Chapter 113 Breakfast

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Wei Ying smiles as Lan Zhan kisses his closed eyelids. It's too late to pretend he's still asleep because no doubt, his astute husband already knows.

"Isn't it too early?" He whines instead.

"Mn. It is closer to lunchtime than breakfast. Your brother is insisting on us having a meal with them." Lan Zhan doesn't appear to be in any great hurry, though.

His beautiful warm lips press lingering kisses in a warm exploration of Wei Ying's face, a gentle perusal of the dips and curves that make his husband look so gorgeous every day.

It is a worship in the very best sense, and Wei Ying is drifting upon a cloud of love and happiness, his mind quickly calculating on whether they have time to do other things, and still be able to bathe in time.

The banging on the door suggests otherwise, and Lan Zhan frowns at the intrusion, elegantly rising from their bed as if he hadn't just been kissing Wei Ying senseless.

A purple Jiang Cheng, both in clothes and face, curtly reminds them that this isn't Cloud Recesses and could they please, please (an extra one for good measure) join them for breakfast.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan ignore his pointed looks towards the sky and blatant references towards the position of the sun.

Too soon, they are seated at little tables scattered in Swords Hall, partaking of lotus tea and crunchy little pancakes, while Feng Li Pao gives Jiang Cheng a report.

It is the ordinary humdrum news of the goings on in Lotus Pier, nothing too bizarre or strange, until there's a pause.

Everyone looks at Feng Li Pao.

He clears his throat, glances too quickly at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, before continuing.

"Hei Xin, a merchant on the docks, wishes to express his sincere thanks to the Young Masters, for the increase in his business since last night. He has been unable to close for the sheer demand of his goods, and it is only because he has encountered trouble restocking, that he's had to close."

Ever sharp at working out that it must have something to do with Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng scowls at him immediately.

"What did you do?"

Wei Ying looks around in a bit of daze, because it's still too early for him, and he definitely needs some more sweet kisses from his husband in order to wake up.

"Us?" He points to himself.

"You." Jiang Cheng insists, glaring at him.

"But, correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't that good news?" Lan Zhan calmly sips his tea, not looking at the Sect Leader.

"Yes, Didi! Something to celebrate for sure!" XiChen smiles brightly at everyone and just like that, Jiang Cheng melts in the face of all of that warmth.

"I still want to know," he gripes, before turning to his Head Disciple. "What does he sell, anyway?"

"Tanghulu." Feng Li Pao informs them.

Wei Ying chokes on his tea.


He snickers after recovering, and Lan Zhan has made sure he's alright.

Jiang Cheng keeps scowling in his direction as if by doing that, it will reveal whatever mischief his brother has been up to.

"And one last thing," Feng Li Pao adds.

Jiang Cheng pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing with consternation. "What?"

"There were reports of a disturbance in the lakes to the west. People saw huge beasts in the waters, although there was nothing to see this morning when we investigated. Only a strange white substance on the surface but it was quickly washed away by the currents."

Again, Wei Ying splutters into his tea, suddenly knowing exactly what had happened, because he suspects Lan Zhan and himself were in the vicinity and the strange white stuff-

"What is wrong with you?" Jiang Cheng glares at him.

Wei Ying tells himself not to look at anyone, but he can already tell that Lan Zhan is wearing the smuggest smile on his face, and if Wei Ying sees it, he's not going to be able to stop laughing. That if anything, will lead to questions which they don't want to answer, and afterwards, Jiang Cheng will wish he hadn't pushed for them.

"What's the plan for today?" XiChen interrupts, saving Wei Ying from having to say anything at all.

"Home?" Jiang Cheng says.

"Ah, you guys might have forgotten but Piao Xue is close by, no? We were going to drop by..." Wei Ying jumps in, reaching for Lan Zhan.

"Mn." Lan Zhan is in agreement, but Wei Ying knows this might be difficult for him.

For XiChen too.

"Are you both sure about going there? You don't have to, if you're not ready," Jiang Cheng says firmly, most noticeably towards his husband.

"WanYin, I cannot speak for my Didi, but I think it's high time we met others from our maternal family. Until a few days ago, WangJi and I had no idea that these people even existed, and now that we do, I for one, would like to meet them." XiChen looks towards his baby brother. "What do you think, Didi?"

"Mn. I support Xiongzhang." Lan Zhan says, appearing calm on the outside.

Are you sure, my love? Wei Ying asks him through their mental connection. He squeezes his hand under the table too, expressing his concern.

Yes, I am sure. I would like to meet my mother's family. If indeed, they are still around. Lan Zhan looks as if he might have more to say, but he changes his mind as Jiang Cheng takes over.

"And what about the Lan students?"

"Oh, the Babies can come with, or stay here, it's up to them." Wei Ying says happily, but his mind is on Lan Zhan and how he's feeling more than anything else for now.

"Very well." XiChen shines his smile around the room. "Shall we go after breakfast, then?"

Jiang Cheng: "*cough - lunch - *cough."

Wei Ying sticks his tongue out at him.

Hui Gai, still invisible here, tips Jiang Cheng's tea into his lap, satisfied with the shrieks of outrage.

It is so much fun being a demon....

WangXian Forever Book 9: The Flower DemonWhere stories live. Discover now