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Bucky passed out after he said that and I held him. Soaking him up as I waited for back up, curled up under my wings with him.

Sam arrived first. I knew the sound of his pack better than anyone and I lowered my wings, smiling up at him as he approached. "L-Lexy?" He whispered and I reached out for him, feeling the tears burn my eyes before he dropped to me, wrapping me up in that brotherly hug I missed so fucking much.

"You were dead. You were...he shot you...Lexy." He cried. I cried. It was just too much at once. 6 months of pain for all of us and now we could finally let it go, finally be free. I held both of them, tightly as I heard the Wakandan ship land and heard Shuri scream when she saw me. Sam let me go, taking Bucky to the ship and I got up, smiling weakly as I wiped my eyes before she tackled me, squeezing me so tightly I thought she might kill me.

"Lexy." I looked up at T'challa as he removed his helmet and smiled as he rushed us, hugging both me and Shuri. "I'm so sorry guys." I croaked. T'challa shook his head. "Explain later." He said softly, and I choked, trying to hold back tears before they let me go and I straightened up. "Bucky's been shot, we should probably go sort that out." I said flatly as I looked towards the ship before groaning pulled my attention. "And someone deal with her before I kill her." I grumbled.

"She is ours." T'challa said seriously as he moved to Sharon, cuffing her before he dragged her to the ship. I turned towards the quinjet and smiled stupidly, that bloody ship. "You guys go ahead, I'll meet you back there, I need to talk to Yelena." Shuri nodded softly before she peeled off and hopped into the ship, before it took off, heading back to Wakanda to treat Bucky.

I patched into the earpiece I pulled from Enzos limp body, smiling in satisfaction that he was dead. Ugghh horrible Lexy. I grabbed my mask, Bucky's had said his mask and while similar, it was entirely my own, and my goggles before I spoke. "Yelena? Still breathing?"

"Lexy? Where the hell are you?"

"Bridge. Where are you?"

"Oh. Yeah, I see the plane." I whipped my head up as I spotted her moving around the car with a man limping next to her, a big burly man. "You both look like shit." I said flatly as I approached them and Yelena rolled her eyes before punching my arm. "That's for letting me think you were dead." I scruffed her hair before I took in the man with her. "Alexei Shostakov I take it?" I questioned him curiously and he stared at me, slightly confused and slightly in awe I think.

"Yes, Lexy meet my father, father this is Lexy. The crazy son of a bitch we all thought was dead." I bowed slightly before I hoisted his other arm over my shoulders. "I will explain everything when we get to Wakanda. Also, Fury told me if you survived, she's yours." I said jutting my chin towards the quinjet. "He said that thing was Natasha's pride while she worked for him so who better to inherit her than you." I could have sworn I saw tears well in her eyes before she shook her head.

"To entice me to join?" She asked flatly and I smiled weakly. I knew she'd ask that, knew she'd question why. " can do as you please. He'll be happy to have you, but you don't, if you don't want to, then he won't force it. The ship is yours, no strings." We hauled Alexei into the hull and set off. The smile on Yelenas face while she sat in that pilot seat, it warmed my heart to see her that happy, that at peace.

"Let's see those injuries then." I said flatly to Alexei and he smiled weakly as he pulled his jacket off. I knew he'd been a strong, solid man at one point but he had let himself go a bit. "We're you just faking all that?" Yelena asked, sounding bored as I checked him over. "Nooo, I am injured." He retorted, sounding almost offended and I snickered quietly to myself. He had bruises and scraps and a bullet had grazed his side but he was otherwise fine. "I think it was his ego." I replied to Yelena and his mouth dropped open.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now