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Here we go.

22! I do love this chapter and where it starts going.
Please let me know what you think.
Otherwise enjoy.


"Will you lie still! I can't fix this if you keep moving." I growled at Bucky as he continued to squirm on the old couch, while I had the needle and sutures in my hands, hands that were covered in his blood. "I'm trying." He snapped back and I glared at him, narrowing my eyes.

His face dropped. "Sorry." He apologised softly and I sighed deeply because I couldn't blame him. We'd just jumped, well I'd been thrown and he jumped, out of an exploding plane not even 3 hours ago and he had ripped his stitched open. "Just let me finish this please."

He laid still, long enough for me to finish up, bandage him and clean him off again. "How did you know about this place?" I asked as I walked around the living room, cleaning my hands up. He'd brought us to this tiny little cabin that seamlessly blended into the forest. So seamlessly that I didn't even notice it until we were right on top of it. It was dusty, run down, barely even liveable but it was hidden, forgotten and right now, we were safe.

"Came across it while I was, him." He replied, groaning as he tried sitting up. "Ah don't you dare." I grumbled to him, grabbing his shoulders and holding him down. "You are staying right there. You need to heal." He pouted slightly but slumped down, remaining where he was and I smiled softly before I moved to the chair by the window and laid my gun on my lap.

He slept soundly enough while I kept watch. Torres and Blackwood had heard enough, they knew we'd been attacked and would have a rough location on where the plane disappeared so I knew they'd be looking for us but if we'd been tracked, or there was a leak, I was worried about them finding us. And how any of us were safe. I mean we still had what we stole from Enzo so we were the main targets at present.

Night fell quickly and the cabin got pretty cold so I moved, searching the cabinets and wardrobe for anything to keep us both warm. I found an old blanket, dusty but it would do so I shook it out and placed it over Bucky because he'd started shaking. His wound was ok now, but he had lost a fair amount of blood so he needed to rest. Actually rest.

The night went smoothly. Nothing happened. No one found us. Bucky groaned slightly as he stirred awake and I holstered my gun as I sat down on the edge of the couch. "How you feeling?" A smile crossed his face as he opened his eyes. "Like crap." I smiled stupidly and moved the blanket before I lifted his shirt and checked his bandage. "Looks better at least."


We spent 3 days in that cabin. Bucky got some well needed rest and his wound had healed up nicely. Thankfully on his 'adventures' he'd stashed non perishables here so we at least we had some food but not enough and even though I could have hunted because there was plenty of rabbits around, the risk of a fire and smoke was just to high. So we had to leave.

My feet were killing me. We'd been walking for hours, avoiding the roads but sticking close enough to them so we could find our way and hopefully land in a town, which thankfully we did. Bucky kept his hands in his pockets, keeping his very obvious vibranium hand hidden and a cap on. I made sure to keep my hair down, jacket on to keep my tattoos hidden and my hood up.

As we moved through the town I realised we had gone further north than first expected but that did mean it was colder so being as wrapped up as we were didn't seem that out of place. We sat at the local Cafe, having a much needed coffee and sandwich. Bucky's eyes never stopped scanning, assessing, every movement and every person who entered and exited the Cafe.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now