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I actually wrote the rest of this book and completely forgot how much I love the end of this chapter.
Don't worry it's not ending yet!

Enjoy my loves!


A week into being back home I'd begun to work through the trauma of what had happened, by throwing myself into training again, spending 4 hours every morning sparring with Bucky before practising my knife throwing and using the skills Ayo had taught me. It helped, enough so I didn't want the bottle but I still had to work through what I'd seen and surprisingly Bucky wanted me to talk to him about it.

We'd just finished another sit down, and I realised it was slowly getting easier to talk about, I wasn't having panic attacks every time I thought about it, when I decided I needed to enjoy the little things in life again. I'd hooked my phone up to the stereo system and put music on, dance music from the early 2000s, anything with a decent beat and cranked the volume up.

I moved the coffee table out of my way so I had plenty of dance space and slowly started to moving around the room, singing at the top of my lungs. The music was loud, pumping through the floor right into my soul as I danced around the room, swaying and shaking my hips as I moved to the kitchen and poured myself a bourbon before moving back to the lounge room.

It was nice, to just do this again. Sing and dance and drink. I'd behaved myself after Bucky told me off the first night home but tonight, tonight I wanted to drink and laugh and just forget about my training, about the job and every other painful memory that went along with it. Tonight I wanted to be Lexy, just Lexy.

3 drinks in and I was feeling the warmth and light buzz from the alcohol, feeling more relaxed and content and I had completely forgotten that Bucky was even home, having been upstairs in the shower, until I spun around and bumped into him, nearly tripping over but he caught me. "Whoops." I giggled loudly as I looked up at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked gruffly, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly and I grinned stupidly before I flicked his forehead and pulled out of him arms, going back to dancing. "Letting go Bucky." I sang out to him as I had another mouthful straight from the bottle, watching him stalk over and reach for the bottle. I smacked his hand and held the bottle away from him. "I'm not drinking myself into the ground Bucky...I'm just enjoying myself ok." I said seriously, pouting playfully at him.

He moved quickly, spinning me and pulled me against his chest, his left arm wrapping around my waist as he pulled the bottle from my hand and I went to complain until he lifted it to his mouth and took a swig. "I've missed your smile." He whispered against my neck and I felt the goosebumps on my arms appear before he gave me the bottle back.

I slipped from his arms and took another mouthful as I danced around, watching him drop to the couch and sit back, smiling softly at me and I smiled widely in return as I continued dancing, singing and drinking. At one point I was standing on the coffee table singing loudly, swaying my hips before I hoped down and dropped to Bucky's lap, straddling him.

"I am a mess." I giggled softly as I looked at him, biting my lip and he grabbed my chin gently, pulling me closer until he booped my nose. "You are never a mess Lexy." He said quietly and I swatted at his hand, giggling stupidly before I got up, grabbing his hand and tugging him to get up too. "Dance with me Bucky." I begged, my voice slurring slightly and he chuckled softly before he got up with me.

A squeal left my mouth before I skipped to my phone and changed the genre from 2000s to the 1930/ 40s, watching Bucky's face soften as I moved back to him and draped my arms around his neck. His hands found my waist instantly, pulling me closer to him as we swayed slowly to the music. "So old school of you." He teased me lightly and I giggled softly, running my fingers up and down the back of his neck.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now