Chapter 106 Frisky

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Lan Zhan's eyes kept closing against his will, which wasn't fair because then, how could he keep looking at Wei Ying? He let out a whine of frustration, and was immediately soothed by words, the tone of the one speaking filtering through to him far better than what was actually said.

Wei Ying was stroking his hair and murmuring, not really saying anything important, just enough words to calm Lan Zhan down.

Who knew the fruit was that dangerous? And why hadn't Ouyang Zhongzu said anything?

Wei Ying sighed.

They were walking behind Ouyang Zizhen, who for the most part seemed giddy with excitement that he was getting to escort the Yiling Patriarch and Hanguang-Jun to the guest quarters, and he was fan-girling on another level.

"Um, can you please make sure the children are alright?" Wei Ying managed to tell him, just as Ouyang Zizhen opened the door to the room where they would be spending the night.

"Of course. Please don't worry about a thing."

He doesn't make for a convincing case, and Wei Ying has to ask, "did you guys know what the fruit was gonna do? We might have been able to nip things in the bud..."

Ouyang Zizhen manages to keep his composure for a total of five seconds before clutching his stomach and laughing out loud at the unintentional pun, given the destruction to the priceless flower beds outside.

"Good one, Wei-Qianbei!" He's still laughing as he walks away, giving Wei Ying finger guns.

Wei Ying turns around and places Lan Zhan on the bed.

Lan Zhan, who is mostly asleep now, and as child-like as never before. He's pouting even as Wei Ying takes off his guan, and begins to undo the sash at his waist.

"Wei Ying..." he mumbles, with half-closed eyes, blinking slowly as if his eyes won't do what he wants them to.

"I'm right here, my love." Wei Ying leans down to kiss his forehead, smiling when Lan Zhan grips his waist, unwilling to let go.

"Stay." Lan Zhan murmurs, giving up the fight to stay awake.

Wei Ying quickly divests him of the extra clothes, strips down to his sleeping robes and lies down next to him.

Today has been full of unexpected surprises and he's feeling tired. Lan Zhan rolls over in his sleep and ends up sprawled over Wei Ying like a weighted blanket, a final sigh before they're both out like a light.


Hui Gai was watching the chaos with a mild concern.

There was a distinct difference between the young ones of both Sects, to be sure.

The Baby Lans were excited kids with no rules to hold them back and yet they were cautiously experimental in what activities they indulged in, from wolfing down petunias and talking to roses because they were seeing something else right now.

The Jiangs, though?

Seasoned mischief makers for sure!

They instigated and carried through every act of mayhem, and the servants of the Ouyang Sect were running around after the little blighters like headless chickens, until Hui Gai took pity on them.

"What are you gonna do?" Zago asked, returning to his side.

Hui Gai eyed her bulging pouch full of stolen star fruits.

"Put this party to an end. PengYou won't be happy if they hurt themselves." He snaps his fingers and the children freeze.

Chuo returns and turns into a trusty carpet again, as Hui Gai thinks on where he's actually going to take the Babies. If he returns to Gusu, no doubt the repercussions won't be good, so Lotus Pier it is.

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