Chapter 107 Breakfast

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It is midmorning, when they hear the knock on their door calling them for breakfast. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan get ready quickly, and leave their quarters. The servant is walking fast in front of them, and refuses to make eye contact.

Wei Ying isn't sure why, but everyone they pass is the same, with added blushing.

Last night, and the early hours of this morning are a bit of a blur for both of them.

Still, outside, the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day.

Until they get to the same tables laden with food for breakfast. The fragrance of hot food, of fresh pancakes and cinnamon rolls, sweet pastries and hot chocolate make their tummies rumble, and soon enough after they greet Ouyang Zhongzu, they're sitting down to eat.

The Sect Leader looks subdued, and he often gazes around him and sighs. He lingers on the mutilated plants with an unrivalled sadness.

Wei Ying looks around discreetly, just in case his defence has to border on plausible deniability, but even he has to admit, the destruction is solid.

Hardly any flowers remain to be enjoyed, crushed and half eaten petals with mangled plants are only some of the chaos left to view. The gardens look ravaged and terrible, as if a swarm of monsters have stumbled through creating havoc in the wake of their passing.

Wei Ying feels terrible about it.

Ouyang Zizhen joins them a while later, followed by tired out and exhausted-looking ducklings. They barely manage to bow, and they're half asleep at the table.

Everyone is quiet, even when XiChen and Jiang Cheng join them, moments later.

In the brutal light of day, the wrecked gardens look worse. Soil has been trampled by little determined feet, and it might have been funny, if the adults did not feel responsible for the damages.

Lan Zhan cannot bear the sadness on Wei Ying's face.

His Wei Ying should always be happy and so immediately, he thinks of Hui Gai.

The demon shows up immediately, grinning broadly.

"PengYou!" He collects on his hug straight away, and Wei Ying feels marginally better.

"Dear friend, please could you do us another favour?" Lan Zhan asks him.

"Anything." Hui Gai promises, thinking how far they have come.

Lan Zhan explains what he needs, not letting Wei Ying hear him. It will be a surprise and he hopes, a welcome one.

Wei Ying is still distracted as he turns to the sad Sect Leader.

"How many times does your crop flower a year?" He asks, deferentially.

"Two for sure, three if we're diligent with pruning."

"And this was the first crop?" Wei Ying asks, hopefully.

Ouyang Zhongzu shakes his head mournfully.

Hui Gai returns, and hands Lan Zhan what he asked for.

Lan Zhan puts both items in Wei Ying's lap, waiting for him to understand.

It is the green lacquered box, the gift from the Stargazer, containing the magical brown dust which allowed plants to flourish. And the bag of Moon tree seeds.

The look on Wei Ying's face is priceless!

"My love! Omg, thank you for remembering this!" He wraps his arms around Lan Zhan and hugs him tightly.

This is the best feeling in the world for Lan Zhan.

To be able to restore the shine in his eyes, and the all important return of Wei Ying's smile... that is what Lan Zhan lives for.

WangXian Forever Book 9: The Flower DemonWhere stories live. Discover now