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Alright loves!

Things get a bit wild AND we finally get a Bucky POV



"Rise and shine princess."

Ugghh what the fuck was that smell? And who the hell was calling me a princess? "Owww." I groaned as I rolled over, feeling my hands shackled behind my back and the ache in my head. And was that blood, I could taste? "There you are princess. Time to wake up." Was that?

"Walker?" I croaked as I opened my eyes, blinking the blurriness away until I found him, just sitting on a stool behind bars, smiling at me. "The one and only, or though now I'm known as US Agent." I groaned again as I forced myself into a sitting position, folding my legs. "The fuck is this?" I spat, removing what blood I could from my mouth.

He got up and moved closer, a disgusting look in his eyes as he licked his lips. "This is your new home...while we wait to flush out your lover boy and his pet." His voice went from sweet to menacing as he spoke and I recoiled slightly. He watched me for a while longer before he left, leaving me alone in this cold, wet cell, in god knows where.

"Fuck." I hissed at myself as I checked my hands. I was hooked up to anything so I carefully moved myself, bringing my hands under my legs and out in front of myself, wincing at the stabbing pain in my shoulder. But yay, my hands were free, in one way. I pulled myself up and moved my body slowly, feeling for breaks, or injuries but apart from the blood in my mouth and the ache in my head, I appeared to be unharmed.

I checked my cell, looking for anything, any tool or crack, any way out but apart from the bars in front of me, I was stuck. Caged. I was caged. The anxiety kicked in so I dropped to my ass and put my head between my legs, forcing myself to breathe through my nose, forcing myself to calm down. I couldn't fight if I was having a panic attack. God I hope vulture got back to the and Shuri got the SOS.

I tried to fight the exhaustion but it claimed me quickly and for 3 miserable days, I remained in that cell alone. My only visits were Walker when he brought me food or simply wanted to watch me, taunting me with what he'd do to Sam and Bucky if they resisted and what he'd make them watch him do to me. "You are fucking tapped you know that." I snapped at him.

"Ahh there's that spark. I thought I'd extinguished it already." He said with a smile and I rolled my eyes, scoffing at him. "God I'm going to enjoy watching Bucky break your legs." I snarled quietly as I moved to the corner furtherest from him. Trying to keep my shit together. "And once he'll be me that puts you down. I told you don't play with us."

He laughed loudly as he got up and opened the cage. I flinched slightly as he entered, seeing that look in his eyes, that hungry, emotionless look and I wanted to throw up as he licked his lips and knelt in front of me. "Are you this feisty in bed? I bet you'd be a lot of fun." He reached out for me and I snapped, biting his hand hard and he yelped, backhanding me with the other, splitting my lip.

"Walker!" He looked at me dangerously as he left, locking the door before he stood to attention, to the woman who had entered. "I told you no playing with the new kid until we had them both." She said bluntly and I wiped my mouth, glaring at her as she waved him off.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now