lan Zhan’s arms enthusiastically. Their lips fuse together in a delightful kiss of greeting.

"How does Wei Ying feel now?" Lan Zhan hugs him tightly, cradling the back of his head and living the way Wei Ying immediately relaxes.

"Much, much better!" Wei Ying says. "I knew something was off in Lotus Pier…I guess…I finally made peace with my past life." He sounds brighter, calmer…and much happier now.


"All the things that happened before, in my old body…they were connected to that one. Any attachments between the Jiangs and myself…in this life…" he sighs. "I can choose. I can take responsibility for my own life…and this time, I'm going to pick me. It will be better for Jiang Cheng too, he'll grow to be more confident as well. This is a good thing."

"Mn, it is." Lan Zhan kisses his hair. "I support Wei Ying, no matter what he decides."

"I love you. So much…"

Lan Zhan kisses away his tears. "As I love you."

These are good ones, and they both don't mind them.

And then, Wei Ying’s stomach grumbles.

He sniffs dramatically, and makes his way over to the wicker basket by the door.

"Lan Er-Gege…what have you got there?" He waggles his eyebrows playfully.

"A surprise for the best husband." Lan Zhan snorts when Wei Ying looks around in fake confusion. "Would Wei Ying like to go on a picnic? There will be a surprise included, made by Little Rabbit and myself."

Wei Ying bounces back to him, with a smile that can light up the room.

"I would go anywhere with you." He vows.

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