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"Are you ok?"

Those words rang out in my head-I was there right in front of him but I was also back in that alley, clothes torn and blood everywhere.

"Hey. You ok?" He asked quietly, gently touching my shoulder and I flinched slightly, my mind coming back to present. "Yeah. Shit sorry," I rubbed the back of my head.

He threw me a questioning look as if to say 'I don't believe you' but I held my finger up. "Gimme a sec," I said flatly as I stepped over Dave's unconscious body and ran to the stool inside, grabbing my jacket. "Lexy?" Clare asked quietly and I just shook my head in reply, giving her the keys to my bike.

I went back outside, grabbed my phone from Dave's hand and turned back to the man. "Ok, now I'm good." He smiled crookedly and began walking away when I decided to fall into step with him.

He knew I was there but he ignored me all the same for a few blocks before he sighed loudly and looked at me. "Romania 2016 right?" I tripped over my own foot and spun, slamming my back into the wall behind me, the wind escaping my lungs, but better that than face planting the sidewalk.

I grabbed my chest, inhaling deeply as I stared at him, those blue eyes watching me with curiosity. "You...You remember?" Was all I got out, my voice barely above a whisper. He nodded slightly, like it was plainly obvious that he remembered.

Slowly I peeled myself from the wall and we continued walking quietly, I was actually lost for words and he seemed like a man a few. I stole glances every now and then, still trying to wrap my head around the fact HE was right here.


I hadn't even realised we'd walked back to my apartment block until he opened the door for me and I frowned slightly as I stepped through the threshold, him following behind me.

We took the stairs, slowly walking up the flights until we got to my floor and the frown on my face deepened as he strolled right up to my door, then past it to the one down the hall. He unlocked it then motioned for me to follow him.

Call my stupid or crazy but I followed him inside, confused and still speechless. His apartment was bare, only the basics like a TV, a couch and fridge, that I could see. Once inside he closed the door, locking it and I spun.

"Sit," he said quietly and I kept my eyes on him as I sat down on the couch. He moved to the kitchen, pulling two beers out and handed me one before sitting in the chair he'd just grabbed from the corner of the room and sat opposite me.

He looked the same yet different, but it was his hair that was different. No longer a shaggy mop, no now he looked just like his display, just like he had in 1943. But his eyes too-I could see he was different, less tormented.

"Sergeant, James Buchanan Barnes," I said so quietly I wasn't even sure he heard me but he smiled crookedly and I knew he had.

I studied him closely, still unable to believe that twice now, he'd saved my life. "That guy," he began but I growled softly. "An ex?" He asked casually and I nodded as I took a sip, my eyes still glued to him before I finally blinked.

"How the hell are you my neighbour? Are you stalking me?" I questioned him, trying hard not to freak out and he chuckled softly. "What?" I asked seriously, frowning at him.

"It's called 'shadowing'," he said it so casually that it was hard to believe he was 106 years old. I couldn't tell if he was being deadly serious or making light of the situation so I stuck my hand out to him, motioning for his left hand and he frowned.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now