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I was perched up in the large oak tree out back, just relaxing as the world slowly turned by, listening to the birds, the water and the breeze in the leaves. "Hey you." My eyes darted to the ground and I carefully climbed down, swinging and hoping from branch to branch, landing gently in front of Sam. "Hey yourself." I smiled widely as we embraced, hugging tightly.

"What's been going on?" I asked him, linking my arm around his waist, his own wrapping around me as I led us to the back door. "Not much. Been quiet actually, work wise. How about you? How's living with Mr broody going?" He replied, teasing slightly and I growled softly at him, heading inside to the kitchen. 

"Fine actually. Much easier than I'd imagine it would be, living with you." I jested back, grabbing 2 beers and handing Sam one. "Ouch." He smiled crookedly, taking a swig. "Where is he anyway?" He asked, following me to the couch. "Went into town. I think he's grocery shopping." I answered, taking a sip.

Sam relaxed, leaning back into the couch as he looked around. "This is nice." He said quietly, turning to me and I smiled softly. "It is Sam. I never did thank you for asking him to babysit me." He waved me off, but I was serious. "No, seriously Sam…thank you. He's been a goddamn blessing. He really has." I took another sip and noticed his brow raise, and I knew what he was thinking.

I quickly punched his arm, gently but still enough force to make him huff. "Don't. It's not like that…you know me, you know it's not." He went to speak, then stopped and simply nodded instead. "Can we meet up for lunch at the bar in town on Thursday?" I asked hesitantly. "Absolutely. We haven't gone out in ages and it would be nice to do so again."

He smiled softly and I got up, hearing the truck pull up outside. "Awesome. But it's 3 of us. Bucky's coming too." I moved to the door and Sam followed, shaking his head in amusement. "You won't hear me arguing." He went outside first and I followed close behind.

Bucky jumped out of the truck, looking between Sam and I before he moved to the passenger side and grabbed the bags, carrying them past us. "One more in there for you Lex." He said gruffly as he entered the house. I watched him go, then turned to Sam who looked as confused as I did but I shrugged slightly and went to the truck.

"So it's Lex now too, huh." He teased me. I ignored him as I grabbed the bag, opening it slowly. My heart skipped and I actually took a step back, bumping into a warm body and I spun, looking up at Bucky, absolutely lost for words. 

He smiled softly, squeezing my arms gently. "You said you wanted to learn, so I grabbed some basics." He said simply and I turned back to the bag, stepping closer so I could pull it out. It felt so nice in my hand, sturdy, strong yet incredibly light and as I turned it over, studying it closely I spun back to Bucky. "This isn't basics. Bucky. This is vibranium isn't it?" My voice shook as I spoke, clutching it tightly in my hand and I noticed Sam had moved closer.

"What's vibranium?" He asked seriously. I grabbed the remaining items from the bag, pulling the arm braces on, shouldering the quiver then moved past them both and nocked an arrow, aiming at the target in the tree line Bucky used for knife throwing.

I drew my arm back, feeling the ease in it before I inhaled, exhaled then let it go. It flew through the air landing with a thud, in the tree next to the target. I dropped my arm and pouted slightly. "I missed." Then turned to the guys. Sam's eyes were wide but Bucky was just smiling, arms folded across his chest.

"You got her a Wakandan made bow? What else? A dagger set? Maybe some armour…Bucky what are you doing?" Sam asked seriously, sounding and looking pissed. "I mentioned I wanted to learn, Sam, how to use one. Would it really be so terrible if he taught me how to use weapons?" I questioned, folding my arms and cocking my hip. "Did you get me a dagger set?" I looked at Bucky, knowing it would piss Sam off.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now