77|Two years later

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Riley's POV
It has almost been three years since I first arrived at the compound. Well its been around 2 years and 8 months ish, it's officially been just over two years since Steve and Bucky adopted me. I am now eighteen and Wanda, along with Pietro turned twenty a couple of months ago. My life has never been better. Me, Peter, MJ and Ned all finished school. Deciding against taking my education further I became a full time Avenger. Peter, Ned and MJ went to university, but they are coming back soon on their breaks. It strange not having Peter at the compound but we do FaceTime nearly everyday. He seems to really enjoy his time at university.

I knew I wouldn't do well at university. I only really just managed to get through high school. I also wouldn't do well far away from the compound. I would miss the Avengers too much, they are my family now. Tony lets me use his labs and I continue to learn though that. I go on missions lots more than before which is fine, well, some are better than others.

one mission Peter managed to get shot and almost die. It was just before my birthday actually, about a week before:

We are all invading a Hydra base. That's been what most of our missions have been. It's been a long process. We have tired to take down as many agents as possible, wait until S.H.I.E.L.D gets here with the arresting equipment and then we help clean up, take any pieces of data and information we need and then we leave and sleep for a few days. I am so ready for that multiple day sleep now.

"Ah, shit. Fuck that hurt" Peter exclaimed into coms.

"Peter, what the hell have you done now. Please tell me you did not get shot" Tony said, slowly saying his name.

"I did not get shot. I, okay that may be a lie" Peter quickly corrected himself, he isn't exactly a very good liar.

"Are you alright. Where did you get shot?" I ask, trying to remain calm. I would be more worried if someone more human got shot, but Peter with his spider powers isn't affected by bullets as much. We both can speak from experience with that.

"Well, erm, in my thigh" he says slowly, large pauses between each word. Now I'm worried. The thigh is a dangerous place to get shot, the bones make lots of blood there as they are the biggest so any damage to the bone is very dangerous. There are obviously import blood vessels too, also putting him at risk.

"Well shit" I say "coming to get you Peter, don't move, keep pressure on the wound I don't care how much it hurts. MJ will kill me if you die, and I might resurrect you just to kill you again" I say, knocking out two more agents before quickly rushing over to Peter.

He is leaning against the wall, griping his thighs definitely in lots of pain. I take the med kit of my belt and quickly open it up. "Sorry Pete, I'm going to have to rip your suit just a little bit" I say, knowing how much he cares about his spider suit.

"Fine" he pouts sadly.

I quickly take the bullet out, after making a slightly bigger rip in the suit to get a better angle. I make sure to clean my hands before and after helping Peter. After cleaning, stitching and cleaning and bandaging Peter is definitely more stable. He wont lose any more blood.

"You are so lucky, if the bullet went any further the bone would be damaged and we don't want to deal with that shit" I say relieved.

"Thank you Riley" Peter smiles his signature bright smile before wrapping my into a tight hug.

"I'll help you back to the jet" I say, peter pouts again shaking his head "oh stop being a baby, if you fight you'll rip your stitches and someone will have to do them again, that person being me! So you can go and mope like a baby on the jet!" I say.

"Fine" Peter responds. Smiling I help him limp his way onto the jet before joining the fight again. Peter chatting to me the whole time. Purposefully bugging me just because he had to sit in the jet. He's such a baby.

"Peter Benjamin Parker. If you do not shut up right now I am going to end up getting shot!" I shout, not too loudly.

"Peter I do not want my girlfriend to get shot so please be quiet." Wanda says into coms.

"Okay I'll be quiet" Peter says.

"Thank you" I respond, finally able to focus. Well I could focus before but Peter was getting annoying. I doubt Peter would have ended up being the cause of getting me shot anyway. I just wanted him to be quiet so I could hear my music.

After a long fight we finally made our way back onto the jet, I sat next to Bucky leaning my head on his metal shoulder.

"Peter you got blood all over my suit!" I exclaim. Looking down onto my suit.

"Well its not my fault. I didn't go over the the guy and be like 'dude, can you shots my so I can get my blood over my friend suit' don't Blame me" peter responds.

"Well maybe you should have avoided getting shot then" I respond.

"Guys, stop fighting. I'm sure Tony can sort both of your suits out" Steve tells us. Sighing I nod.

Natasha's just sits in the corner obviously laughing at our interaction.

"Natasha, stop laughing you are not helping the situation" Steve whisper shouts. Me and Peter burst out laughing at his comment, our feud forgotten.

"Thank you for stitching me up Riley" Peter says, I smile and nod

"I suppose I can forgive you for getting blood on my suit" I say, peter smiles and nods back.

We all arrived back to the compound that day very tired. May thanked me for helping sort Peter out and MJ gave me a big hug. A week later and Peter was almost completely healed for my birthday. Tony had organised a party to celebrate but it was strictly on Avengers and friend allowed. He knew I wouldn't want a bunch of snobby rich strangers at my party.

Everyone had given me loads of presents and we had a really good time. One the party was finished Me and Wanda went to her room and watched a movie. We did the same thing on my 18th also. It's like our tradition now. We did it on Wanda's 19th and her 20th too. We watch movies, sitcoms or some Tv shows until we fall asleep. We are always tired after the party Tony sets up so don't really make it that long, we normally get though a movie and a bit or a couple episodes of a TV show.

Me and Wanda are still going strong. We have been on many more dates been if it was difficult to we managed to find the time. Our schedules are always full. Missions sometimes clash and one days where we are supposed to have a date we are out raiding hydra bases or fighting, but I try to be funny and say something like 'this isn't how I imaged our date to be' or 'that date could have gone better' Wanda laughs most of the time.

My life has never been in a better place and that is all thank to the Avengers. They saved me.

This story is officially finished. Thank you all so much!
This fanfic was honestly longer than I expected but it's fine
Thank you all so much for reading, voting and commenting. I genuinely really appreciated it.

I am going to be on a little break from writing so there might not be any other fanfics for a while but I promise there will be one at some point. I just can't promise when

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