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Exciting read ahead!
Thing's are going to speed up in their own way now.
More characters are going to be introduced and I'm a wee bit excited for it all.

Again if you're loving this please leave a like or comment.



I was covered in sweat, my nose and lip were bleeding and everything hurt but I needed it, needed to get the anger out somehow and Bucky was willing to be my punching bag. I washed and dried off, feeling very relaxed now minus that niggling feeling in the back of my head, those words Sam had said.

Bucky knocked on the bathroom door and I wiped the tears threatening my eyes before I opened it for him, wrapped only in my towel. He looked at me, his own face bloodied up and I moved aside for him. "Sorry...water is still warm." I said flatly as he stepped inside the bathroom but I felt his hand brush my own and I looked up at him.

"What Sam said." He began but I shook my head, not wanting to hear it, be reminded that he had said it and essentially said that he didn't trust Bucky. "Shower." I replied dryly and left him there, dropping to the mattress stomach first and just laid there, feeling miserable. On top of the drama with these targets, I was now dealing with Sam being overprotective and overbearing and it was just too much.

I must have dozed off because I woke suddenly, panic setting in. "Lex. Lex it's just me." I rolled to my back and exhaled shakily as I stared up at Bucky. "Sorry." I croaked and he sighed lightly, climbing into bed next to me and I sat up, realising I was still only in my towel. "Sleep Lexy. You need to sleep." He whispered softly and I forced a smile before I climbed under the sheets and pulled the towel off.

Fuck it. I can't be fucked caring anymore. I'm too tired. I heard Bucky clear his throat and I rolled my head to him. "You are not going to sleep naked?" He questioned me quietly, nervously and I smiled weakly as I stretched, keeping the sheet up over my body. "It's freeing and more comfortable." I replied softly, seeing the worry cross his face and I wriggled closer to him, watching his pupils dilate slightly.

"Bucky don't get all weird on me ok. It's just my body, you've had glimpses of it before and I told you I don't care anyway." I said softly, remaining on my pillow and not laying against him purely because I wouldn't push him that far. He rolled to me and frowned slightly before he got up and went through my bag, pulling out a black thong and I giggled as his eyes widened before he threw them at me. "At least put those on." He huffed as he climbed back into bed.

"Fine." I giggled softly, pulling on the thong under the sheets before I rolled over to him, curling up against him, wrapping my arm around his chest. He inhaled shakily and I felt his heart race speed up the moment my bare breasts pressed up against him and I tilted my head, looking up at him. "You are cruel sometimes." He croaked slightly and I smiled cheekily, kissing his cheek. "And you need to get laid Bucky...maybe you'd be less broody." I teased lightly.

His arm wrapped around me tightly and he pinched my hip gently. "Very funny Lexy." He grumbled quietly. I flicked his forehead and poked my tongue out at him, before I laid back down and rolled over. I was surprised when he rolled to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him and I sighed happily as I sank back into him.

"Lexy...I know he's your family but what he said." I tensed slightly and rolled my head so I could look at him. "You know I'll protect you...right." He looked and sounded genuinely concerned and I rolled enough so I could cup his face. "James, whatever is up Sam's ass is his problem ok...I know you will have my back. You have always had my back...I trust you, wholeheartedly." His face softened completely and I leant forward, pressing my lips to his.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now